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Social Research Methods
Alan Bryman Social Research Methods Chapter 17: The nature of qualitative research
Features of qualitative research
Inductive view of relationship between theory and research theories and concepts emerge from the data Interpretivist epistemology Constructionist ontology Emphasis on words/text rather than numbers Diversity of approaches Page 375 2
Grounded theory Not actually a theory in itself, it is rather an approach to generating theory from data Data collection and analysis are done hand-in-hand, with constant checking back and forth Useful in producing concepts Key concept 17.2 Page 381
Research methods used in qualitative research
Ethnography / participation observation prolonged immersion in the field Qualitative interviewing in-depth, semi- or un-structured Focus groups Discourse / conversation analysis Documentary analysis Pages 377 and 378 4
The main steps of qualitative research
Figure 17.1 Page 379 5
Concepts in qualitative research
Blumer (1954) argued against the use of definitive concepts in qualitative research: because the indicators ‘fix’ the concept because what phenomena have in common becomes more important than their variety …and in favour of sensitizing concepts: giving a general sense of reference and guidance allowing discovery of varied forms of phenomena capable of being gradually narrowed down Pages 382 and 383 6
Approaches to reliability and validity
1. Adapting concepts from quantitative research little change of meaning quality, rigour and wider potential external reliability (replication) internal reliability (inter-observer consistency) internal validity (good fit between data and theory) external validity (generalization) Pages 383 and 384 7
2. Alternative criteria (Guba & Lincoln, 1994)
Trustworthiness Credibility (a parallel for internal validity) Dependability (a parallel for reliability) Transferability (a parallel for external validity) Confirmability (a parallel for objectivity) Authenticity Ontological (better understanding of the social situation) Educative (better appreciation of others’ perspectives) Catalytic (impetus for change) Tactical (empowerment of participants) Does the research fairly represent different viewpoints? Pages 8
What is action research?
An authentic research method dealing with real problems within an organization Designed to assist in their solution Involving an iterative process of problem identification, planning, action, and evaluation Researcher plays an active role throughout More common in business and management research than in other fields Key concept 17.6 Page 387
3. Midway position (Hammersley, 1992)
‘Validity’ criterion needs to be reformulated: Empirical account must be plausible But cannot have direct access to social worlds Assess credibility of researcher’s truth claims Adequacy of evidence as ‘true representation’ ‘Relevance’ criterion Contribution the study makes to the field Page 10
The main preoccupations of qualitative researchers 1
Seeing through the eyes of those studied Taking the role of the other Understanding the meanings people attribute to their world Unexpected findings Description and emphasis on context Detailed account of the social setting ‘Thick descriptions’ of what is going on Pages 11
The main preoccupations of qualitative researchers 2
Emphasis on social process How patterns of events unfold over time Social worlds characterized by change and flux Flexibility and limited structure No ‘prior contamination’ by rigid schedules Sensitizing concepts Concepts and theory grounded in the data Pages 12
Criticisms of qualitative research
Too subjective Researcher decides what to focus on Difficult to replicate Unstructured format Problems of generalization Samples not ‘representative’ of all cases Lack of transparency Often unclear what researcher actually did Pages 13
Is it always like this? Some qualitative research departs from these conventions: Focused on a specific research problem (rather than sensitizing concepts / grounded theory) More structured data collection (codified conversation analysis) More structured data analysis (CAQDAS) Greater transparency Page 400 14
Contrasting qualitative and quantitative research
Table 17.1 Page 401 15
Similarities between quantitative and qualitative research
The concern with data reduction The concern with answering research questions The concern with relating data analysis to the research literature The concern with variation The significance of frequency as a springboard for analysis The control of deliberate distortion The importance of transparency The question of error The appropriateness of research methods to questions Pages 402 and 403 16
The feminist critique of quantitative research
It suppresses the voices of women Women are turned into research objects Controlling variables is viewed as a masculine approach The use of predetermined categories in quantitative research results in …‘the silencing of women's own voices’ (Maynard 1998) Women are researched in a value-neutral way Page 403
The feminist preference for qualitative research
Women's voices can be heard Exploitation is reduced by giving as well as receiving in the course of fieldwork Women not treated as objects to be controlled by the researcher's technical procedures The emancipatory goals of feminism can be realized. Page 403
However… Many of the worst excesses of discrimination against women might not have come to light were it not for the collection and analysis of statistics revealing discrimination (Maynard 1994; Oakley 1998). It is difficult to see why feminist research that combines quantitative and qualitative research would be incompatible with the feminist cause (Jayaratne and Stewart, 1991 & Maynard, 1994, 1998). Qualitative research is not ipso facto feminist in orientation and some writers have preferred to write about feminist research practice rather than about feminist methods (Maynard 1998). Pages 404 – 405
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