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Artificial Intelligence AI

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1 Artificial Intelligence AI
By, Pawankumar C. Pathak

2 Introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Outline: How is the Father of Artificial Intelligence? What is Artificial Intelligence? Goal of AI and Real Life examples of AI Benefits of AI in Future What is AI Technology? Advantage and Disadvantage of AI Artificial Intelligence(AI) vs. Machine Learning History of AI Courses of Artificial Intelligence(AI) in India Courses of Artificial Intelligence(AI) in Foreign

3 Father of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Who invented Artificial Intelligence? ---And the Answer is John McCarthy.

4 Father of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
What John McCarthy said about Artificial Intelligence? “The science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs”.

5 What is Artificial Intelligence(AI)?
Artificial Intelligence is a way to make a computer, a computer-controlled robot, or a software wisely thinks, in the same way, that the intelligent man thinks.

6 Goal of AI To create an Expert system - The systems Goal of AI
That display intelligent behavior, learn, exhibit, explain and advise your users. To implement human intelligence in machines - To create systems that think, understand, learn and behave like humans.

7 Real Life example of AI Self Driving Cars, Boston Dynamics, Navigation Systems, ASIMO, Human vs. Computer Games and more.

8 Benefits of Artificial Intelligence(AI) in Future?
The most important purpose of AI is to reduce the number of human casualties. Wars Dangerous Workspaces Car Accidents Natural Disasters Or functions such as help to make everyday life easier: Cleaning Shopping Transportation

9 What is AI technology? In the real world, there are some unique qualities of knowledge - Its volume is enormous, which is unimaginable. It is not well-organized or systematic. It constantly changes. AI technology is a way to organize and use knowledge in this way efficiently - It should be considered by the people who provide it. To correct the errors, it should be easily modified. It should be useful in many situations, though it is incomplete or incorrect. AI technology increases the speed of execution of the complex program with which it is equipped.

10 Advantage and Disadvantage of AI
Eradicate human error Improve efficiency Digital Assistants Open the door for Smart technology Disadvantage Job losses Robot owners Hackers can take advantage of AI's thirst for knowledge

11 Artificial Intelligence(AI) vs. Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence is a comprehensive concept of machines that is capable of doing tasks in such a way that we will consider "smart." Machine Learning Machine Learning is an application of AI around this idea, which we need to be able to provide access to data to machines and let them learn for themselves.

12 Artificial Intelligence(AI) vs. Machine Learning
Whenever the machine meets the tasks on a set of defined rules, which solves the problem (algorithm), then such "intelligent" behavior is called artificial intelligence. For example, such machines can move objects and manipulate objects, identify whether someone has raised their hands or solved other problems. Machine Learning ML is a subset of artificial intelligence; In fact, this is a technique for realizing AI. This is a method of training algorithms that they can learn how to make a decision.

13 Artificial Intelligence(AI) vs. Machine Learning
Generalized AI is less common because it is more difficult to build. Ideally, a generalized AI will be able to handle all kinds of different functions, such as humans. Although AI is not normal, many researchers are making progress in generalized AI areas. Machine Learning Big success was the invention of the internet. It created a huge potential for information storage which was never seen before. Machines can now see the amount of data that had never been reached due to storage limits. In fact, the amount of data being created to process humans is very high.

14 Machine Learning Vs. Artificial Intelligence
Both AI and ML can have valuable business applications. Determine what is best for your company, it depends on what your needs are.

15 Machine Learning Vs. Artificial Intelligence
There are many great applications in these systems, but ML has recently received a lot of publicity, so many companies have focused on the source of the solution. However, AI can also be useful for many simple applications that do not require ongoing learning.

16 Diagram of Machine Learning Vs. Artificial Intelligence:

17 Diagram of Machine Learning Vs. Artificial Intelligence:
AI-The theory and development of computer systems which are capable of doing tasks that usually require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making and translations with languages. Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence in the field of computer science, which often provides statistical techniques to give the ability to "learn" (i.e., improve performance on a particular task) with data, without having to explicitly program data uses. In 1959, Arthur Samuel did not make the phrase a long time, defining it, "ability to learn without programming explicitly."

18 Diagram of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence uses in years:

19 History of AI - The Birth of AI
Birth of artificial intelligence 1951: AI programs were developed in Manchester: Draft-Playing Program by Christopher Strachey Chess Playing Program by Dietrich Prinz They moved to Ferranti Mark I in 1951.

20 History of AI - The Birth of AI
1955: Symbolic logic and logic theorist Allen Newell and (future Nobel Laureate) Herbert Simon created "Logic Theorist." Eventually, Russell and Whitehead will prove 38 out of the first 52 theorems in Principia Mathematica 1956: Dartmouth Conference - "Artificial Intelligence" adopted

21 History of AI - (1956-74) Research:
Logic as a search: Naval and Simon developed a program called "Common Problems Solver". Natural Language Processing: Ross Quilon offered Cambridge Design Earth Network for Machine Translation to Semantic Network and Margaret Master man and Colleagues Lisp: John McCarthy (MIT) invented the Lisp language.

22 History of AI In 1987, the Lisp machine market was collapsing, because Apple and IBM's desktops computer were constantly receiving speed and power, and in 1987 they became more powerful than symbols and more expensive Lisp machines made by others .

23 History of AI In the 1990s, due to lack of funds, AI Research was another shock. 21st Century: In the 21st Century, the development of artificial intelligence was seen to increase to machine learning and big data analysis.

24 Courses of Artificial Intelligence(AI) in India
Foundations of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning – IIIT Hyderabad Master of Technology in Artificial Intelligence – University of Hyderabad Quantum School of Technology - Dehradun Lovely Professional University, Connaught Place, Delhi SRM University, Sonepat Quantum School of Technology, Quantum University - Roorkee

25 Courses of Artificial Intelligence(AI) in Foreign
Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA) Massachusetts Institute of Technology “MIT” (Cambridge, MA) University of California, Berkeley (Berkeley, CA) Yale University (New Haven, CT) Cornell University (Ithaca, NY) Columbia University (New York City, NY) University of Illinois (Urbana/Champaign, IL) University of Wisconsin (Madison, WI)

26 Thanks…!

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