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Presentation on the Revised Strategic Plan ( ) and

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1 Presentation on the Revised Strategic Plan (2015-2020) and
Annual Performance Plan (APP) 2017/18 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Transport 02 May 2017 1

2 Contents DoT Alignment to NDP, MTSF and SONA
AGSA Findings from Annual Report 2015/16 and Action Plan (to Address AGSA Findings) PC Transport recommendations from BRRR 2016 Revisions made to the DoT Strategic Plan (2015 – 2020) DoT Annual Report 2017/18 Medium Term Targets Key Challenges and Risks Identified Identified Budget Constraints and proposals for revenue generation

3 DoT Alignment to the National Development Plan (NDP 2030)
In response to the NDP’s call to radical economic transformation as a catalyst for economic growth and job creation the DoT will strive to (among others): Demonstrate accelerated speed in delivery of services and operations Put greater reflection on stakeholder engagements and buy-in Put focus on shared growth initiatives Reprioritise optimum resource allocation, distribution and usage across the sector Support diversification of trade patterns Support industrialisation and beneficiation Prioritise capacitation of designated groups with socio-economic skills

4 DoT Alignment to the MTSF
Besides the focus on maintenance and expansion of key transport infrastructure, several prevalent problem areas identified for the current MTSF includes: Improving level of integration of transport infrastructure and operations (local, regional and continental) Decreasing accidents and incidents (and fatalities) across all transport modes Improving transport infrastructure, access and mobility in rural and peri-urban areas Ensuring reliability, affordability, accessibility, efficiency, effectiveness and safety of public transport Regulating greenhouse gas emissions, noise and general pollution generated by the transport sector Developing a sector-wide funding model for sector infrastructure projects

5 DoT Alignment to the MTSF
The key initiatives of the Department over the Medium Term Strategic Framework (as appearing in the Delivery Agreement between the Minister and the President) are as follows: Outcome 4: Decent Employment through inclusive economic growth Ensure monitoring of key off-takes by end users on the infrastructure programme Outcome 6: An efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure Sub-Outcome 1: Regulation, Funding and Investment improved Establish a Single Transport Economic Regulator (STER) Develop a Private Sector Participation (PSP) Framework for ports and rail, removing barriers to entry for private investments and operations within the Policy imperatives and with an analysis of the implication of tariffs

6 DoT Alignment to the MTSF
Outcome 6: An efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure Sub-Outcome 3: Maintenance, strategic expansion, operational efficiency, capacity and competitiveness of sector logistics and transport infrastructure ensured Improve national transport planning to develop long-term plans for transport – synchronize spatial planning and align infrastructure investment for all sphere of government Ensure development and approval of Integrated Transport Plan Develop and implement plan to improve market share of containers on rail vs. road (to move rail-friendly cargo/freight from road to rail) Improve and preserve national, provincial and local road infrastructure Strengthen road traffic management Improve public transport Strengthen institutional arrangements for public transport

7 DoT Alignment to the MTSF
Outcome 6: An efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure Sub-Outcome 6: Coordination, planning, integration and monitoring implementation of strategic integrated projects in the National Infrastructure Plan SIP 1 – Unlocking the Northern Mineral Belt SIP 2 – Durban-Free State-Gauteng Logistics and Industrial Corridor SIP 3 – South Eastern Node and Corridor Development SIP 4 – Unlocking economic opportunities in the North West Province SIP 7 – Integrated Urban Space and Public Transport Programme SIP 17 – Regional Integration for African Cooperation and Development

8 DoT Alignment to the MTSF
Outcome 7: Comprehensive Rutal Development and Land Reform Sub-Outcome 5: Increased access to quality infrastructure and functional services, particularly in education, healthcare and public transport in rural areas Improved transport infrastructure and public transport in rural areas Implement Access Road Development Plan (ARDP) to improve rural road infrastructure Implement Integrated Public Transport Network (IPTN) Strategy in District Municipalities

9 DoT Alignment to the MTSF
Outcome 10: Protect and enhance environmental assets and natural resources Sub-Outcome 2: An effective climate change mitigation and adaptation response Develop strategic policy and regulatory frameworks and programmes to promote a low carbon economy Implement the Green Transport Strategy

10 SONA Pronouncements impacting on the Transport Sector
R4.5 billion has been made available for the reconstruction of the Moloto Road An MoU has been signed between PRASA and the People’s Republic of China’s CCC to cooperate on Moloto Rail Development Corridor The analysis of the Bus contract and the quality of public transport services has been finalized and proposal are being studied

11 9-Point Plan: Transport Infrastructure
ACTION TARGET PROGRESS REPORTED PROPOSED NEXT STEPS Endorsement of the reform of the port tariff structure. Port Tariffs shifting in line with support to value-add industrial sectors. Incentivise exports. Port Strategy published at the end of July 2016 Ministerial Directives issued for Port of Ngqurha & PE for relocation of manganese & building of container terminal Four S.A. flagged vessels registered & Port Strategy will incentivise over a three-year period. Transnet has been implementing price reduction to support companies in distressed sectors. Port Regulator created an incentive for reduced marine charges for SA-flagged vessels, which is being implemented A Port Tariff Incentive Framework to assist beneficiation and value-add commodities is being developed and consulted. The Ports Regulator is also finalising a new tariff methodology.

12 9-Point Plan: Transport Infrastructure…
ACTION TARGET PROGRESS REPORTED PROPOSED NEXT STEPS Prasa Rail Modernisation Programme. 3600 jobs 20 train sets to be delivered by June 2017. Up- Skilling individuals Prasa Rail Factory launched in March 2016, and construction is underway in Dunnottar Park, Ekurhuleni. Construction expected to be completed in June 2017. Construction of the Training Centre building m2- commenced in June 2016. 13 train sets delivered at Wolmerton Depot. Approximately 110 Engineers and 170 Artisans receiving training in Europe and Brazil respectively. Construction of the Supplier Park. To give effect to 65% local content clause of the contract. All seven trains are completed. Waiting shipment from Brazil to South Africa. After which then all trains will be manufactured in South Africa. Launch the new trains. Development of Local training centres, and provision of bursaries across different disciplines.

