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Satire Great Expectations

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1 Satire Great Expectations
English 1 PAP

2 Satire Satire is a specific type of comedy. Its aim is to call attention to human folly through ridicule. Satire always has a target. Good satire is often highly controversial. Most commonly, satire targets social or political ills. In a literary work, satire is writing that ridicules its subject through the use of techniques such as: Exaggeration Reversal (irony) Incongruity (things that don’t match up or make sense) Parody (mocking)

3 Satire Though it often is, satire does not have to be funny.
A satirical scene can even be dark or ominous depending on the author’s purpose.

4 Methods of Satire Imitation Irony Exaggeration Understatement
Absurdity These often overlap and occur in combination.

5 Satire QuickWrite Based on the previous definition, generate a list of films, television programs, or print sources that represent this definition.

6 Examples of Satire The Colbert Report Bruno The Ben Show
“8 Reasons to Oppose Gay Marriage” AMND Community Oliver Twist 30 Rock

7 Examples of Satire The Harvard Lampoon The Onion The Campaign
The Dictator Spaceballs The Soup Willy Wonka Tosh.0 Family Guy Boondocks

8 Dickens’ Targets in GE The abandonment and exploitation of children
British Education The non-working (upper) classes The plight of the poor There are some lesser targets, as well. He especially uses exaggeration and absurdity.

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