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Authors names: EMILIA ANCUȚA
University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest Faculty of Horticulture International Student Symposium “Hortus Academicus” March 29, 2019, Bucharest, Romania CHARACTERIZATION OF SOME ORNAMENTAL APPLE GENOTYPES AS POLLINATORS IN ORCHARDS Authors names: EMILIA ANCUȚA Coordinator Professor: FLORIN STANICĂ International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
I. Introduction 1.1.Taxonomy
The first varieties of apple (Malus domestica) are assumed to have their origin in areas such as Central Asia, Pakistan, Western China, Asia Minor, Caucaz, where you can find a large number of varieties from the genus Malus spp. growing spontaneously. The Malus genus is comprised of 15 species and 60 varieties with about cultivars. Scientific name Malus spp. Popular name Apple Genus Malus Subfamily Pomoidae Family Rosaceae Order Rosales Subclade Rosidae Clade Magnoliopsida Subîncrengatura Magnoliophytina Încrengatura Spermatophyta Regnul Plantae International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
1.2. The Importance of Ornamental Apples
I. Introduction 1.2. The Importance of Ornamental Apples Breeding – many of them are a source of genes that provide resistance to diseases such as scab (Venturia inequalis), powdery mildew (Podosphaera leucotrica), fire blight (Erwinia amyloflora). Nutrition - jam, jellies, juices, cider, sweet and sour sauces or caramelized with sugar and cinnamon. Silviculture – as beneficial species (Malus sylvestris spp., Malus baccata, Malus neidveskyana) along side the main mix species for the establishment of cultivated forests. International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
1.2. The Importance of Ornamental Apples
Pollination – having a long flowering period, they are used in apple orchards. Ex: Malus perpetuu Evereste (photo), with early-medium flowering, is a good pollinator for the cultivars Elstar, Golden Delicious, Jonagold, Gala, Fuji. Malus x zumi Golden Hornet, with medium flowering, is a good pollinator for the cultivars Boskoop, Elstar, Gala, Gloster, Golden Delicious, Jonagold International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
1.2. The Importance of Ornamental Apples
Bird feed during winter Floral arrangements International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
1.2. The Importance of Ornamental Apples
Landscaping Arhitecture Artisc hedge crown shapes Urban Orchard International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
1.3. Research Objective Main objective: Study of some apple genotypes with ornamental and tehnological value, suitable as pollinators in pomiculture, through: 1. Pomological characterization of some ornamental apple genotypes. 2. The behavioural of the studied ornamental apple genotypes at field grafting. International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
1.4. Cited sources Adjirani A., Davidescu Ș., Gancz C., Amenajarea bazinelor hidrografice torențiale, Silvologie vol VI, Editura Academiei Române, București Asănică A. et al, Cultura pomilor fructiferi, Ed. Ceres, București Iliescu A.F., Arhitectură peisageră, Ed. Ceres, București Neagu M.I., Ameliorarea specială a plantelor horticole, Ed. Ceres, București Stănescu V. et al, Flora forestieră lemnoasă a României, Ed. Ceres, București Stănică F., Braniște N., Ghid pentru pomicultori, Ed. Ceres, București Stănică F. et al, Înmulțirea plantelor horticole lemnoase, Ed. Ceres, București International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
II. Materials and Methods
II.1 Vegetal material II.1.1 Rootstock II.1.2. Species/cultivars II.2. Grafting methods II.3. Laboratory equipment/ analysis methods International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
II. Materials and Methods
II.1. Vegetal material vegetal used II.1.1. Rootstock M 26 – weak vigor ( M16 x M9 ) - good grafting affinity - propagation through marcotaj - viral immunity. - sensitive to radicular asphyxiation MM106- submedium-medium vigor (Northern Spy x M1 ) - propagation through marcotaj - it roots well, does not form suckers - is resistant: to radicular asphyxiation, to Eriosoma lanigerum, excess humidity -sesitive to draught and Agrobacterium tumenfasciens. International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
Malus Perpetuu Evereste
II.1.2. Varieties Malus Perpetuu Evereste International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
Malus purpurea spp International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
Malus Toringo Scarlet International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
Malus x scheindeckeri Red Jade
International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
Malus Red Sentinel International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
Malus x zumi Golden Hornet
International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
II.2. Chosen propagation method - grafting
Grafting – a method of tree propagation in which two plants are taken or only portions of them (buds, branches) and are intimately fastened to form a union over a long span of time, this implies compatibility between the two parts. Methods: chip budding and t-budding (dormant bud) International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
Grafting at Moara Domnească – Chip budding