13 9-Point Plan: Transport Infrastructure…
ACTION TARGET PROGRESS REPORTED PROPOSED NEXT STEPS Integrated Public Transport Networks (IPTNs) Roll-out to Metros, Local and District Municipalities Four (4) cities constructed over 110km of dedicated lanes and 600km of feeder routes. 1 000 buses, worth over R3bn, procured passenger trips average. George will launch Phase 4A in December 2016 and Phase 4B in March 2017, whilst Tshwane will launch line 1a from Rainbow Junction into the CBD in February 2017. A new 5th City, Ekurhuleni will launch a starter service (Phase 1A (North) in July 2017. Provincial Road Maintenance Programme (Sihamba Sonke) 61 000 (biggest contributor). R31.4bn has been allocated for maintenance of the secondary road network for rehabilitation of roads, re-sealing of surfaced roads, maintenance, patching; blading and re-gravelling of gravel roads. Continuous monitoring of projects

14 9-Point Plan: Transport Infrastructure…
ACTION TARGET PROGRESS REPORTED PROPOSED NEXT STEPS Upgrade of Moloto Road. Road Safety Routine road maintenance to improve road safety on sections already transferred.- (Limpopo and Mpumalanga = 92.4 Km SANRAL has already commenced with Routine road maintenance on sections already transferred. These include: Pothole repairs/ edge breaks, Crack sealing, Cleaning of drains, Guardrail repairs, New line markings, Road sign repairs, all contributing to improved road safety in short term. R4.5 bn allocated for Limpopo and Mpumalanga over multi year period from 2015/ /20. Priority CAPEX Works (Phase1) to commence by Quarter /17 SANRAL awaiting permits from Department of Labour. Planning work will continue for the balance of the report.

15 9-Point Plan: Transport Infrastructure…
ACTION TARGET PROGRESS REPORTED PROPOSED NEXT STEPS Harrismith Logistics Hub. Strengthening of the logistics linkages between Free State, Gauteng and KZN provinces. Inception report finalized and the draft Harrismith Hub Logistics Corridor Framework has been developed. The Province has tabled an alternative plan which the DoT and SANRAL are studying. Work on transportation system underway. Feasibility of the Province being studied N3 De Beers Pass. Following pronouncement by the Minister of Transport and by the direction of the PICC SANRAL to conduct detailed investigations and costing of preferred Alternative Options (AO). Final Report to be tabled with Minister of Transport and PICC. SANRAL to re-investigate options and table a proposal as a directive from the Minister and PICC.

16 9-Point Plan: Growing Oceans Economy
ACTION TARGET PROGRESS REPORTED PROPOSED NEXT STEPS Operation Phakisa Maritime Transport Policy submitted to Cabinet by March 2017 Maritime Transport Policy that includes the Cabortage Policy has been finalised and en route to Cabinet for final approval Conduct progress assessment of Operation Phakisa infrastructure projects at seven (7) commercial ports

17 AGSA Findings from Annual Report 2015/16 and the Action Plans
Refer Annexure 1

18 DoT Response on the 2016 BRRR
Refer Annexure 2

19 DoT Vision and Mission Vision
“Transport, the Heartbeat of Economic Growth and Social Development” Mission “Lead development of efficient integrated transport systems by creating a framework of sustainable policies, regulations and implementable models to support government strategies for economic and social development”

20 DoT Values Values Maintain fairness and equity in all our operations
Strive for quality and affordable transport for all Stimulate innovation in the transport sector Ensure transparency, accountability and monitoring of all operations; and Ensure sustainability, financial affordability, accessibility as well as upholding of the Batho Pele principles

21 DoT Strategic Oriented-Outcome Goals
SG 1: An efficient and integrated infrastructure network that serves as catalyst for social and economic development SG 2: A transport sector that is safe and secure SG 3: Improved rural access and mobility SG 4: Improved public transport services SG 5: Increased sector contribution to job creation SG 6: Increased sector contribution to environmental protection

22 DoT Delivery Programmes
Programme 1: Administration Programme 2: Integrated Transport Planning Programme 3: Rail Transport Programme 4: Road Transport Programme 5: Civil Aviation Programme 6: Maritime Transport Programme 7: Public Transport


24 Revisions to the Strategic Plan Programme 1
MTSF Target Status Comment / Revised Target Transport Sector Gender Empowerment Policy approved by March 2017 Achieved Transport Sector Gender Empowerment Policy approved by the Minister in March 2016. Integrated Communications and Marketing Strategy monitored Integrated Communications and Marketing Strategy was developed in the 2015/17 financial year. Implementation of the Strategy is monitored on a quarterly basis and reported through internal business process DoT Vacancy Rate maintained at 10% Not Achieved Reduction and maintenance of vacancy rate was negatively affected by the pronounced budget cut on compensation of employees and a moratorium placed by the National Treasury on the filling of vacant posts in the 2015/16 financial year. DoT continues to engage the National Treasury to ensure that a solution is reached to enable the Department to fill critical vacant positions.

25 Revisions to the Strategic Plan Programme 1…
MTSF Target Status Comment / Revised Target International Relations Strategy submitted to the Minister by March 2016 Achieved International Relations Strategy was approved by the Minister in March 2016. DoT Internet System upgraded by March 2016 DoT Internet and Intranet System finalised and rolled out by march Roll out of the two systems will be monitored through internal business processes Enterprise Architecture submitted to EXCO by March 2016 Enterprise Architecture approved by the DoT EXCO in March 2016. Programme Management Dashboard developed by March 2017 Programme Management Dashboard developed and piloted in December 2016. The Dashboard will continue to be piloted and attuned until such time that it is in concurrence with minimum requirements of performance information before it is approved for full implementation.

26 Revisions to the Strategic Plan Programme 2
MTSF Target Status Comment / Revised Target Draft Transport Infrastructure Funding Framework (Roads and Ports) submitted to the Minister by March 2016 Achieved Draft Transport Infrastructure Funding Framework (Roads and Ports) was approved by the Minister in March 2016. Draft Transport Pricing Framework submitted to the Minister by March 2016 Draft Transport Pricing Framework was approved by the Minister in March 2016. Harrismith Hub Framework developed by March 2016 Not Achieved Draft Harrismith Hub Framework is currently being finalised in consultation with the Free State Province. Due to pertinent issues needing a political resolution between the DoT and the Free State Province, finalization of the Framework will be monitored and reported through internal business processes. Private Sector Participation (PSP) Framework submitted to Cabinet by March 2017 Partially Achieved Private Sector Participation (PSP) Framework was successfully developed and transferred to the National Treasury for inclusion (as a Transport Chapter) in the overarching Country PSP Framework.

