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Ms. Williams 5th Grade ELA

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1 Ms. Williams 5th Grade ELA
Narrative Writing Ms. Williams 5th Grade ELA

2 Objective and Standard
I CAN learn how to create a piece of narrative writing. (W.5.3)

3 Narrative Writing Tells a story
A piece of narrative writing has certain elements that are not found in other types of writing

4 Elements of a Story Exposition Rising Action Climax Falling Action

5 Exposition Introduces the setting and the characters
This happens first!

6 Rising Action Events that occur in the story that lead to the climax of the story During the rising action, conflict should occur What is conflict?

7 Climax Usually the most exciting, dramatic, or emotional part of the story. This is where the action changes and is usually when the conflict comes to a head (PEAK CONFLICT)

8 Falling Action This is the part of the story where all the loose ends are wrapped up.

9 Resolution The ending of the story Wraps everything up neatly

10 Guided Practice: Little Red Riding Hood
Think about the story of “Little Red Riding Hood.” In your table groups, match the parts of the story with the correct narrative element (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution) 5 minutes, then we will check it together

11 Little Red Riding Hood Little Red Riding Hood sets out for Grandmother’s house Little Red Riding Hood meets the wolf The wolf leaves Little red Riding hood and races to Grandmother’s house The wolf eats grandmother The wolf tricks Little Red Riding Hood The woodcutter saves Little Red Riding Hood

12 Before you write…BRAINSTORM!
Make a MIND MOVIE What do you see? What do you taste? What do you hear? What do you feel?

13 While you write… Make sure your narrative flows and makes sense.
All stories should have a conflict or problem, a climax, and an ending

14 While you write… There should be a good, but short, beginning (attention grabber) and end. The topic should be mentioned in the beginning and end. Transition words should be used throughout your narrative.

15 Narrative Features to Enhance Your Writing
Use of dialogue Descriptive language Effective characterization Past or present tense Use a variety of simple, compound and complex sentences

16 Independent Practice: “The Breakaway”
Independently read the story “The Breakaway.” Once you have read the story, answer the questions about narrative structure that follow.

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