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A very quick guide to writing a paper

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Presentation on theme: "A very quick guide to writing a paper"— Presentation transcript:

1 A very quick guide to writing a paper

2 The title is the hook Must say what your paper is about!
Brief and clear Summarises the main finding of the paper Must say what your paper is about! @BritishEcolSoc

3 Abstract tells you to read on… or not
Brief background or justification Broad description of what you did Key findings. Final statement (a synthesis) about the importance of the study. @BritishEcolSoc

4 The introduction sets the scene Gives the background for the paper
Tells the reader why they should be interested in the study Should be a logical train of thought leading the reader to the conclusion that the study is novel, exciting and worth doing. @BritishEcolSoc

5 Results REMEMBER THE WHY - Link results to your research aims or hypotheses to show how the results address the questions you raised Key results Novel findings that you will discuss further Supporting results Lend weight/give evidence for your interpretation of results and to support the conclusions. @BritishEcolSoc

6 The discussion is the playground
Discuss your results but also: Remember your introduction Brings together different lines of evidence based on your study and other published work to make sound conclusions and propose new ideas and hypotheses to be tested in future. @BritishEcolSoc

7 Your conclusion should actually conclude things
What should the reader remember from the paper? Why should they care? What should we do next? The worst way to end a paper is to leave the reader thinking: "So what?" @BritishEcolSoc

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