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Science Skills Contest

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1 Science Skills Contest
Stage 4

2 R U L E S Four students are competing Each question is worth 5 points.
The student that buzzes in first has 5 seconds to respond. Each question is worth 5 points. R U L E S An incorrect answer for each individual question results in a five point deduction. The student with the highest point total at the end will be declared the winner.

3 Divide the class into Teams

4 R U L E S Four teams are competing Each question is worth 5 points.
The student/team that buzzes in first has 5 seconds to respond. Each question is worth 5 points. R U L E S An incorrect answer for each individual question results in a five point deduction. The team with the highest point total at the end will be declared the winner.

5 Rules to follow on the day
Show respect Don’t call out the answer Stay seated Be patient Be on your best behaviour Students with the best behaviour will be rewarded.


7 Eight Rounds Round 1-Reading Measuring Instruments Round 2- Mass Conversions Round 3- Mass Rounding Round 4-Ordering Numbers Round 5- Mixed Questions Round 6-Fill in the missing number or unit Round7- Safety in the Lab Round 8- Word Problems

8 Start

9 Round 1 Reading Measuring Instruments 10 questions

10 What is the reading?

11 What is the reading? Example Answer – 550ml Jump= 100
200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 ml Jump= 100 Number of spaces=2 100/2= 50 Answer – 550ml

12 What is the reading? ml 300 400 500 600 700 Answer – 280ml

13 What is the reading? ml 100 200 300 400 500 Answer – 475ml

14 What is the reading? ml 100 200 Answer – 70ml

15 What is the reading? ml 500 600 700 800 900 Answer – 450ml

16 What is the reading? ml 500 600 700 800 900 Answer – 450ml

17 What is the reading? 35ml

18 What is the reading? 90ml

19 What is the reading? 85ml

20 What is the reading? 25 ml

21 What is the reading? 200 ml

22 Round 2 Mass Conversions 7 questions

23 Mass Mass is the amount of matter in an object
Matter is something that has mass and takes up space


25 1 kilogram = grams 1000g

26 1.5 kg = g 1500 g

27 2.5 kg = g 2500 g

28 300g= _______kg 0.3 kg

29 450g= _______kg 0.45 kg

30 1.5 kg = g 1500 g

31 48kg= _______g 48000 g

32 Round 3 Mass Rounding 5 questions

33 Round these weights to the nearest 10g
Example: 29g = 30g

34 Round this weight to the nearest 10g

35 Round this weight to the nearest 10g

36 Round this weight to the nearest 10g

37 Round this weight to the nearest 10g

38 Round this weight to the nearest 10g

39 Round 4

40 10, 11, 23, 84, 125

41 Put these weights in order, starting with the smallest: 200mg 12kg 30g
Ordering Put these weights in order, starting with the smallest: 200mg 12kg 30g   200mg, 30g, 12 kg

42 Put these weights in order, starting with the biggest: 2g 100mg 1kg
1kg,100mg, 2g

43 Put these weights in order, starting with the smallest:
Ordering Put these weights in order, starting with the smallest: 23g 100mg 1t 5kg 23g, 100mg, 5kg, 1t

44 Round 5 Mixed questions

45 What is the scale on the vertical axis?

46 Predict the height of the plant after 6 weeks.

47 1 cm is larger than 1 m. A. True B. False B. False



50 C:

51 3000 kg

52 Round 6 Round :Fill in the missing number or unit

53 One Kg is equal to ________ g

54 1 g = 10____ mg

55 1 kg= 1000 mg

56 1 ____ = 1,000 kilograms tonne

57 Round 7 Safety In the Science Lab

58 Safety is part of Science

59 What’s Wrong With This Picture?

60 What’s Wrong With This Picture?

61 What’s Wrong With This Picture?


63 Round 8 Word problems

64 1) I have 1 litre of water in a jug
1) I have 1 litre of water in a jug. On the way to my table I spill some. I have 780ml left. How much have I lost? 220

65 2) I have 1 litre of sprite. I give 300ml to William, 200ml to Paul and 250ml to Mickey. How much do I have left? 250

