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The World of Spain.

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Presentation on theme: "The World of Spain."— Presentation transcript:

1 The World of Spain

2 Pictures

3 Fast Facts about Spain Population:47,042,984 Size:194,896 square miles
Capital: Madrid Continent it is on: Europe

4 Three places to visit Roman Ruins at Merida Las Ventas Museo Del Prado

5 The people Language Spoken Spanish Life Expectancy 81
Interesting facts about school They go to school ages 6-16 They go home at 1:00 eat lunch and take a nap then come back at 5:00

6 mountains islands The Land

7 Holiday Celebrated They set up markets and sell all kinds of different things. And people jump over fire for a sign against illness. Christmas

8 Why I Chose This Country
I chose this country because me and my brother Logan love the soccer team Barcelona and Real Madrid.

9 Sources Spain-Martin Hintz
Countries of the World Spain-Katherine Grinsted Fact monster Britannica image guest Nettrekker

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