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LCLS Commissioning P. Emma, et al
LCLS Commissioning P. Emma, et al. LCLS Operations Lectures June 7, 2006 LCLS
LCLS Accelerator Schematic
6 MeV z 0.83 mm 0.05 % 135 MeV z 0.83 mm 0.10 % 250 MeV z 0.19 mm 1.6 % 4.30 GeV z mm 0.71 % 13.6 GeV z mm 0.01 % Linac-X L =0.6 m rf= -160 Linac-0 L =6 m rf gun L0-a,b Linac-1 L 9 m rf -25° Linac-2 L 330 m rf -41° Linac-3 L 550 m rf 0° 25-1a 30-8c ...existing linac 21-3b 24-6d 21-1 b,c,d undulator L =130 m X BC1 L 6 m R56 -39 mm BC2 L 22 m R56 -25 mm DL1 L 12 m R56 0 DL2 L =275 m R56 0 Commission in Jan. 2007 Commission in Jan. 2008 SLAC linac tunnel research yard
Complete & Detailed Optics (cathode to dump)
BC2 L3 LTU undulator muon plug wall sec-21 sec-30 Full MAD files at:
LCLS Installation and Commissioning Time-Line
Drive-Laser Commissioning undulator hall ready LTU/und. Install First FEL Light Drive-Laser Install linac/BC2 Install First Spont. Light M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J 2006 2007 2008 June 2006 Gun/Inj./BC1 Install (8/21 – 1/5) Gun/Inj./BC1 Commissioning linac/BC2 Commissioning FEL Comm. LTU/undulator Commissioning
Injector Layout RF Gun L0a RF section L0b RF section gun spectrometer
6 MeV L0b RF section 62 MeV gun spectrometer Transverse RF deflector 135 MeV L1 RF section (21-1b) main SLAC Linac injector spectrometer sector 20 sector 21
LCLS Injector Commissioning Dates (’06 - ’07)
July 24: Sector-20 ready for laser installation Aug. 29: Laser installation complete Dec. 18: Virtual cathode fully characterized (ready to install gun) Dec. 19: RF gun installation starts (10 days) + pre-beam checkout Dec. 20-Jan. 1: Holidays Jan. 2: VVS’s switched on (RF power available) Jan. 12: First laser UV-light on cathode! Jan. 12-Feb. 4: Electrons in GTL and gun-spect. (RF processing L0a,b, L1, LX) Feb. 5: Beam into L0a, L0b and down to 135-MeV spect. Feb. 20: Beam into main linac (to TD11 dump) ~June: Take beam down full linac (to BSY SL2 stopper)
Microsoft Project Commissioning Schedule
OUT OF DATE Microsoft Project Commissioning Schedule 2006 DOWN 2007 DOWN
pass-1 OUT OF DATE pass-2 pass-3 pass-1 2006 DOWN 2007 DOWN pass-2...
pass-1 pass-2... pass-3 2006 DOWN 2007 DOWN OUT OF DATE
Commissioning Definition and Strategy
All components have been installed, aligned, connected, and initially verified by the system engineer, then commissioning starts. Commissioning Sequence (1-4) Pre-Beam Checkout (tunnel and MCC) Controls/software testing, check cameras, ‘snail’ hunt, etc Magnet polarities, cable connections, verify motion-control, etc Beam-based Hardware and Software Checkout Establish beam transport, RF setup, MPS/BCS tests, etc Checkout of all wires, screens, BPMs, toroids, magnets, etc First-Order Optics: Measurement and Correction Steering, transmission, oscillation data, feedback setup, etc Beta and dispersion matching, beam-base align key quads, etc Full Beam Characterization: Measurement and Correction Measure emittance, energy spread, distributions - correct Measure beam sensitivities, optimize tuning, beam experiments No (serious) emittance measurements until all hardware/software checked out!
Electron Commissioning Organization
Project Director J. Galayda Commissioning Don P. Emma Alternating Weekly Run Coordinator One Lead Physicist per shift Shift Physicists Controls & System Engineers MCC & Laser Operators
LCLS Injector Commissioning Day
24-Hour Cycle (7 days/week, 1/2/07 to 9/1/07, 32 total weeks) DAY SHIFT (8:00-16:00) 1 lead physicist, 1 physicist, 1 controls eng., 1 sys. engineer, 1 LCLS operator, 1 laser operator SWING SHIFT (16:00-24:00) 1 lead physicist, 1 physicist, 1 LCLS operator, 1 laser operator OWL SHIFT (0:00-8:00) 1 LCLS operator, 1 laser operator ?
