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FPGA Tools Course Timing Analyzer

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Presentation on theme: "FPGA Tools Course Timing Analyzer"— Presentation transcript:

1 FPGA Tools Course Timing Analyzer

2 Objectives Understand how the Timing Analyzer enables users to determine their design performance Describe Timing Report options Explain how choosing a different Timing Report can provide different information Learn how to verify your design’s performance

3 Outline Using the Timing Analyzer
Understanding the Timing Analyzer Reports Summary

4 Invoking the Timing Analyzer
Alliance users: Select the Timing Analyzer icon in the Design Manager window Foundation users: Select Start -> Products -> Xilinx Foundation Series -> Accessories -> Design Manager -> Timing Analyzer

5 Understanding the Timing Analyzer
The Timing Analyzer views the design in terms of pads and synchronous elements Hard nodes Synchronous elements are Registers, Rams, and Latches. The Timing Analyzer will calculate the delays for paths that travel from input pads and synchronous elements to output pads and synchronous elements. All Timing Analyzer reports use this information and can report it in several different formats. All delays are worst case.

6 How Many Paths? How many pad-to-pad delay paths are in this design?
AiN CiN D OUT2 OUT1 CLK Q FLOP BUFG BiN com com How many pad-to-pad delay paths are in this design? How many pad-to-synchronous element paths? How many synchronous-to-synchronous element paths? How many synchronous-to-pad paths? How many paths would a PERIOD constraint cover? How many paths would an OFFSET IN constraint cover? How many paths would an OFFSET OUT constraint cover?

7 How Many Paths? How many pad-to-pad delay paths are in this design? 1
AiN CiN D OUT2 OUT1 CLK Q FLOP BUFG BiN com com How many pad-to-pad delay paths are in this design? 1 How many pad-to-synchronous element paths? 2 How many synchronous-to-synchronous element paths? 1 How many synchronous-to-pad paths? 3 How many paths would a PERIOD constraint minimize? 3 How many paths would an OFFSET IN constraint minimize? 2 How many paths would an OFFSET OUT constraint minimize? 3

8 Five Types of Timing Analyzer Reports
The Report Paths in Timing Constraints report compares the design’s performance to the timing constraints. Each constraint will be listed with its longest delay path broken down by delay type (i.e. net and logic). The Report Paths Failing Timing Constraints report lists only the paths that do not meet the timing constraints. Each failing constraint will be listed with its longest delay path and show by how much the constraint was missed. The Report Paths Not Covered by Timing Constraints lists all paths in the design and their corresponding delay. This report lists all unconstrained and constrained paths in the design.

9 Five Types of Timing Analyzer Reports
The Advanced Design report provides a set of summary statistics. This is essentially an error report that displays a summary header for each constraint whether it passes or not and lists paths in error for constraints that are violated. If no constraints are specified, this report displays the maximum clock frequencies for all clocks in the design and the worst-case timing for all clock paths. The Custom report contains a detailed analysis of all specified paths in the design. This report is customized by selecting sources, destinations, or paths with the Path Filters command. If nothing is selected for customizing the report, all paths in the design will be analyzed, and the longest delay path will be reported.

10 General Recommendations
If you care about the Maximum Clock Frequency, enter a Period constraint with the design. This will make the Advanced Design report confirm the Maximum Clock Frequency, and guarantee design performance. If no Period constraint is used and other constraints are used, the Advanced Design report displays the Maximum path delay to/from any node, which is the longest delay path in the design. The number of paths listed by any of these reports can be controlled by using the command: Options->Report Options

11 What kind of report should be used to analyze this design?
AiN CiN D OUT2 OUT1 CLK Q FLOP BUFG BiN com com Constraints Editor: Period = 50ns; Offset Out = 50ns After CLK; Which report will show the maximum clock frequency? Which report will show the longest delay path minimized by a PERIOD constraint? Which report will show the delay from CIN to OUT2?

12 What kind of report should be used to analyze this design?
AiN CiN D OUT2 OUT1 CLK Q FLOP BUFG BiN com com Which report will show the maximum clock frequency? Any of the Timing Analyzers reports Which report will show the longest delay path minimized by a PERIOD constraint? Report Paths in Timing Constraints report Which report will show the delay from CIN to OUT2? Since there is no constraint on this path, the Report Paths Not Covered by Timing Constraints report.

13 What is Performance? Performance typically refers to maximum clock frequency, not maximum system clock frequency. In other words, the Maximum Frequency reported by Timing Analyzer uses the longest delay path from a synchronous element to another synchronous element in its calculation. The Maximum System Clock Frequency is dependent upon the board delays, setup and hold times of external devices, and clock skew. By using the necessary timing constraints, you can create your own definition of FPGA performance.

14 What is Performance? AiN CiN D OUT2 OUT1 CLK Q FLOP BUFG BiN com com If the longest pad to synchronous element delay is 10 ns, the longest synchronous-to-synchronous element delay is 15 ns, and the longest synchronous-to-pad delay is 20 ns, what is the Maximum Frequency reported by the Timing Analyzer? With these same conditions, what is the Maximum System Clock Frequency?

15 What is Performance? AiN CiN D OUT2 OUT1 CLK Q FLOP BUFG BiN com com If the longest pad to synchronous element delay is 10 ns, the longest synchronous-to-synchronous element delay is 15 ns, and the longest synchronous-to-pad delay is 20 ns, what is the Maximum Frequency reported by the Timing Analyzer? 1/15ns = 66.7 Mhz With these same conditions, what is the Maximum System Clock Frequency? Worst of... 1/(10ns + upstream device delay{clock2out + trace delay + clock skew}) 1/(20ns + downstream device delay{setup time + trace delay + clock skew})

16 Outline Understanding Timing Analyzer Reports
Using the Timing Analyzer Understanding Timing Analyzer Reports Summary

17 Report Options These options allow the user to modify the appearances of each of the Timing Analyzer reports. Summary Report Only This format lists the longest delay path and the number of failing paths. Limit Report To: This allows the user to quickly change the number of paths that are displayed by the Timing Analyzer reports.

18 Selecting Specific Paths
Use the Select Sources and Select Destinations options to report the delays of specific paths in a project. Sources and destinations can be: Flip-Flops, RAMs, Latches, Pads, Nets, Pins, CLBs, and Clocks Speed Grade option helps the user determine if they need a faster device, or if they can use a slower speed grade.

19 Report Example Lists Constraint Total number of paths analyzed
Maximum delay path Hierarchical path description Detailed path description Delay Types found in Data Book Worst-case delay values Total delay Percentage breakdown

20 Report Example TimeGroup Sources TimeGroup Destinations
Timing Errors informs if all constraints were met Maximum Frequency Maximum path delay from/to any node

21 Outline Summary Using the Timing Analyzer
Understanding the Timing Analyzer Reports Summary

22 Summary The Timing Analyzer breaks down each design in terms of pads and synchronous elements when analyzing design performance. Maximum Frequency, as reported by the Timing Analyzer, is different from Maximum System Clock Frequency. Use the Report Paths Not Covered by Constraints option to check for unconstrained paths. Select specific paths to get detailed timing information.

23 Questions How do you determine what the longest delay path is in your design? How can you be certain that all timing constraints were met? If a PERIOD constraint of 20 ns is specified and you find a maximum delay path from any node/to any node of 30 ns, could all of the constraints have been met?

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