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Executive Branch.

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1 Executive Branch

2 Learning Target: I will examine how the executive branch meets the needs of citizens. (SS-GC-U-3)

3 Where does the Presidency fit?

4 Requirements to be President
“Natural born” citizen 35 years old Resident of the US for 14 years

5 Informal Qualifications Pick 3!
experience in business, law, or public service experience in government access to large amounts of money well educated military experience moderate political beliefs no previous controversies in career or personal life pleasant and healthy appearance well developed public speaking skills

6 Salary and Benefits $400,000 a year in taxable income
$50,000 in expenses up to $100,000 in travel Air Force One, limos, helicopters, etc. the White House (rent free!) free health care for life lifetime pension of $148,000 a year free office space, mailing services, and up to $96,000 a year for office help

7 Presidential Term of Office
2 terms (4 years each) – 22nd Amendment (1951) FYI President Roosevelt was elected FOUR times! He saw the country through the Great Depression and World War II. A VP can serve up to 10 years if the take over for a president.

8 8 Roles of the President 8

9 Chief of State Ceremonial leader - represents the U.S. at official functions. 9

10 Chief Executive/Administrator
Heads up the federal bureaucracy like the head of a large corporation Determines how legislation will be implemented Issues executive orders Appoints Cabinet Members Federal Judges Supreme Court Judges 10

11 Chief Manager of the Economy
Works with Congress to write a federal budget and set tax policy. Appoints members of the Federal Reserve Board (they control the money supply). 11

12 Chief Diplomat Oversees U.S. foreign policy
Holds talks with foreign leaders Oversees aid to foreign nations Makes treaties Needs 2/3 Senate approval 12

13 Commander in Chief Responsible for the security of the nation and the U.S. military. 13

14 Chief Legislator Proposes legislation and influences Congress to support certain bills. State of the Union address. Checks/Balances Sign Bills into Law Veto Bills 14

15 Chief of Party Promotes his/her party platform.
Works to help his/her party in Congressional elections. Rewards loyal party members with political favors or appointments to federal office. 15

16 Chief Citizen Works for and represents the public’s interests.
In times of crisis, the president works to inform, inspire, and comfort the American people. 16

17 Summary Quickly summarize the roles of the president

18 Using the information provided, you will create a facebook page for a U.S. President.
Follow all instructions on the template carefully!



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