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Science Starter Wednesday 8/17/16

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1 Science Starter Wednesday 8/17/16
Be sure your agenda matches the board. Pick up the notes for today that are titled “Variables.” They’re on a half sheet of paper. In the Wednesday box on your Science Starter, write the question below and answer it. 1. What are three things YOU think are important in order to be safe in a lab?

2 What is a Variable?

3 Standard SPI 0607.Inq.1 Design a simple experimental procedure with an identified control and appropriate variables.

4 DEFINITION Variable – Any factor that can change in a scientific investigation or experiment

5 Types of Variables Independent Variable
(also called the manipulated variable) The condition that is intentionally changed by the investigator in an experiment There can be only one independent variable in an experiment

6 Types of Variables Dependent Variable (also called the responding variable) The factors or conditions that will change as a result of the independent variable The factors that you measure or observe as data There can be one or more dependent variables in an experiment

7 Types of Variables Controlled Variables
The factors or conditions that are kept the same (unchanged) in an experiment. There are many controlled variables in an experiment

8 Identify variables for the following experiments.
Practice Identify variables for the following experiments. You can do it!

9 Testable Question #1 Does changing the temperature of a ball affect the height the ball will bounce? Cold Hot

10 Identify Variables #1 Manipulated Variable
Does changing the temperature of a ball affect the height the ball will bounce? Cold Hot Responding Variable

11 Identify Variables #1 Controlled Variables: * Same ball
* Dropped from the same height * Dropped onto the same surface * etc…

12 Testable Question #2 Does changing the color of light affect the growth rate of plants?

13 Identify Variables #2 Manipulated Variable
Does changing the color of light affect the growth rate of plants? Manipulated Variable Responding Variable

14 Identify Variables #2 Controlled Variables:
* Same type / size of plant * Same wattage of bulb * Same amount of water * Same soil * Light on for the same amount of time * etc…

15 Testable Question #3 How does the size of a parachute affect the time it takes a hippo to fall 10 feet? Independent Dependent Control

16 Identify Variables #3 Manipulated Variable
How does the size of a parachute affect the time it takes a hippo to fall 10 feet? Manipulated Variable Responding Variable

17 Identify Variables #3 Controlled Variables: * Same hippo
* Dropped from the same height * Same parachute fabric * Same length of strings on the parachute * etc…

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