21st of December 2017 – Harvested scion branches during vegetative to be used for chip budding grafting and were stored in a climate controlled room at 3-4°C and 95% atmospheric humidity. International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
Grafting at Moara Domnească – Chip budding
3rd of May 2018 – cleaned the rootstock, kept a single branch, manualy removed leaves, leaving leaves only in the upper part, on a length of cm, as a sap puller and used as a rootstock. - Sprayed herbicide on the rows and in between rows with Fusilade Forte 100 ml to 10 l of water, post emergent systemic herbicide, very active in combating anual and perennial graminee weeds. International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
Grafting at Moara Domnească – Chip budding
9th of May chip budding grafting in field 1 at Moara Domnească International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
Grafting at Moara Domnească – Chip budding
Labeling grafted trees. International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
Grafting at Moara Domnească – Chip budding
1st of June 2018 – hoed the row and verified the scion take Sprouting leaf rosette Dead bud International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
Grafting at Moara Domnească – Chip budding
5th June dredged and cut to the wild, leaving above the bud the graft 1-2 rosettes of leaves as sap hoes. International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
Grafting at Moara Domnească – Chip budding
25th of June 2018 – cleaned, cut the rootstock above the scion shoot and bound the grafted trees to the support system. International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
Grafting at Moara Domnească – Chip budding
12th of July 2018 – cleaned the rootstock of shoots, rebounded the lengthened scion shoots to maintain them erect and avoid any breaks at the grafting point. 24th of July mowed the grass between rows and trees. 8th of August and 18th of September 2018 – hoed the rows, applied a new bouding to the support system and retagged the tree where necessary.
Product Fertilizare type Date Uree Radicular 10 June 2018 Uree 0,3% Algă BFeMn 0,3% Foliar 19th June; 12, 24 July; 8th August 2018 PHYTOPROTECTION TREATMENT CALENDAR Product Date Luna 0,5%, Confidor 0,5% 19th June 2018 Luna 0,5%, Kacide 0,3%, Confidor 0,5% 12th July; 8th September; 17th October 2018 Luna 0,5%, Kacide 0,3% 8th August 2018 International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
2 waterings, at an interval of 2 weeks
IRRIGATION CALENDAR Month Număr udări May 2 waterings, at an interval of 2 weeks June every 3 days July every 2 days August September Octomber 3 waterings, at an interval of 3 weeks
Grafting USAMV – Dormant bud (T)
18th of September 2018 – harvested scion branches and grafted using dormant buds (in T) on rooted slips International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
Grafting USAMV – Dormant bud (T)
13th of Octomber 2018 – verified scion take by detaching the petiole by a simple touch International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
Grafting USAMV – Dormant bud (T)
6th of November 2018 – manually removed leaves from slips, grafted and ungrafted, in order to favor vegetative dormancy over winter. 11th of February 2019, a day with positive temperatures of 6°C - detached rooted slips, tied in packets grouped by rootstock and scions, stratified in 50 l vases, using moist sawdust to avoid root dehydration International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
Grafting USAMV – Dormant bud (T)
7th of March 2019 removed slips from stratification, put them in individual 3 l pots, watered with added Rootip (0.5% concentration) in order to stimulate root growth and cut to 3 buds above the grafted point. International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
II.3. Laboratory equipment/ analysis methods
II. Materials and Methods II.3. Laboratory equipment/ analysis methods Caliper – shape index Analytical balance – fruit weight Termobalance – total dry matter Penetrometer - firmness Reflectometer -Brix (sugars)
III. Results and discussions
1.Characterization of certain ornamental apple genotypes International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
Malus perpetuu Evereste
8 Varieties Malus purpurea spp Malus x scheindeckeri Red Jade Malus Red Sentinel Malus Toringo Scarlet Malus perpetuu Evereste Malus x zumi Golden Hornet
Fizical determinations of the analyzed fruits
Sample Length (mm) Diameter 1 (mm) Diameter 2 (mm) Fruit shape Peduncle length(mm) Pulp firmness Weight (g) Malus Evereste 15,99 20,74 20,86 spherical-oblate 15,14 12,23 4,15 Malus purpurea spp 22,28 23,87 21,65 Spherical 16,21 11,76 5.79 Malus x scheideckeri Red Jade 14,80 14,31 14,32 40,12 - 1,75 Malus 11,78 21,89 Spherical-oblate 28,65 8,17 5,10 Red Sentinel Malus Toringo Scarlet 12,98 16,00 15,72 35,43 1,62 Malus x zumi 19,00 19,37 21,10 20,02 8,20 4,05 Goden Hornet International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
Fruit biochemical determinations - TSS
Sample Malus Evereste Malus purpurea spp Malus x scheideckeri Red Jade Malus Red Sentinel Malus Toringo Scarlet Malus x zumi Golden Hornet Brix % 19,43 18,92 18,2 18,24 26,98 16,2 High concentration of sugar which makes them suitable for the production of jam, sweet and sour sauces, cider, juices, jellies.
