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Hinwick Hall College Homefield College Landmarks Linkage Community Trust Portland College RNIB College, Loughborough.

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2 Hinwick Hall College Homefield College Landmarks Linkage Community Trust Portland College RNIB College, Loughborough

3 There is a lack of information for colleges wishing to establish enterprise activities Many ISCs are small and as a result there may be a lack of knowledge and skills within the staff body to be able to get the enterprise right first time This could have a financial impact, reduce the opportunities for learning and may not meet Ofsted expectations for a practical and dynamic curriculum

4 Explore and produce a best practice guide to support colleges when establishing enterprises and also in developing and growing existing enterprises Enable colleges to learn from others ie share best practice

5 A number of ISCs already operate extremely successful projects. We visited : Derwen College: Farm ShopFarm Shop Homefield College: Barrow of Treats café; Sip & Surf e- bay shopBarrow of Treats caféSip & Surf e- bay shop Linkage College: Image Lab; Gatehouse CafeImage LabGatehouse Cafe Strathmore College: Apedale café, Jasmine florist/cafe, woodwork workshopApedale café woodwork Thanks to all the above!

6 Have a number of enterprises: Farm shop Coffee shop Orangery Restaurant Car Valeting Garden Centre Gallery College Office

7 Jasmine Café is a café and florist, it also pre- trains learners to work at the Apedale cafe Apedale café is owned by the Heritage Trust who work in partnership with the College. The College staffs the Heritage café which provides a service to visitors to the museum. Apedale café

8 Woodwork Workshop Located in a rented business unit on an industrial estate The enterprise makes a variety of items out of wood such as radiator covers and garden furniture

9 Barrow of Treats Café Situated in a Leicestershire village. Internet access, traditional sweet shop and café. Set up 2 ½ years ago

10 Sip & Surf E-retail enterprise selling donated and customer items on eBay for 15% commission Gift shop selling items produced by learners at the College Internet café with high tech i-desks Situated in Loughborough town centre Set up through the Karten Trust Enterprise developed from Aladkins Cave, published on the LSIS Excellence GatewayAladkins Cave Excellence Gateway

11 Image Lab Photographic enterprise On campus Set up 3 years ago Won JISC award Innovation and Inclusion Set up through the Karten Trust

12 Gatehouse Café Located in the community adjacent to East Lindsey District Council Offices in Lincolnshire Linkage Trust won a tender to provide the café in the council owned building

13 A standard questionnaire was completed by the visiting PRD member at each enterprise. Any additional factors/discussions of interest/relevance were noted The completed form was then circulated and shared with the other PRD members via email. Comments/suggestions were welcomed

14 A meeting took place with PRD members on the 8 th March 2011 to discuss the lessons learnt from the enterprises visited From the meeting a Best Practice Guide was developed - available on the table or email

15 Please speak to: Norma Curtis Steve Dorris Kathy Cox Vic Myko

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