27 Revisions to the Strategic Plan Programme 4
MTSF Target Status Comment / Revised Target Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences (AARTO) Amendment Bill submitted to Cabinet by March 2016 Achieved Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences (AARTO) Amendment Bill submitted to Parliament in 2016 Road Accident Benefit Scheme (RABS) Bill submitted to Cabinet by March 2017 Road Accident Benefit Scheme (RABS) Bill was submitted to Cabinet in March Once approved by Cabinet, the Bill will go through to Parliament for promulgation Active Vehicle Testing Centres (VTCs) inspected in line with the National Road Traffic Act, Act 93 of 1996 Inspection of VTCs, DLTCs and DGOs will continue to be monitored through internal business processes. Over the MTSF, the DoT has amended to include the following indicator: Anti-Fraud and Corruption Strategy for Driving Licence Testing Centres (DLTCs), Vehicle Testing Centres (VTCs) and Registration Authorities submitted to Cabinet by March 2020

28 Revisions to the Strategic Plan Programme 4…
MTSF Target Status Comment / Revised Target Active Driving Licence Testing Centres (DLTCs) inspected in line with the National Road Traffic Act, Act 93 of 1996 Achieved Inspection of VTCs, DLTCs and DGOs will continue to be monitored through internal business processes. Over the MTSF, the DoT has amended to include the following indicator: Anti-Fraud and Corruption Strategy for Driving Licence Testing Centres (DLTCs), Vehicle Testing Centres (VTCs) and Registration Authorities submitted to Cabinet by March 2020 Active Dangerous Goods Operators (DGOs) inspected in line with the National Road Traffic Act, Act 93 of 1996

29 Revisions to the Strategic Plan Programme 5
MTSF Target Status Comment / Revised Target National Civil Aviation Policy submitted to Cabinet by March 2016 Achieved National Civil Aviation Policy was submitted to Cabinet in December 2016 National Airports Development Plan (NADP) submitted to Cabinet by March 2016 National Airports Development Plan (NADP) approved for submission to Cabinet in December 2016. Air Services Agreements reviewed annually in line with the Yamoussoukro Decision (YD) Review of Air Services Agreements will continue to be monitored through internal business processes Corrective actions for audit findings and safety recommendations developed annually Development and implementation of corrective actions for audit findings and safety recommendations will continue to be monitored through internal business processes. Upgrading of the Mthatha Airport monitored Monitoring report on the upgrade of Mthatha Airport was completed and recommendations on the transfer of the asset to the Eastern Cape Provincial Government were duly approved.

30 Revisions to the Strategic Plan Programme 5…
MTSF Target Status Comment / Revised Target Regulations for the phasing out of the Chapter 2 Aircraft submitted to the Minister by March 2015 Achieved Regulations were submitted to the Minister in March Implementation of the Regulations will be monitored through internal business processes. National Aviation Transformation Strategy (NATS) submitted to Cabinet by March 2018 New Indicator National Aviation Transformation Strategy (NATS) will be developed and implemented within the MTSF to fastrack economic inclusion of previously disadvantaged persons (Youth, Women and People with disabilities) in the Civil Aviation sector.

31 Revisions to the Strategic Plan Programme 6
MTSF Target Status Comment / Revised Target Cabotage Policy for coastal, regional and continental waters submitted to Cabinet by March 2016 Partially Achieved Cabotage Policy was completed and included as a chapter in the Green Paper on the National Maritime Transport Policy in March 2016. Cabotage Strategy submitted to Cabinet by March 2016 Draft Cabotage Strategy developed and submitted to the EXCO in March Finalisation of the Strategy will be prioritised pending approval of the Maritime Transport Policy Cabotage Bill submitted to Cabinet by March 2016 Draft Cabotage Bill developed and submitted to the EXCO in March Finalisation of the Bill will be prioritised pending approval of the Maritime Transport Policy Recommendations of mock audit findings implemented Achieved Implementation of recommendations of mock audit findings will be monitored through internal business processes African Maritime Charter submitted to Parliament by March 2016 African Maritime Charter was approved by Cabinet in May 2015 and Parliament in February 2016

32 Revisions to the Strategic Plan Programme 7
MTSF Target Status Comment / Revised Target Rural Transport Strategy submitted to Cabinet by March 2016 Achieved Rural Transport Strategy was submitted to Cabinet in March 2017 National Learner Transport Policy submitted to Cabinet by March 2016 National Learner Transport Policy was approved by Cabinet and subsequently published for implementation in the 2015/16 financial year. National Land Transport Amendment Bill submitted to Parliament by March 2016 National Land Transport Amendment Bill is undergoing Parliamentary processes. Transport Appeal Tribunal (TAT) Amendment Bill submitted to Cabinet by March 2019 New Indicator Transport Appeal Tribunal (TAT) Amendment Bill will be developed and implemented during the MTSF


34 DoT Targets for 2017/18 Total number of performance targets = 37
Administration = 5 ITP = 7 Rail Transport = 5 Road Transport = 6 Civil Aviation = 5 Maritime Transport = 4 Public Transport = 5

35 Programme 1: Administration
Strategic Objective 1.3: Enhance socio-economic transformation of the transport sector Objective Statement: To promote equality and equity within the sector through the coordination of empowerment initiatives for disadvantaged population groups (Women, Disabled, Youth and Children) Programme performance indicator Reporting period Annual target 2017/18 Allocated budget ‘000 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Status report on the transport sector socio-economic empowerment programmes for GDYC developed Quarterly Status report on the transport sector socio-economic empowerment programmes developed R150 Conduct stakeholder consultations and compile a draft status report Submit and present the draft status report to the DoT EXCO for quality assurance Consider and incorporate EXCO inputs and recommendations - Number of Community Outreach Campaigns conducted on Gender, Disability, Youth and Children (GDYC) Nine (9) Community Outreach Campaigns conducted R1 000 Conduct one (1) Community Outreach Campaigns Conduct three (3) Community Outreach Campaigns Conduct two (2) Community Outreach Campaigns Conduct three (3) Community Outreach Campaign

36 Programme 1: Administration…
Strategic Objective 7.1: Provide strategic support and corporate services Objective Statement: To coordinate functions of human resource management and development, communications, information technology, legal and strategic planning in support of DoT programmes Programme performance indicator Reporting period Annual target 2017/18 Allocated budget ‘000 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th DoT Human Resources Development (HRD) Strategy Framework implemented annually Quarterly Human Resource Development Framework implemented Operational Budget Compile a Monitoring Report on the Implementation of the 2016/17 Human Resource Development Framework. - Develop and ensure approval of the 2017/18 Human Resource Development Plan Monitor and ensure 50%  implementation of the 2017/18 HRD Plan. Monitor and ensure 80%  implementation of the 2017/18 HRD Plan. Monitor and ensure 100%  implementation of the 2017/18 HRD Plan.

