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project-based learning

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1 project-based learning
Free speech on college campuses project-based learning

2 the learning network: September, 2016
Adapted from NYT Learning the learning network: September, 2016 These lessons are designed to help you think critically about a hot-button issue on college campuses. This includes components of they say, i say; 4 corners debate; collaborative work; student choice; and an authentic summative assessment.

3 How can colleges and universities best balance a need to foster intellectual discourse about difficult topics with a need to protect students who may feel marginalized for some reason?

4 Text DEFINITIONS: microaggression trigger warning safe space snowflake

5 research The University of Chicago letter, response, and new letter from this year U of Chicago Letter, 2016 Student Response to 2016 Letter U of Chicago Letter, 2017

6 In groups Read these 6 responses and consider how they might inform your position. Print and annotate the response that speaks to you. NYT Room for Debate Then write a paragraph that expresses your “I Say.” Remember to begin with “They Say.”

7 research and present in groups Research and Debate section:
Campus Incident Research In your groups, you will research and plan a 3-minute presentation about one of the following campus incidents. Your presentation’s purpose is to summarize the context of the incident; what happened; and the result(s). Your presentation must also include a visual (e.g., a photo, or short video). Yale University of Missouri Georgetown University of Chicago Claremont-McKenna Amherst Princeton Harvard Oberlin

8 This is the college orientation I would like to attend.
Assessment This is the college orientation I would like to attend. Me

9 assessment College orientation What orientation program(s) would address these issues in a meaningful way? What would you title your orientation? What activities would you include and for what purpose? How will you present your ideas to the college? Letter, video, detailed outline and proposal? How will you connect with your audience? How will you determine whether your fellow students will be engaged in your orientation?

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