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Printmaking MonoPrint

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1 Printmaking MonoPrint
Fall 2016

2 August 1 Syllabus Why does art give you different feelings

3 examples

4 Feelings Look up a piece on non-objective art.
Explain the feeling that you get from that piece of art. Write in one paragraph Write another paragraph which describes what type of feeling you want to show in your art work Explain what type of lines, colors and shapes you will use to explain this

5 Formative Assessment Sketch
Make 4 different sketchs that are non- objective and show the feelings you want to portray in your art work. Color these sketchs in with color pencils Formative Assessment

6 August 2-5 Demo the different things you can do with the Akuo inks
Cut out different stencils Students will make 4 different monochromatic print

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