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Fox Hollow Safety Protocols. Fox Hollow Expectations Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe.

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Presentation on theme: "Fox Hollow Safety Protocols. Fox Hollow Expectations Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fox Hollow Safety Protocols

2 Fox Hollow Expectations Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe

3 Be Respectful on the Playground Listen to and follow the directions of the TAs. Language should be polite. Tetherballs should be used for tetherball (not hanging on, sitting on, or kicking). Tree branches should remain untouched. Snow should stay on the ground (not thrown). When the whistle blows, students should line up without kicking balls.

4 Be Responsible on the Playground Toys from home should remain at home. Students should play in visible sight of adults (not behind the shed) and away from the cottage. Children with snow boots will be allowed to play in the snow. Students should stay on the sidewalk and walk to the cafeteria from the playground, not run or skip. Students should wear appropriate clothing for the weather. An emergency whistle of two blows followed by three blows should result in a quick and orderly line up of students.

5 Be Safe on the Playground Students should only slide down the slides (and not climb up). Rocks should be left on the ground (not thrown or put on equipment). Swings should be used for swinging by just one child (not jumping or flipping off of). Balance beams should be used for balancing (not chicken). Monkey bars should be used for swinging in one direction (not standing on).

6 Playground Supervision Ratio is 1:50 – typically 3 Teacher Assistants outside Three zones with one TA supervising each zone Emergency procedure: An emergency whistle of two blows followed by three blows should result in a quick and orderly line up of students. Any adult must have a badge to approach the playground TAs have 2-way radios to communicate with each other and with the office and nurse

7 Going to Lunch TAs blow the whistle and hold up a track card. A, B,… Students line up and the first group is accompanied by a TA to the café The next group lines up and walks on the left side of the yellow line while be watched by a playground TA until the last one turns the corner The café TA watches students at this point until the last student enters the café

8 Dismissal Students need firm after school plans so that they are not confused about how they are getting home. Supervision is to 3:40pm and is parents responsibility thereafter

9 Safety Drills Drills are planned throughout the year and the schedule is approved through the district safety office. Fire Drills Secure Perimeter Lock Down Tornado Drills

10 Staff Safety Training & Review Table Top Exercises Binders with quick references Evacuation Maps in each classroom Substitute Directions/Cards

11 District Support Annual review of safety plans: evacuation plans, phone trees … Training for staff Inspections: Fire, Health, Safety District Mental Health Services: Tragedy and Crisis Intervention support

12 Safety Review 2013 Vulnerability inspection conducted in Fall 2012. Safety wish list submitted in Dec./Jan. Principal met with a district safety representative along with local law enforcement to review and enhance school safety procedures. Fox Hollow will receive additional video cameras. The front entrance window will be changed to improve vision and communication. Card readers will be installed at the mobile and the 3 rd grade door.

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