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Structure of benthic microbial communities of residential and industrial land use types before and after two rain events in urban waterways are shown.

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Presentation on theme: "Structure of benthic microbial communities of residential and industrial land use types before and after two rain events in urban waterways are shown."— Presentation transcript:

1 Structure of benthic microbial communities of residential and industrial land use types before and after two rain events in urban waterways are shown. Structure of benthic microbial communities of residential and industrial land use types before and after two rain events in urban waterways are shown. (Ai) Relative abundances (as percentages) of benthic microbial communities at the phylum level in waterways. (Aii) Average abundance of top 20 bacterial genera, sorted based on abundance in the two land use types. Values that are significantly different (P < 0.05) in abundance in the two land use types are denoted by an asterisk. (B) The neighbor-net network of samples from the two land use types (industrial [red] and residential [green]) based on Bray-Curtis distance calculated using microbial community profiles at the species level. (Inset) Summary of distances within and between groups of microbiome profiles at the species level of samples from the two land use types. (C) Taxon distribution between the two land use types and pre- versus postrain for the two rain events. Lighter shades show differential genera (t test; P < 0.05, standard Bonferroni correction, permutations = 999) and darker shades show commonly occurring genera. Diversity indices are shown as follows: S, Shannon index (entropy); E, Buzas and Gibson’s evenness (*, P < 0.05). Gourvendu Saxena et al. mSystems 2018; doi: /mSystems

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