37 Programme 1: Administration…
Strategic Objective 7.2: Ensure good governance and a sound internal control environment Objective Statement: To render financial administration, supply chain management, risk management, internal audit, budgeting and management accounting services to the DoT Programme performance indicator Reporting period Annual target 2017/18 Allocated budget ‘000 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Financial governance compliance and control improved Quarterly Action plans to address audit findings developed and monitored Operational Budget - Develop action plans to address audit findings and monitor progress Monitor progress on the implementation of action plans Develop the annual report on the implementation of action plans Implementation of the DoT Risk Management Strategy monitored Annual Monitoring Report on the implementation of the Risk Management Strategy developed Monitor implementation of the Risk Management Strategy Monitor implementation of the Risk Management Strategy Develop the Annual Monitoring Report on the implementation of the Risk Management Strategy

38 Programme 2: Integrated Transport Planning
Strategic Objective 1.1: Facilitate integrated macro-transport systems planning to guide investments in the sector Objective Statement: To formulate and implement national transport macro-planning legislation, policies and strategies. The main priority over the MTSF is to complete the revision of the White Paper on the National Transport Policy and the final approval and implementation of the NATMAP 2050 by 2019. Performance indicator Reporting period Annual target 2017/18 Allocated budget ‘000 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Roll-out of 10 NATMAP 2050 interventions by March 2019 Quarterly Implementation of ten (10) NATMAP 2050 Priority Pilot Projects monitored Operational Budget Develop Performance Monitoring Framework Conduct Performance Monitoring on four (4) prioritised pilot projects Conduct Performance Monitoring on two (2) prioritised pilot projects White Paper on the National Transport Policy submitted to Cabinet by March 2018 Final revised White Paper on the National Transport Policy submitted to Cabinet Publish the draft Revised White Paper on the National Transport Policy in the Government Gazette Submit the White Paper on the National Transport Policy to DPME for SEIAS assessment Submit the White Paper on the National Transport Policy to the ESEID Cluster Submit the White Paper on the National Transport Policy to Cabinet

39 Programme 2: Integrated Transport Planning…
Strategic Objective 1.2: Promote national, regional and continental integration of transport infrastructure and operations Objective Statement : To develop and implement strategies to enhance seamless movement of freight and passengers across all modes of transport. Critical during the MTSF is to ensure that the Road Freight Strategy is completed to inform the movement of rail-friendly goods from roads to rail by 2019. Performance indicator Reporting period Annual target 2017/18 Allocated budget Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Implementation of the Road Freight Strategy monitored Quarterly Road Freight Strategy Implementation Plan developed Operational Budget - Develop Road Freight Strategy Implementation Plan Conduct stakeholder consultations on the Road Freight Strategy Implementation Plan  Consolidate stakeholder inputs and finalise the draft Implementation Plan Regional Transport Market Access Strategy developed by March 2018 Develop Regional Transport Market Access Strategy developed  Operational Budget Conduct stakeholder consultations towards the Draft Regional Transport Market Access Strategy Conduct a benchmarking exercise within the SADC region to identify best practices Consolidate stakeholder inputs and finalise the draft Regional Transport Market Access Strategy

40 Programme 2: Integrated Transport Planning…
Strategic Objective 1.3: Enhance socio-economic transformation of the transport sector Objective Statement: To standardise economic regulations and enhance participation and inclusion of key stakeholders in mainstream sector interventions. Establishment of the STER, by 2019, will assist in ensuring attraction of more private sector investment into the Transport sector through creation of more predictable tariffs. Performance indicator Reporting period Annual target 2017/18 Allocated budget Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Single Transport Economic Regulator (STER) Bill submitted to Cabinet by March 2018 Quarterly Single Transport Economic Regulator (STER) Bill submitted to Cabinet Operational Budget Submit the draft Single Transport Economic Regulator (STER) Bill to Cabinet for approval to gazette for public consultations Publish the Single Transport Economic Regulator (STER) Bill in the Government Gazette Consider and incorporate inputs into the draft Single Transport Economic Regulator (STER) Bill Submit the draft Single Transport Economic Regulator (STER) Bill to Cabinet Road Tariff Determination Framework submitted to Cabinet by March 2018 Road Tariff Determination Framework submitted to Cabinet Consolidate stakeholder inputs and finalise the draft Framework Submit the Road Tariff Determination Framework to DPME for SEIAS assessment Submit the Road Tariff Determination Framework to ESEID Cluster Submit the Road Tariff Determination Framework to Cabinet

41 Programme 2: Integrated Transport Planning…
Strategic Objective 6.1: Reduce GHG emissions Objective Statement: To develop and implement strategies aimed at reducing GHG emissions in the Transport Sector. The Green Transport Strategy, which is to be implemented within the MTSF, will aim to emphasise green transportation policy statements, whilst minimising the adverse impact of transport activities on the environment; and addressing current and future transport demands based on sustainable development principles. Performance indicator Reporting period Annual target 2017/18 Allocated budget Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Green Transport Strategy submitted to Cabinet by March 2018 Quarterly Green Transport Strategy submitted to Cabinet Operational Budget Publish the draft Green Transport Strategy in the Government Gazette Submit the draft Green Transport Strategy to DPME for SEIAS assessment Submit the draft Green Transport Strategy to the ESEID Cluster Submit the Draft Green Transport Strategy to Cabinet

42 Programme 3: Rail Transport
Strategic Objective 1.5: Enhance performance, efficiency and reliability of the rail transport sector Objective Statement: To develop and implement interventions aimed at improving transport operations. Key during the MTSF is to finalise and implement the National Rail Policy and National Rail Act by The Policy will aim to guide development of the rail sector; and to align and revitalisethe industry in line with rail’s global development trajectory. Programme performance indicator Reporting period Annual target 2017/18 Allocated budget ‘000 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th White Paper on the National Rail Policy submitted to Cabinet by March 2018 Quarterly White Paper on the National Rail Policy submitted to Cabinet R2 406 Submit the National Rail Policy to DPME for SEIAS assessment Submit the Draft White Paper on the National Rail Policy to the ESEID Cluster Consolidate inputs and update the Draft White Paper on the National Rail Policy Submit the Draft White Paper on the National Rail Policy to Cabinet National Rail Bill submitted to Parliament by March 2019 National Rail Bill submitted to the ESEID Cluster Operational Budget Conduct stakeholder consultations on the National Rail Bill Submit the National Rail Bill to DPME for SEIAS assessment Submit the national Rail Bill to ESEID Cluster

