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Fools in Love: The types of love

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1 Fools in Love: The types of love

2 Types of love Many cultures have more than one word for 'love.'
In Greek, there are three central senses of 'love': Phileo, Agape, and Eros

3 Phileo The love for friends and family members.
Phileo is conditional love; it is earned and can be lost

4 'Phileo' words used in English
Many English words are derived from phileo, eg. logophilia: A fondness for words; the love of words. philosophy: The love for knowledge and wisdom.

5 Agape deep, profound and connecting love; non-sexual
an unconditional love the love of a parent for a child; or (for religious people) of God

6 'Agape' words used in English
agapism: The doctrine exalting the value of love, especially in its general, nonsexual sense. anagapesis: 1. Lack of interest in former loved ones. 2. A loss of feelings for someone who was formerly loved.

7 Eros Romantic or sexual love

8 'Eros' words used in English
erogenous: Producing erotic feelings; often a reference to parts of the body that are sensitive to sexual arousal. erotic: 1. Of or arousing sexual feelings or desires; having to do with sexual love; amatory. 2. Highly susceptible to sexual stimulation. 3. Of or pertaining to the passion of love; concerned with or treating of love; amatory.

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