LCLS Commissioning Parameters
Value Comments RF rate 30 Hz 30 Hz in linac (possible short-term 120-Hz rate in L0-BC1 for feedback tests, etc) Hz in gun for short time to verify full rate Beam rate ≤30 Hz 30 Hz e- beam as baseline – possible short term 120-Hz tests in L0-BC1 for feedback tests, etc Drive-laser rate 120 Hz 120-Hz at all times – shutters provide e- rate as required above Bunch charge pC depends on QE and diagnostics – some short spans at 10 pC – later in ’07 we explore 1-nC Drive-laser pulse length 10 ps fwhm 10-ps fwhm startup with possibility of 6-ps at 0.2 nC later – early laser tests may provide path to more convenient pulse-length changes Gun gradient 120 MV/m Set as goal, although 110 MV/m is adequate in ‘07
Issues Controls will be mixed (SLC & epics) and capabilities may be limited initially Most High-Level Applications (emittance, bunch length, feedback) must done through MATLAB as a temporary solution Most LCLS physicists not yet experienced in SLAC control room with SLC controls Help from operations group will be needed LCLS Lecture Series + Workshop in Oct.?
RF Photo-Cathode Gun Q = 1 nC f = 120 Hz e- G = 120 MV/m gex,y = 1 mm
Dt = 10 ps I = 100 A E = 6 MeV e- spec. dipole e- UV laser solenoid YAG screens RF gun cathode
Injector Diagnostics YAG screen RF Gun trajectory (BPMs)
emittance (+ slice) energy spread (+ slice) bunch length (+ dist.) charge (+ dark current) YAG screen YAG screen YAG screen YAG screen gun spectrometer Transverse RF deflector OTR & wire Injector Diagnostics OTR & wire OTR & wire OTR & wire main SLAC Linac injector spectrometer YAG YAG & OTR
Injector Through BC1 Commissioning
no laser-heater until ‘08 sE gex,y and slice RF deflector E
Injector Through BC1 Commissioning (2)
relative bunch length monitors BC1 sE stopper X-band RF gex,y E slice gey
Setup of Linac-1, X-band RF Phases
20-mm res. BC1 BPM 20-mm res. BC1 BPM LX RF phase L1 RF phase Linac-1 RF phase scan (X-band off, BC1 bends at 295 MeV) Linac-X RF phase scan (BC1 bends at 250 MeV) set phase to -25˚0.5˚ set phase to -160˚0.5˚ Linac-1 new rf gun 21-1b 21-1d X Turn on BC1 energy feedback Switch off BC2 chicane Use sec-25 RF-deflector to meas. bunch length (sz1) Adjust S-band RF phase (0.5˚) to set sz1 195 10 mm
Setup of Linac-2 RF 40-mm res. BC2 BPM 5-mm res. LTU BPM
wake-loss scan L2 RF phase L2 phase Linac-2 RF phase scan (BC2 bends at 5.9 GeV, or…) Scan Linac-2 phase & use LTU BPM to find max. wake-induced energy loss across Linac-3 set phase to -41˚0.5˚ Turn on BC2 energy feedback Use sec-25 RF-deflector to measure length (sz2) Adjust L2 RF phase (0.5˚) to set sz2 20 2 mm Linac-3 phasing is trivial (5˚) L2 L3
Longitudinal Beam-Based Feedback
gun L3 L2 X DL1 BC1 BC2 DL2 L1 sz1 d1 1 V1 sz2 d2 2 V2 d3 V3 d0 V0
Location of Main Linac Diagnostics
5+ energy spread meas. stations (optimized with small b) 5+ emittance meas. stations designed into optics (Dyx,y) BPMs at or near most quadrupoles and in each bend syst. RF deflectors for slice e and sE measurements (L0 & L3) rf gun T-cav. gex,y T-cav. L0 gex,y gex,y gex,y gex,y ...existing linac L1 X L2 L3 sE sE sE E E E sE sE E E
Slice-Emittance Measurement Simulation
RF-deflector at 1 MV sy bunch length slice OTR 10 times 135 MeV quad scanned
Slice-Emittance Measurement Simulation
(slice-y-emittance also simulated in BC1-center) Injector (135 MeV) with S-band RF-deflector at 1 MV = meas. sim. = calc. = y distribution = actual (same SLAC slice-e code used at BNL/SDL) DL1 slice-emit on WS02 slice-5
y-slice-Emittance Measurement in BC1
“Q21201” scanned ±20% 0.1 mm 3.9 mm
Slice ey Measurements at BNL
weak quad setting Slice ey Measurements at BNL undulators linac (off) linac 75 MeV 75 MeV 5 MeV dump dump 200 pC, 100 A, 75 MeV medium quad setting strong quad setting Data from DUVFEL at BNL: W. Graves, et al.
Linac-To-Undulator (LTU)
vertical bends energy centroid & spread meas. (OTR) (310-5 & 10-4) + collimation 4 e-wires, collimators, 1 OTR vertical bends horiz. jog 1.25 m energy diagnostics emit. diagnostics collimators branch points for future undulators
Slice Energy Spread Measurements in LTU
LTU at 14 GeV with S-band RF-deflector at 24 MV sE/E 10-4 sx 12 mm FEL goal
Summary Injector commissioning starts very soon (Laser: Aug. ‘06, Electrons: Jan. ‘07) Phase-II of commissioning comes in Jan. ‘08 LCLS group will need continual help from operations group LCLS is a 30-year machine – this is just the start
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