43 Programme 3: Rail Transport…
Strategic Objective 1.5: Enhance performance, efficiency and reliability of the rail transport sector Objective Statement: To develop and implement interventions aimed at improving transport operations. Key during the MTSF is to finalise and implement the National Rail Policy and National Rail Act by The Policy will aim to guide development of the rail sector; and to align and revitalisethe industry in line with rail’s global development trajectory. Programme performance indicator Reporting period Annual target 2017/18 Allocated budget ‘000 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Migration Plan (Interim Rail Economic Regulatory Capacity to the STER) developed by March 2018 Quarterly Develop Migration Plan developed (Interim Rail Economic Regulatory Capacity to STER) R4 288 Assess capacity requirements within the STER relating to rail functions Determine skills requirements for priority areas of rail regulation that need to be capacitated Determine operational requirements for rail functions within STER Develop Migration Plan Implementation of the Branchline Model for Private Sector Participation (PSP) monitored Draft Memorundum of Understanding (MoU) between DoT and DPE developed for the implementation of PSP Framework on the Branchlines Operational Budget Develop draft Memorundum of Understanding (MoU) between DoT and DPE for the implementation of PSP Framework on the Branchlines Conduct consultations with the DPE on the draft MoU Incorporate inputs and finalise the MoU Submit MoU for Ministerial approval

44 Programme 3: Rail Transport…
Strategic Objective 2.1: Regulate and enhance transport safety and security Objective Statement: To develop and implement interventions aimed at enhancing transport safety and security. Critical over the MTSF is to have the National Railway Safety Regulator Act completed, approved and implemented by 2019. Programme performance indicator Reporting period Annual target 2017/18 Allocated budget ‘000 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Railway Safety Bill submitted to Parliament by March 2019 Quarterly Draft Railway Safety Bill submitted to the ESEID Cluster R1 654 Conduct stakeholder consultation on the draft Railway Safety Bill Consider and incorporate inputs on the Draft Railway Safety Bill Submit the Draft Railway Safety Bill to DPME for SEIAS assessment Submit the Draft Railway Safety Bill to the ESEID Cluster

45 Programme: 4 Road Transport
Strategic Objective 1.4: Ensure a sustainable transport infrastructure network Objective Statement: To develop and monitor implementation of policies aimed at ensuring construction and maintenance of transport infrastructure. Critical in the MTSF is to have the Roads Policy approved and implemented by The Policy will aim to provide a common purpose with respect to the management of roads in South Africa and also address fragmentation of the historical road management approach at various spheres of government; while aligning roads delivery with socio-economic priorities of the country. Performance indicator Reporting period Annual target 2017/18 Allocated budget ‘000 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th White Paper on the Roads Policy submitted to Cabinet by March 2019 Quarterly White Paper on Roads Policy submitted to ESEID FOSAD Cluster R 1 808 Publish the draft Roads Policy for public comments through the government gazette Conduct external stakeholder consultations on the draft Roads Policy for South Africa Incorporate relevant inputs and prepare the draft White Paper of the Roads Policy for South Africa Submit the Draft White Paper on the Roads Policy for South Africa to ESEID FOSAD Cluster Construction and maintenance of provincial roads monitored in line with the approved budget Overall implementation of the SSP monitored in line with the PRMG budget R Monitor implementation of the SSP through site inspections, bilateral consultations and compile progress report

46 Programme: 4 Road Transport…
Strategic Objective 1.4: Ensure a sustainable transport infrastructure network Objective Statement: To develop and monitor implementation of policies aimed at ensuring construction and maintenance of transport infrastructure. Critical in the MTSF is to have the Roads Policy approved and implemented by The Policy will aim to provide a common purpose with respect to the management of roads in South Africa and also address fragmentation of the historical road management approach at various spheres of government; while aligning roads delivery with socio-economic priorities of the country. Performance indicator Reporting period Annual target 2017/18 Allocated budget ‘000 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Access Road Development Plan submitted to Cabinet by March 2019 Quarterly Conduct stakeholder consultations on the draft Access Road Development Plan Operational Budget Conduct stakeholder consultations with provincial departments on the draft Access Road Development Plan Conduct stakeholder consultations with key municipalities on the draft Access Road Development Plan Conduct stakeholder consultations with sector departments on the draft Access Road Development Plan Incorporate inputs and consolidate the draft Access Road Development Plan

47 Programme: 4 Road Transport…
Strategic Objective 2.1 Regulate and enhance transport safety and security Objective Statement: To develop and implement interventions aimed at enhancing transport safety and security. Critical within the MTSF is to have the National Road Safety Strategy approved and implemented by The Strategy will serve as ablueprint for all road safety interventions that need to be implemented to create safer roads. Performance indicator Reporting period Annual target 2017/18 Allocated budget ‘000 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Draft Bill for Founding Legislations of Road Entities submitted to Cabinet by March 2020 Quarterly Review of Founding Legislations of Road Entities conducted Operational Budget Conduct status quo analysis of Founding Legislations of Road Entities Review recommendations of the status quo analysis Conduct review of Founding Legislations of road entities based on the recommendations of the status quo analysis The National Road Safety Strategy submitted to Cabinet by December 2017 National Road Safety Strategy submitted to Cabinet Submit the National Road Safety Strategy to the DPME for SEIAS assessment Submit the National Road Safety Strategy to the ESEID Cluster Submit the National Road Safety Strategy to Cabinet -

48 Programme: 4 Road Transport…
Strategic Objective 2.1 Regulate and enhance transport safety and security Objective Statement: To develop and implement interventions aimed at enhancing transport safety and security. Critical within the MTSF is to have the National Road Safety Strategy approved and implemented by The Strategy will serve as a blueprint for all road safety interventions that need to be implemented to create safer roads. Performance indicator Reporting period Annual target 2017/18 Allocated budget ‘000 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Anti-Fraud and Corruption Strategy for Driving Licence Testing Centres (DLTCs), Vehicle Testing Centres (VTCs) and Registration Authorities submitted to Cabinet by March 2020 Quarterly Anti-Fraud and Corruption Strategy for Driving Licence Testing Centres (DLTCs), Vehicle Testing Centres (VTCs) and Registration Authorities developed Operational Budget Conduct consultations with three (3) provinces on provincial policies, strategies and challenges Conduct consultations with three (3) provinces on provincial policies, strategies and challenges Consolidate stakeholder inputs and finalise the draft Anti-Fraud and Corruption Strategy