Determination of total dry matter in fruits
Sample Malus Evereste Malus purpurea spp Malus x scheindeckeri Red Jade Malus Red Sentinel Malus Toringo Scarlet Malus x zumi Golden Hornet S.U.% 21,27 21,31 30,04 26,59 33,18 23,57 Percentage of dry matter comparable to that of commercial apples International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
III. Results and discussions
2. The behavioural study of ornamental apple genotypes in field grafting
Biometric data regarding grafting percentage using chip budding method at Moara Domnească
Species Malus perpetuu Evereste Malus purpure spp Malus x scheindeckeri Red Jade Malus Red Sentinel Malus Toringo Scarlet Malus x zumi Golden Hornet Grafting percentage M26 % 67 40 54 60 Grafting percentage MM106 % 77 64 74 International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania
Malus x scheindeckeri Red Jade Malus Toringo Scarlet
Biometric data regarding grafting percentage using T-budding (dormant bud) method at USAMV Bucharest Species Malus purpurea spp Malus x scheindeckeri Red Jade Malus Toringo Scarlet Grafting percentage M26 77 63 57 Grafting percentage MM106 87 70 67 International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania
Shoot length at the end of the vegetation period of
grafted (chip budding) plants Species Rootstock M26 (cm) Scion MM106 (cm) Malus Evereste 88,34 71,57 Malus purpurea spp 76,21 62,85 Malus x sheideckeri - Red Jade Malus Red Sentinel 92,12 69,86 MalusToringo Scarlet 117,33 89,85 Malus x zumi Golden Hornet 91,11 68,2 International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania
IV. Conclusions and recommendations
1.Characterization of some ornamental apple genotypes From the cited sources and our researches, many ornamental apples are good pollinators having a long flowering period, being used in apple orchards. Ex: Malus perpetuu Evereste (photo), with early-medium flowering, is a good pollinator for the cultivars Elstar, Golden Delicious, Jonagold, Gala, Fuji. Malus x zumi Golden Hornet, with medium flowering, is a good pollinator for the cultivars Boskoop, Elstar, Gala, Gloster, Golden Delicious, Jonagold Malus Red Sentinel is good pollinator for most varieties From the food industry point of view, the studied varieties have a high concentration of sugar and dry matter which makes them suitable for the production of jam, sweet and sour sauces, cider, juices, jellies. International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
IV. Conclusions and recommendations
2. The behavioural study of ornamental apple genotypes in field grafting Chip budding – The highest grafting percentage on M26 rootstock was attained by Malus perpetuu Evereste – 67%, as well as 77% on MM106. T-budding (dormant bud) – The highest percentage at grafting, of the 3 varieties, was attained by Malus purpurea spp on M26 rootstock – 77%, as well as MM106 – 87%. Likewise, chip budding grafting on Malus x scheindeckeri Red Jade take percentage was 0%, while t-budding graftng take percentage on M26 rootstock was 65% and on MM106 was 70%. International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, Bucharest, Romania
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