66 3) Jack only drinks a mouthful every hour
3) Jack only drinks a mouthful every hour. If a mouthful is 50ml how many hours does his water last? (Remember he has 1 litre of water) 20

67 Spin Wheel Game

68 The Spin Wheel Spin Wheel Points Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
11 The Spin Wheel Group 2 Group 12 Group 3 Group 13 Group 4 Group 14 Group 5 Group 15 Group 6 Group 16 Group 7 Group 17 Group 8 Group 18 Group 9 Group 19 Group 10 Group 20 Spin Wheel Points

69 Question 1 Define the word scale. Back

70 Question 2 If Demelza scores 18 out of 20 in a test, what percentage is this? Back

71 Question 3 In a column graph numbers are placed on the _____________
Axis. Back

72 Question 4 How many students have 5 siblings? Back

73 Question 5 How many students have no siblings? Back

74 Question 6 Graph of parents’ region of birth Back

75 Question 7 How many students have 5 siblings and more? Back

76 4 6 1 8 Question 8 Parents’ region of birth Pacific Islands
Australia Pacific Islands Asia Middle East other Number of students 4 6 1 8 Find the percentage of parents who were born in the Middle East: Back

77 4 6 1 8 Question 9 Parents’ region of birth Pacific Islands
Australia Pacific Islands Asia Middle East other Number of students 4 6 1 8 Find the percentage of parents who were born in the Asia and the Middle East. Back

78 Month of birth Question 10 Where is the mistake? Number of students 5
4 3 2 1 Back Autumn Summer Winter Spring Seasons

79 Question 12 Month of birth Where is the mistake? Number of students 5
4 3 2 1 Back Autumn Summer Winter Spring Seasons

80 Question 13 Graph of parents’ region of birth What is missing? Back

81 What is missing? Question 14 Graph of parents’ region of birth
Number of students Back What is missing?

82 Question 15 What is a graph? Back

83 Student feedback and evaluation
Class: Date: Lesson:

84 Litres and Millilitres Word Problems
1) I have 1 litre of water in a jug. On the way to my table I spill some. I have 780ml left. How much have I lost? 2) I have 1 litre of sprite. I give 300ml to William, 200ml to Pau Pau and 250ml to Mickey. How much do I have left? 3) Kokomi does not like milk so she gives me her 300ml glass of milk. Jade also gives me half of her 300ml glass because she is full. How much milk do I have? 4) I have a big bucket. I need to put 1 litre of water in it for my science enquiry but I only have a 150ml and 25 ml containers. How can I get 1 litre of water using these containers? 5) Penny, Louise and Christina have planned sneak up and pour water all over T. Lorraine. They have 6 containers. 3 with 250ml of water in, 2 with 700ml of water in and 1 with 500 ml of water. In total how much water will they pour over Teacher Lorraine? 6) Johnny, Mg Mg and Anthony fill up some water-balloons with water. Inside each water-balloon there is 300ml of water. They manage to throw two balloons on T. Thet Htun and three on T. Julie. T. Ma Lian sees what they are doing and pops 4 balloons so she does not get wet. How much water hit a teacher?

85 7) Toe Naing Lin and Myo are lost in the desert
7) Toe Naing Lin and Myo are lost in the desert. They each have a 1 liter bottle of water. Myo drinks half of his. How much does Myo have left? 8) Toe Naing Lin only drinks a mouthful every hour. If a mouthful is 50ml how many hours does his water last? (Remember he has 1 litre of water) 9) Phyo, Raymond and Han Han La want to make Ice cream. To do this they need to buy 1 litre of cream. In Citymart cream costs 400k and is in 200ml pots. 1) How many pots of cream do they need? 2) How much money do they spend? 10) Upadhya and Riah buy water guns from Citymart. The capacity of Riah’s is 1 litre 200ml and Upadhya’s is 2 litres. What is the difference between the two water guns?

86 In the long jump, Margot jumped 4.1 m while
Round 4: Word problems Answering on the paper In the long jump, Margot jumped 4.1 m while Caitlyn jumped 3.92 m. what is the difference in their jumps? 18 cm

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