49 Programme 5: Civil Aviation
Strategic Objective 1.5: Enhance performance, efficiency and reliability of the transport sector Objective Statement: To develop and implement interventions aimed at improving transport operations. Critical during the current MTSF is to ensure approval and implementation of the Airports Company and ATNS Amendment Acts by 2019. Performance indicator Reporting period Annual target 2017/18 Allocated budget ‘000 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Regulations for the Airports Company Amendment Act developed by March 2018 Quarterly Draft Regulations for the Airports Company Amendment Act developed Operational Budget - Develop Inception report for the development of Regulations Conduct Stake Holder consultations on the development of Draft Regulations Develop Draft Regulations for the Airports Company Amendment Act Regulations for the ATNS Amendment Act developed by March 2018 Draft Regulations for the ATNS Amendment Act developed Air Services Licencing and the International Air Services Amendment Bill submitted to Cabinet by March 2019 Draft Air Services Licencing and the International Air Services Amendment Bill submitted to DPME for SEIAS assessment Publish the Air Services Licensing and the International Air Services Amendment Bill in the Government Gazette for public comments Conduct stakeholder assessment on the draft Air Services Licensing and the International Air Services Amendment Bill Submit the draft Air Services Licensing and the International Air Services Amendment Bill to the DoT EXCO for internal quality assessment Submit the draft Air Services Licensing and the International Air Services Amendment Bill to DPME for SEIAS assessment

50 Programme 5: Civil Aviation…
Strategic Objective 2.1: Regulate and enhance transport safety and security Objective Statement: To develop and implement interventions aimed at enhancing transport safety and security in line with international standards. Critical within the MTSF is to have the Civil Aviation Amendment Act proclaimed and implemented by 2019. Performance indicator Reporting period Annual target 2017/18 Allocated budget ‘000 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Civil Aviation Amendment Bill submitted to Cabinet by March 2018 Quarterly Civil Aviation Amendment Bill submitted to Cabinet Operational Budget - Submit the Civil Aviation Amendment Bill to DPME for final SEIAS assessment. Submit the Civil Aviation Amendment Bill to the ESEID Cluster Submit Civil Aviation Amendment Bill to Cabinet National Aviation Transformation Strategy (NATS) submitted to Cabinet by March 2018 National Aviation Transformation Strategy submitted to Cabinet R480 Incorporate inputs and finalize the National Aviation Transformation Strategy (NATS) Submit the final Draft National Aviation Transformation Strategy (NATS) to Exco for approval Submit the final Draft National Aviation Transformation Strategy (NATS) to FOSAD ESEID Cluster Submit the final Draft National Aviation Transformation Strategy (NATS) to Cabinet

51 Programme 6: Maritime Transport
Strategic Objective 1.5: Enhance performance, efficiency and reliability of the transport sector Objective Statement: To develop and implement interventions aimed at improving transport operations. Critical within the current MTSF is to ensure approval and implementation of the Maritime Transport Policy by 2019. Performance indicator Reporting period Annual target 2017/18 Allocated budget ’000 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Maritime Transport Policy (MTP) submitted to Cabinet by March 2018 Quarterly Maritime Transport Policy submitted to Cabinet R 494 Publish the Maritime Transport Policy in a government gazette Submit the Maritime Transport Policy to DPME for final SEIAS assessment. Submit the Maritime Transport Policy to FOSAD Clusters Submit the Maritime Transport Policy to Cabinet Operation Phakisa Marine Transport and Manufacturing Delivery Unit monitored Progress Audit conducted on Operation Phakisa infrastructure projects at seven (7) commercial ports Operational Budget Develop audit plan for port- based infrastructure projects for seven (7) commercial ports Conduct progress audit of Operation Phakisa infrastructure projects at the Ports of Cape Town, Saldanha, Durban and Richards Bay Conduct progress audit of Operation Phakisa infrastructure projects at the Ports of East London, Port Elizabeth and Nqgura Compile and consolidate the Annual Progress Audit Report on Operation Phakisa infrastructure projects at seven (7) commercial ports

52 Programme 6: Maritime Transport…
Strategic Objective 2.1: Regulate and enhance transport safety and security Objective Statement: To develop and implement interventions aimed at enhancing transport safety and security in line with international standards. Critical within the MTSF is to ensure the approval and implementation of the Merchant Shipping Bill. Performance indicator Reporting period Annual target 2017/18 Allocated budget ‘000 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Merchant Shipping Bill submitted to Cabinet by March 2018 Quarterly Merchant Shipping Bill submitted to Cabinet R1 103 Develop the draft Merchant Shipping Bill Submit the Merchant Shipping Bill to DPME for final SEIAS assessment. Submit the draft Merchant Shipping Bill to FOSAD Clusters Submit the draft Merchant Shipping Bill to Cabinet IMO World Maritime Day Parallel Event hosted by 2020 2020 World Maritime Day Project Implementation Plan submitted to Cabinet Operational Budget Develop the 2020 World Maritime Day Project Implementation Plan Develop technical specifications for workstreams of the approved Project Implementation Plan Submit technical specifications to EXCO and the Minister for approval Submit the 2020 World Maritime Day Project Implementation Plan to Cabinet

53 Programme 7: Public Transport
Strategic Objective 3.1: Provide integrated rural transport infrastructure and services Objective Statement: To develop and implement policies and strategies geared at improving provision of quality public transport infrastructure and services in rural areas. Critical within the MTSF is approval and implementation of the Rural Transport Strategy and the Learner Transport Policy by 2019. Performance indicator Reporting period Annual target 2017/18 Allocated budget ‘000 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Integrated Public Transport Network (IPTN) plans developed in district municipalities annually Quarterly Network (IPTN) plans developed in two (2) district municipalities: Bojanala and OR Tambo DM’s Operational Budget Conduct stakeholder consultations on the development of IPTN Plans Develop the draft concept for detailed IPTN plans Develop draft detailed IPTN plans for two (2) district municipalities Finalise detailed IPTN plans in 2 District Municiplalities

