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Total number of stop and searches

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1 Total number of stop and searches
February 2019 = Purpose of search 629 Total number of stop and searches Outcome of search Object found Outcome (Exc. NFA) 271 43.1% No further action (NFA) 358 56.9% Advice 85 13.5% Other 65 10.3% Arrests Cannabis warning 56 8.9% Yes 195 31% No 434 69%

2 Highlights There has been an decrease of 95 stop searches compared to January 2019, mainly due to the decrease of 104 S23 Drugs searches In February 2019, the majority of searches were conducted around suspicion of drugs (62%) Out of the 629 searches, an object was found 31% of the time 43.1% of all searches resulted in a meaningful outcome Under section 1 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act, most of the searches were utilised for stolen items (40%) and offensive weapons(47%), with objects being found just under a quarter of the time When searching under section 23 of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1973, an object was found 36% of the time Section 60 Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 searches are used in a controlled way at places that have been identified as having an evolving problem. Whilst British Transport Police didn’t authorise these types of searches in February 2019, there were 26 searches conducted in conjunction with other forces including Metropolitan and West Midlands Police

3 Black Asian Other Not stated
July 2018 65+ Not stated 142 207 192 26 1 61 Female 46 Male 578 Transgender Not stated 5 White Black Asian Other Not stated 387 169 55 11 7

4 203 Section 1 Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 Purpose of search
Stolen items 82 40.,4% Offensive weapon 96 47.3% Going equipped 11 5.4% Other 14 6.9% Drugs 0% 65+ N/S 49 54 67 7 1 25 Female 16 Male 187 Transgender N/S Object found Yes No 50 153 24.6% 75.4% White Black Asian Other N/S 102 73 20 5 3 Top Locations Euston Station 9 Seven Sisters Underground Station 8 Piccadilly Station 6 Paddington Station Birmingham New Street Station 203

5 Section 1 Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984
18 -24 45 -64 65+ Not Stated 49 54 67 7 1 25 White 22 45% 41% 41 61% 4 57% 100% 12 48% Object not found 19 86% 16 73% 21 51% 2 50% 10 83% NFA 18 95% Advice 13% 5 24% 20% 5% Arrested 6% 3 14% Object found 8 80% 13 81% Cannabis Warning 17% 33% 6 27% 11 52% Black 43% Summons 9 36% 20 49% 89% 24 23 30% 67% 92% 88% 82% 11% Comm resolution 14 21% Asian 12% 8% 15 79% 9% 75% 91% Not stated 4% 25% 2% Other 1% NFA = No Further Action

6 390 Section 23 Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 Purpose of search Object found
100% 65+ N/S 90 139 116 18 27 Female 29 Male 358 Transgender N/S 3 Object found Yes No 142 248 36.4% 63.8% White Black Asian Other N/S 264 86 30 6 4 Top Locations Piccadilly Station 20 Romford Station 14 Reading Station Leeds Station Seven Sisters Underground Station 11 390

7 Section 23 Misuse of Drugs Act 1971
18 -24 45 -64 65+ Not Stated 90 139 116 18 27 White 65 72% 82 59% 88 76% 12 67% 17 63% Object not found 45 69% 47 57% 49 56% 9 75% 14 82% Advice 11 24% 4 9% 7 14% 2 22% 3 21% Arrested 1 2% 3% NFA 42 86% 11% 79% 31 ASB Object found 39 44% 6 18% Summons 4% 41 87% 10% 25% 33% 20 31% 35 43% 5 13% Cannabis warning 36% Cannabis Warning 17% Black 8 30% Comm resolution 15 Street bail 15% 10 26% 50% 20% 40% PND 22 19% 100% 80% 68% 38% 88% 7% 93% summons 32% Asian 6% 13 84% 29% 12% 60% Other Not stated 1% 90% 41% NFA = No Further Action PND = Penalty Notice Disorder FPD = Fixed Penalty Disorder

8 26 Section 60 Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994
Purpose of search Offensive weapon 26 100% 65+ N/S 3 9 5 Female 1 Male 23 Transgender N/S 2 Object found Yes No 26 0% 100% White Black Asian Other N/S 13 10 3 Top Locations Seven Sisters Underground Station 6 St Pancras International Station 4 Tottenham Hale Station 3 Birmingham Moor Street Station Birmingham New Street Station 26

9 Section 60 Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994
Not Stated 3 9 5 White 3 100% Object not found Advice 1 33% NFA 2 67% White 3 33% Object not found 100% NFA Black Advice 1 2 67% Asian Cannabis warning White 3 60% Object not found 100% NFA Black 2 40% Cannabis warning White 4 44% Object not found 100% NFA Black 5 56% NFA = No Further Action

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