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The Future of Retail 2025 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "The Future of Retail 2025 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Future of Retail 2025 2018

2 Increasingly digital world creating empowered consumers and new business environment for Retail
Global demographic shifts “Digital natives” – the age group of years - shopped the most via mobile phones Consumer Mobility How consumers interact, make decisions, check information, check stock, find stores, communicate Proliferation of social networks Part of the daily fabric of shopping in developed world, Evolving role of the store Premium in the future will be on creating unique offers that keep customers coming back

3 Retail of the future will have an evolved value proposition
Discovery Engagement Experience Interaction

4 Consumer value equation is changing Cost + Choice + Convenience
+ Control + Experience

5 Three main forces driving the industry
Speaking Points: The future of retail is about three things coming together- consumer, technology, innovation (video).

6 Digital disruption – Top Priorities For CIOs
SMAC technologies B Cyber Security C Ecosystem Social: Mobility: Analytics/Big data: Cloud Unified transaction platform: Data security: Enterprise security RFID: 3D printing: Build a single customer experience Omni-channel: Need for speed: Up-skill staff: Modernize

7 AI IS THE NEW UI: achieving personalization at scale
AI offers retailers the capabilities they need to support a frictionless customer experience, automated and independent of human intervention. The use of Intelligent virtual assistants is growing and centralized platforms and assistants are gaining importance. Productivity is the biggest win fall from embedded AI and the biggest challenges are data quality and privacy

8 Global Retail/CPG GIC Technology back office Landscape in India

9 Digital disruption in Retail– NASSCOM’s response
Ground level innovation – Start up Eco system CoE- Data Sciences, AI & IoT Deep Tech Clubs Future of Skills Round table- participate Poc- Culture immersion Enterprise connect CoE for DS&AI

10 Retail in 2025 The next decade of the Retail industry will bring dynamic and unparalleled opportunities for innovation and consumer engagement… …but there are challenges that we need to collectively solve for to continue moving the industry forward in a responsible manner. Thank you.

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