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This is a template for you to use in your classroom.

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1 This is a template for you to use in your classroom.
These notes will not appear on the actual slide show. This is ... Jeopardy! Scroll to next slide to modify the game board

2 Change category names by double clicking on them and typing in new category
Choose a Daily Double answer: Right click on a button, go to action settings, choose hyperlink to Slide…, select Slide 3, OK. Scroll to the next slide to link to the appropriate category slide Act I Act II Act III Act IV 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 This button goes to Final Jeopardy answer 400 400 400 400

3 Daily Double! Create a hyperlink to the appropriate category slide

4 Act I 100 What is the setting of the play? (City & country)
Click on column heading to enter category name Click on Place answer here to enter answer Act I 100 Click on What is to enter questions What is the setting of the play? (City & country) Right click each black box, action settings, choose play sound, and select sound for either right or wrong answers Selecting sounds: right click on box, check box for play sound, click on Other sound… Navigate to sound folder in Jeopardy folder, click on sound to be used. Verona, Italy

5 Act I 200 How does Romeo find out about the Capulet party?
A servant asks him to read the guest list.

6 Act I 300 The most aggressive character in Act I is _______. Tybalt.

7 Act I 400 Who goes to see if he can help Romeo out of his depression?.

8 Act II 100 What does Tybalt send Romeo? A challenge to a duel.

9 Act II 200 Why does Friar Laurence agree to marry Romeo and Juliet.
He believes that it will bring an end to the feud.

10 Act II 300 Juliet is able to leave the house to marry Romeo by telling her parents what? That she is going to confession

11 Act II 400 Who is searching for Romeo after the ball?
Mercutio & Benvolio

12 Act III 100 Why does Mercutio fight Tybalt?
He was standing up for Romeo

13 Act III 200 What was particularly painful about the death of Mercutio to the Prince? They were related

14 Act III 300 Who told Juliet of Tybalt’s death? The Nurse

15 Act III 400 The element of drama that refers to Juliet whispering to herself so that her mother can’t hear is what? Aside

16 Act IV 100 Who discovers Juliet’s death? The Nurse

17 Act IV 200 If forced to marry Paris, Juliet vows to… Commit suicide

18 Act IV 300 What does Lord Capulet do in response to Juliet agreeing to marry Paris? Moves the wedding up a day.

19 Act IV 400 Where is Romeo in this Act? Mantua

20 Final Jeopardy! Final Jeopardy

21 Final Jeopardy Category
Place answer here. What is? What is? What is?

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