54 Programme 7: Public Transport…
Strategic Objective 4.1: Promote sustainable public transport Objective Statement: To facilitate and promote the provision of sustainable public transport, through the use of safe and compliant vehicles and developing empowerment systems for the sector. Critical within the current MTSF is approval and implementation of the Intergrated Public Transport Turnaround Plan and the Taxi Recapitalisation Programme Performance indicator Reporting period Annual target 2017/18 Allocated budget ‘000 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Implementation of the revised Taxi Recapitalisation Programme monitored Quarterly Implementation Plan of the New Taxi Recapitalization Programme developed Operational Budget Develop Technical Specifications Develop Inception Report Draft design of the New Taxi Recapitalization Programme Develop Implementation Plan of the New Taxi Recapitalization Programme Implementation of the Integrated Public Transport Turnaround Plan monitored Framework for the implementation of the Integrated Public Transport Turnaround Plan developed Conduct stakeholder engagement on the programme of action for the Integrated Public Transport Turnaround Plan Analyse options for the implementation of the Integrated Public Transport Turnaround Plan Develop a concept framework document for the Integrated Public Transport Turnaround Plan Develop framework plan for Integrated Public Transport Turnaround Plan

55 Programme 7: Public Transport…
Strategic Objective 2.1: Regulate and enhance transport safety and security Objective Statement: To develop and implement interventions aimed at enhancing transport safety and security in line with international standards. Critical within the MTSF is to ensure the approval and implementation of the Merchant Shipping Bill. Performance indicator Reporting period Annual target 2017/18 Allocated budget ‘000 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Merchant Shipping Bill submitted to Cabinet by March 2018 Quarterly Merchant Shipping Bill submitted to Cabinet Operational Budget Develop the draft Merchant Shipping Bill Submit the Merchant Shipping Bill to DPME for final SEIAS assessment. Submit the draft Merchant Shipping Bill to FOSAD Clusters Submit the draft Merchant Shipping Bill to Cabinet IMO World Maritime Day Parallel Event hosted by 2020 2020 World Maritime Day Project Implementation Plan submitted to Cabinet Develop the 2020 World Maritime Day Project Implementation Plan Develop technical specifications for workstreams of the approved Project Implementation Plan Submit technical specifications to EXCO and the Minister for approval Submit the 2020 World Maritime Day Project Implementation Plan to Cabinet

56 Programme 7: Public Transport…
Strategic Objective 4.2: Improve public transport access and reliability Objective Statement: Objective Statement: To facilitate the development and implementation of Integrated Public Transport Networks (IPTNs) in identified municipalities by 2019. Performance indicator Reporting period Annual target 2017/18 Allocated budget ‘000 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Integrated Public Transport Networks (IPTNs) funded and monitored in selected cities Quarterly IPTN’s monitored in selected cities Operational Budget Fund and monitor implementation of Ekurhuleni, Mbombela, Nelson Mandela Bay, Johannesburg, Cape Town, George and Tshwane IPTNs

57 Programme 7: Public Transport…
Strategic Objective 4.3: Regulate Public Transport Objective Statement: To transform land transport systems through development and implementation of legislation, institutional building and planning. Critical over the current MTSF is the approval and implementation of the National Land Transport Amendment Act by 2019. Performance indicator Reporting period Annual target 2017/18 Allocated budget ‘000 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Transport Appeal Tribunal (TAT) Amendment Bill submitted to Cabinet by March 2019 Quarterly Draft Transport Appeal Tribunal (TAT) Amendment Bill developed Operational Budget Develop draft TAT Amendment Bill Facilitate gazetting of the draft TAT Amendment Bill for public consultation Conduct public consultations of the draft TAT Amendment Bill through the Gazette process Incorporate inputs and finalise the Draft Transport Appeal Tribunal (TAT) Amendment Bill

58 Key Challenges Key Challenge Proposed Interventions Funding
Mobilizing NT for more funding Consolidating fragmented funding streams Identifying alternative funding sources Inherent dependencies on other spheres on government, other departments and agencies More coordinated IGR processes Building capacity at implementing spheres and agencies More focused oversight capabilities

59 Key Risks Identified Risk Risk Description Mitigation Strategy
Lack of Capacity and Resources Lack of capacity in terms of personnel, relevant skills and budgetary constraints DPSA Regulations, DoT Recruitment and Retention Strategy, Skills Audit Report, PFMA, Treasury Regulations, DoRA, Departmental Procurement Planning Inter-dependencies Inherent dependencies between various role-players in the value chain Development of a stakeholder policy and matrix Increased road fatalities Fatalities and injuries resulting from high accidents rate, including damage to property Approval and implementation of the Road Safety Strategy Failure to meet the international search and rescue requirements Inadequate funding for the upgrade of the Medium Earth Orbit Search and Rescue System (MEOSAR) Funding required through the MTEF process

60 Key Risks Identified… Risk Risk Description Mitigation Strategy
Challenges encountered in advancing South Africa’s position within the AFI-Region Lack of regional aviation influence Secondment and funding required through the MTEF process Non-implementation of the Civil Aviation Upper Airspace Management Centre (CAUAMC) The seamless regional harmonisation of our traffic in the upper airspace (FL 245+) in the interest of aviation safety will not take place Consultation with security organisations in SA and SADC Lack and/or slow pace of updating outdated legislation Implementation of outdated legislation resulting in legislative gaps and non-compliance with international instruments / conventions Mechanisms to accelerate review of legislation to be developed Lack of stakeholder cooperation Delays due to lengthy Intergovernmental consultation processes Strengthen intergovernmental relations

61 Key Risks Identified… Risk Risk Description Mitigation Strategy
Reduction in the number of vehicles for scrapping Unaffordability of new vehicles by owners leading to low demand for scrapping Review of the Taxi Recapitalisation Programme Capacity within municipalities to implement integrated public transport networks Lack of capacity and resources at municipal level to plan, construct and operate integrated public transport networks Evaluate competence of municipalities and do benchmark exercises Inadequate funding for public transport Insufficient funding for public transport initiatives thus impacting negatively on ability of the department to deliver on its public transport mandate Review funding options for public transport

62 Identified Budget Constraints and Proposals for Revenue Generation
The DoT is adversely affected by the inadequate budgetary constrainst and regular request for budget cuts that have serious implications on the filling of vacant posts. This has contributed to the recent deceleration in the filling of vacant posts. DoT does not have the capability to directly generate revenue except through the entities. Its role is limited to issuing of regulations in this regard.

