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Collaborative Smart House Environment Computer Science Department University of Cyprus Contact: Christodoulou Eleni.

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1 Collaborative Smart House Environment Computer Science Department University of Cyprus Contact: Christodoulou Eleni

2 Computer Science Department University of Cyprus Research Areas
eHealth, Mobile & Wireless Computing, Pervasive Computing (Smart Houses), Sensor Networks, Collaborative Working Environments, Artificial Intelligence eHealth and eInclusion projects HealthService 24 Linkcare DITIS Mpower Motive

A comprehensive solution that brings state-of-the-art Mobile Technologies in support for emerging healthcare practices focusing on Virtual Medical Team Collaboration that are not in the same physical place. Collaboration platform based on identified roles of the Virtual Team and scenarios of collaboration Support the healthcare team for a more effective service in the homecare. Continuation in the patient’s care, everywhere he is, with the use of a common electronic health record. Fast and effective collaborative decision making from healthcare teams

4 Build an integrated environment for distributed and shared care
Middleware platform for eMPOWERing cognitive disabled and elderly Create a middleware platform supporting rapid development and deployment of services for cognitive disabled and elderly. Build an integrated environment for distributed and shared care Platform will support: Integration of SMART HOUSE Interoperability between profession and institution specific systems Secure and safe information management Mobile users

5 Proposal Idea Collaborative Smart House Environment
Build a new model of a collaborative, integrated Smart House environment for distributed and shared care which supports dynamic sharing of care plans and information. Support emerging care practices focusing on collaboration of Smart House Types, Services Processes, Devices and Care Teams which is expected to greatly help elderly and disabled. Call ICT and Ageing

6 Proposal Idea Collaboration regards: Smart House types for:
Noninvasive health monitoring Movement assistance Leisure activities Service processes Technological Devices Devices for Automation and control of home environment Health Monitoring Devices Leisure Devices Assistive Devices Care Teams LOOKING FOR COLLABORATION WITH OTHER ORGANIZATIONS

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