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SW/MW guidance A surface/marine part which will focus on specific monitoring features related to surface waters and marine/coastal waters along the lines.

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2 SW/MW guidance A surface/marine part which will focus on specific monitoring features related to surface waters and marine/coastal waters along the lines described by the mandate. The work will be based on the AMPS report and existing guidelines (e.g. HELCOM/OSPAR guidelines). The intention is to develop a non-legally binding guidance document (covering issues of sampling, sample pre-treatment, frequency, location etc.) based on MS best practices and collection of information from existing guidelines. Chair Co-Chair P. Lepom (DE) Ph. Quevauviller & G. Verrert (ENV.D2) Milestones Core leading group J. Wollgast, G. Hanke (JRC-IES) – A. Held (IRMM) 30/10/05: 1st outline paper (sent to CMA) 17/11/05: SW/MW meeting (Brussels) 15/12/05: consolidated draft (sent to CMA) 23/03/06: SW/MW meeting (Brussels) 30/04/06: final draft 22/05/06: plenary CMA meeting (Rome)

3 GW guidance A groundwater part which is already under development within WG C (corresponding to the “monitoring drafting group” of WG C). This concerns the groundwater chapter of the non-legally binding guidance document to be developed along the same principles as above. Chair Co-Chair J. Grath (AT) R. Ward (UK) Milestones Core leading group Ph. Quevauviller (ENV.D2) – A. Schleidleder (AT) 30/09/05: 2nd outline paper (sent to WG C) 11-12/10/05: GW meeting (Brussels) 15/12/05: 3rd draft (sent to WG C) 13-14/02/06: GW meeting (Brussels) 30/03/06: 4th (final?) draft 22/05/06: plenary CMA meeting (Rome) 22-23/06/06: GW conference (Vienna)

4 QA/QC guidance A common part (covering GW, SW and MW) concerning analytical issues, in particular analytical method's performance criteria, QA/QC, data comparability etc. The aim is to adapt the ISO standard (establishing a general framework regarding analytical method's performance) to WFD requirements in the form of a Commission Decision (adopted by Comitology)[1]. Coordination Ph. Quevauviller (ENV.D2) Milestones Core leading group P. Lepom (DE) – J. Wollgast, G. Hanke (JRC-IES) – U. Borchers (CEN) – A. Held (IRMM) 15/10/05: 1st outline paper (sent to CMA) 17/11/05: SW/MW meeting (Brussels) 05/12/02: QA/QC meeting (Berlin) 15/12/05: consolidated draft (sent to CMA) 15/02/06: final draft 15/03/06: submission to SCG/WFD-Com 22/05/06: plenary CMA meeting (Rome) /11/06: Adoption by comitology Participants Experts from supporting RTD projects (EAQC-WISE, NORMAN) [1] This approach has been followed in the food sector by DG SANCO leading to a Council Decision (2002/657/EC)

5 Summary of meetings/milestones
26-27 October 2005 (Brussels): CMA Roadmap presented to SCG 17 November 2005 (Brussels): Meeting of SW/MW Monitoring drafting group 28-29 November 2005 (Brussels): Water Directors 5-6 December 2005 (Berlin): QA/QC linked to SWIFT-WFD annual workshop. 13 February 2006 (Brussels): Meeting of GW1 (followed by WG C plenary on 14/02) March 2006 (Brussels): Commission Decision submitted to WFD-Committee 23 March 2006 (Brussels): Meeting of SW/MW Monitoring drafting group 22 May 2006 (Rome): Final GW and SW/MW drafts adopted by the experts End May 2006: Texts submitted to Water directors November 2006 (Paris, tbc): Final CMA meeting linked to EAQC-WISE information session followed by adoption by comitology

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