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RDz and Process Integration Using Menu Manager and HATS to customize your RDz installation David Myers.

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1 RDz and Process Integration Using Menu Manager and HATS to customize your RDz installation David Myers

2 What is process integration??
Many shops / users have customized their development environments to facilitate compliance to standards or more productive ISPF development activities. Many customers want to ease the migration to RDz-based development by allowing the processes and tools they currently have to be accessed or enhanced from within the RDz IDE. Process Integration == Enhancing/configuring the RDz IDE to work within shop standards and with other tools already available to developers

3 Process integration examples
Customers have tools that are not out-of-the-box integrated into RDz Source code management systems Build systems Test tools Customers are used to working in a certain way “When I build an application I go to this ISPF screen” “I have to request new CICS definitions using this tool” “I have macros setup in my editor” “I have shop standards I have to follow when creating new programs” Other examples you have seen??

4 Configuration and extension examples
Code templates made according to shop standards can be configured for new program creation or code “snippets” created for adding to existing programs Standard project build configurations can be exported/imported/autoconfigured-in-RSE for sharing between developers Existing ISPF tool green-screen interfaces can be exposed and driven from a HATS generated eclipse plug-in The HATS toolkit is included in the RDz media HATS macros can drive interaction with green screen tools The LPEX editor can be extended and customized See John Casey whitepaper on COBOL café (eclipse skills required) SCMs can be integrated into RDz development in a variety of means SCM integration is the #1 request of customers!!

5 Configuration and extension examples
RDz continues to offer more tools to take over existing ISPF function from an out-of-the-box eclipse interface Example – File Manager Integration for browsing/editing VSAM datasets Example – CICS Resource definition creation and installation via the ADM and CICS Explorer …but we can never handle everything…

6 Simple Integration using Menu Manager
Customers can access the batch tool interface using JCL, TSO, or rexx scripts using default Menu Manager execution types Parameters to pass like checkout dataset, or member names can be dynamically queried from the user and passed to the batch command Return results can also be displayed for TSO or REXX execution Menu items can be dynamically created and included in the zOS project right-click menu Works on zOS projects Extensions coming for enabling in RSE view Menu Manager execution types can be extended using a Java interface if required 6

7 How to get started with Menu Manager
Ask for ideas on the café … lots of people use Menu Manager for lots of things Accessing Changeman XML interface for SCM integration Running code-check tools Creating resources and datasets on the fly Running complex build procedures Read the Menu Manager whitepaper – In the RDz library online: Create a JCL “template” so you can prompt for values from the RDz UI Define some menu manager extensions in the RDz preferences Syntax can be tricky .. Get help from the whitepaper or café if you run into issues

8 Sample Menu Manager template

9 Host Access Transformation Services (HATS)
What can you do with HATS? Quickly and easily create Web, portal or rich client applications that provide an easy-to-use GUI for your green-screen applications Low skills requirement Highly customizable Iterative development process Transformation “on the fly” Extend terminal application tasks as Web services Benefits Extend host application to new users Improve the navigation of your host application Reuse your existing assets in a Service Oriented Architecture Avoid rewriting applications (no impact to code)

10 HATS deployment options
Web View through your favorite browser Zero footprint Rich Client Integration at the desktop with other Eclipse applications Client side processing Rich set of user interface widgets Built on the standard, open Eclipse foundation 3270e print directly to end user’s printer 3270 or 5250 datastream Portal Integration at the glass Click-to-Action support Web Service Build self-service transactions Mobile PDA, Cell Phones, Data Collection terminals This slide illustrates HATS deployment options WEB - HATS apps can be deployed as WEB apps that can be accessed via a traditional browser with zero footprint at the client. Portal – can be integrated with other application within a portlet. Web Services – can be exposed as Web Services Rich Client – can be integrated at the desktop with other Eclipse bases applications within a Rich Client - allowing to take advantage of a rich set of user interfaces widgets Mobile – and also can be accessed via PDA, Cell phones etc. 10

11 Using HATS included with RDz
Every RDz license comes with a copy of HATS for RCP applications Easily create eclipse plugins that act as a workstation UI for green screen applications RCP applications can be developed using standard HATS tools and deployed as an RDz plugin Can be integrated also using menu manager

12 Questions?? This is where you would add the variables passed to the PROC 12

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