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Interagency product quality group

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1 Interagency product quality group
2. Updates on product improvements : Lipid Based Nutrition Supplements (LNS) 3. UNICEF Supply Division – future product improvements Product Update 15/04/2019 Global Nutrition cluster meeting Amman, Jordan October,2016.

2 Inter-Agency Working Group for SNFPs: Background
The Interagency Working group for Specialized Nutritious Food Products (SNFPs) was formed in 2012, in order to formalize collaboration in applying WHO’s recommended nutrient values for foods treating MAM and SAM into workable specifications for procurement purposes. Inter-Agency Working Group for SNFPs: Background

3 Supplier base development over 10 years
From 1-2 suppliers to 20 for LNS products UNICEF supplies 60 nutrition products from > 60 suppliers in 25 different countries Developing in country suppliers is key to our strategy Suppliers in developing nations have challenges (capacity, logistics, etc..)

4 Inter-Agency Working Group for Specialized Nutritious Food Products
Secretariat: Food Aid Quality Review (FAQR) Global Nutrition cluster meeting Amman, Jordan October,2016. 15/04/2019

5 Inter-Agency Working Group TOR: Overarching Goal and Objectives
Overarching Goal: Ensure that specialized nutritious food products (SNFPs) are formulated, produced, and utilized in line with guidance from WHO and FAO in terms of nutritional value and safety, taking into account advances in science best practice and operational needs of agencies. Inter-Agency Working Group TOR: Overarching Goal and Objectives

6 Inter-Agency Working Group: What do we Do?
Develop and align specifications for procurement of SNFPs Exchange information to further harmonize product and supplier approval process Share information on product quality concerns and food safety issues Identify and advocate for local capacity development on SNFPs Liaise with normative bodies and governments and advocate for SNFP quality and standards Inter-Agency Working Group: What do we Do?

7 Includes Nutritional Quality and Food Safety requirements
Harmonized quality standards for LNS products in accordance with WHO and FAO standards Includes Nutritional Quality and Food Safety requirements Interagency partners have also harmonized the labeling colors of products to simplify programing Current Interagency Activities: Harmonizing Lipid Nutritional Supplements (LNS) UNICEF Global Nutrition cluster meeting Amman, Jordan October,2016

8 Harmonizing Lipid Nutritional Supplements (LNS) What’s new?
RUTF, RUSF and LNS-MQ are aligned with the WHO / FAO for Food Safety and WHO Joint statement &Technical note for nutrient intake targets RUTF, RUSF and LNS-MQ (PlumpyDoz) will now all contain milk to support recovery and linear growth (20%; 10% respectively) Peanut alternatives (chick peas, lentils & rice) to use local supplies for RUSF and LNS-MQ products, and RUTF in the future. Harmonizing Lipid Nutritional Supplements (LNS) What’s new? UNICEF Global Nutrition cluster meeting Amman, Jordan October,2016

9 Current Interagency Activities: Harmonizing LNS Products
Sachets will replace pots for LNS-MQ The vitamin and mineral premix ingredient has been reformulated so it can be used in both RUSF and MQ-LNS. Work is ongoing to apply this to RUTF RUSF is now supplied in 100 g and LNS-MQ in 50 g. LNS-MQ can be used in place of RUSF if there are pipeline breaks Current Interagency Activities: Harmonizing LNS Products 15/04/2019 Global Nutrition cluster meeting Amman, Jordan October,2016

10 Harmonized colours for product indications
Arabic labelling Harmonized colours for product indications Red for SAM; Orange for MAM; Yellow for prevention of malnutrition and Green for nutritional gaps 15/04/2019 Colour planogram for LNS products

11 Adapting our supplies to improve quality of therapeutic milks by:
Expanded supplier base so they are aligned with Codex quality standards Identifying optimal packaging- sachets, tins and scoop options through practitioner feedback Application of WHO guidance for preparation of Therapeutic Milk in inpatient facilities Current Interagency working group Projects : Therapeutic Milk MSF & UNICEF UNICEF Global Nutrition cluster meeting Amman, Jordan October,2016

12 15/04/2019

13 Prepare therapeutic milk with HOT water
15/04/2019 Product Updates: Global Nutrition Cluster Meeting Amman, Jordan, October 2016

14 Inter-Agency Working Group: How to be involved?
Who can Join? Organization with involvement global in nutrition Involved and committed to overall quality management of SNFPs No conflict of interest with the objectives of the group Committed to reciprocity Dedicated staff for product quality assurance How to find out more? address for instant access: Exploring online space

15 Minor changes can be ongoing at any time, and bigger changes tend to be prior to new tenders
Updated normative standards eg WHO guideline updates Updates of relevant industry standards eg new practices in microbiological safety, or testing. Practitioner feedback: eg Plumpydoz lids leaking and pots break P Purpose is to improve program outcomes When are product specifications updated? How are product specifications updated? 15/04/2019 Product Updates: Global Nutrition Cluster Meeting Amman, Jordan, October 2016

16 Updating UNICEF supply products
Opportunity to review before tenders Developing more structured process One contact point from each agency, for quarterly input sessions Current and upcoming Salter hanging spring scales vs digital scales Height-boards – minimizing inaccurate readings Inpatient and outpatient therapeutic kits WFH charts (new WHO ♂ and ♀) F100, F75 : innovative packaging MUAC tape : improving the tension variability 2017- RUTF premix adaptation Updating UNICEF supply products 15/04/2019

17 Thank you 15/04/2019 Product Updates: Global Nutrition Cluster Meeting Amman, Jordan, October 2016

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