63 Public Entities Liquidity as at the end of the 3rd Quarter - 2016/17
Public Entity Solvency Ratio Current Ratio Cash flow (R’000) ACSA 2,52 1,76 R2,406,660 ATNS 10,05 7,15 R1,252,420 SACAA 4,16 3,18 R234,044 RAF 0,06 0,19 R2,916,298 SANRAL 3,40 1,95 R8,660,906 RTMC 10,72 9,13 R176,764 RTIA 12,64 12,16 R185,299 8. C-BRTA 0,34 0,31 R85,454 SAMSA 0,73 0,63 R24,737 IPR 48,68 44,87 R15,680 11. RSR 4,82 2,54 R17,055 12. PRASA 1,01 3,56 R10,317,297 63

64 Budget Pressures BUDGET PRESSURES 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 R'000
2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 R'000 COMPENSATION OF EMPLOYEES 43 641 57 646 71 183 Salaries 32 215 45 443 58 053 Job Evaluations 11 426 12 203 13 130 GOODS AND SERVICES 56 200 2 900 - National Household Travel Survey 2018 TRANSFERS AND SUBSIDIES Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA) South African National Roads Agency Limited (SANRAL) SADC Aviation Safety Organisation 6 023 6 360 6 716 SAMSA: Marine Rescue Cordination Centre 16 000 16 896 17 842 Public Transport Operations Grant TOTAL

65 PRASA: Operational Services
SPLIT OF ADDITIONAL FUNDING REQUEST Description 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 TOTAL 2017 MTEF Metrorail Mainline Passenger Services Current Government Subsidy Alocation Before Reduction 2017MTEF Operating Subsidy Submission Additional Operating Subsidy Request We need private sector support and partnerships and in speeding up the damage of the vandalised infrastructure. #2019/20 Current government subsidy allocation increased by inflation target of 5.6%

66 PRASA: Operational Services…
The additional operating subsidy will ensure that the company meet its operating obligations and is able to service its creditors as they become due. Company source of income is fare revenue from commuters and government subsidy. Current operational challenges couple with target market being the poor does not allow substantial increase in fares to recover costs of operations. Over 65% of operating expenses are not entirely under the control of the company and are subject to: negotiations with Unions, approval by regulatory bodies such as Nersa, Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority and Municipal Councils, and insurance costs dependent on company risk profile and commuter claims. Vandalism of company assets and recent train accidents have adversely affected the company’s risk profile.

67 SANRAL: Budget Needs vs Allocation
Description 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Current MTEF allocation 1. Sustain + Strengthening 2. Capacity Expansions Total MTEF Requirements SHORTFALL Note: The current projected MTEF allocations will enable SANRAL to address the basic budget requirements required to sustain the network, but not to address the strengthening backlog or expansion requirements of the current network under its jurisdiction, no network increase assumed. To address the basic requirements, strengthening backlog as well as expansion requirement of its current network SANRAL will require minimum of R32 billion per year over next 10 years, should the option of toll funding no longer be available (provided SANRAL network length remains unchanged). Not doing expansions will result in increased congestion and associated increased road user costs on parts of the network. Mobility is one of the most fundamental and important characteristics of economic activity as it satisfies the basic need of going from one location to the other, a need shared by passengers and freight. Apart from the direct cost of the congestion on the economy (hours lost, productivity and vehicle operating costs), the social impact of congestion on society is probably the biggest concern.

68 Public Transport Operational Grant (PTOG)
PROVINCES MTEF Estimates 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 R'000 Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZulu-Natal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape 49 757 52 643 55 591 North West Western Cape Unallocated 21 120 Total Additional requirements Funds allocated in 2016/17 - Shortfall

69 Public Transport Operational Grant (PTOG)…
The current allocation is not sufficient to cover the escalation costs on the existing contracts. The department is not able to replace old contracts and since 2005 no new service was introduced. The vehicles are obsolete and the services are unable to respond to the demand of growing passenger number in settlements and urban centres. Currently most trips are unsubsidised which lead to poor quality, maintenance, hence companies have to cover the costs, as a result they relinquish services. The impact of the cut will means cutting of services which will lead to unrest. Intervention: The department is busy with the transformation plan, which aim to transform public transport in the country to also identify duplication of subsidy and promote integration of modes. The plan is in the consultation process and will require funds to implement it. Other intervention is the development of subsidy policy.

70 Medium Term Expenditure
Budget Summary Programmes Expenditure outcome Actual Medium Term Expenditure Audited Revised estimates outcome 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 R'000 Administration Integrated Transport Planning 66 373 74 974 88 762 78 954 81 663 86 019 91 798 Rail Transport Road Transport Civil Aviation Maritime Transport 99 623 Public Transport Total for programmes Direct charge against the National Revenue Fund International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund 1 700 10 000 10 200 10 424 Total Over the medium term, the Department will focus on improving mobility and access to social and economic activities by maintaining the provincial and national road networks, upgrading and maintaining rail infrastructure, and improving public transport for rail and road commuters. These activities contribute to the realisation of outcome 6 (an efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure network) of government’s medium-term strategic framework. The department’s total expenditure over the medium term will mainly be driven by transfers to public entities, provinces and municipalities for infrastructure spending, operations and maintenance. These transfers constitute 98.1 per cent of the department’s budget over the medium term.

71 Medium Term Expenditure
Budget Summary… Economic classification Expenditure outcome Actual Medium Term Expenditure Audited Revised estimates outcome 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 R'000 Compensation of employees Goods and services Financial transaction in assets and liabilities 80 260 3 325 - Transfers and payments: Payments for capital assets: 19 859 34 984 13 866 7 491 4 481 4 743 5 000 Total The department’s budget is expected to increase at an average annual rate of 6.8 per cent in the period ahead, from R56.3 billion in 2016/17 to R68.6 billion in 2019/20. However, spending on goods and services is expected to decrease at an average annual rate of 1 per cent, from R751.8 million in 2016/17 to R729.1 million in 2019/20, due to reprioritisations to other transport spending priorities. These include: R15.9 million to support the operations of the Maritime and Aeronautical Rescue Coordination Centre; R19 million to strengthen the regulatory capacity of the Ports Regulator of South Africa; and R6 million to develop rail economic regulation capacity in the department in preparation for the establishment of the Single Transport Economic Regulator. As part of Cabinet’s decision to lower the national aggregate expenditure ceiling, the budget for goods and services has been reduced by R49.6 million over the MTEF period.

72 Compensation of Employees
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 PROJECTED ACTUAL EXPENDITURE PROJECTION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2016 NPTR POST 4 100 4 387 4 685 5 041 TOTAL INITIAL BASELINE REVISED BASELINE ALLOCATION ADDITIONAL FUNDING TOWARDS COE - 11 000 12 124 13 254 The department’s budget for compensation of employees has been capped at R450 million in 2017/18, R470 million in 2018/19 and R505.9 million in 2019/20 – reflecting an increase at an average annual rate of 5.4 per cent over the medium term.

73 Thank You!

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