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2 What do you know? What films have you studied?
What things did you look at? What did you find interesting?

3 THE BIG PICTURE We will be looking at the film “Jurassic World”
We will look at character, theme and media techniques We will be working towards using this film to write an essay in your exam

4 HIGH ANGLE SHOT the character can be made to appear smaller and weaker


6 LOW ANGLE SHOT makes a character appear larger, stronger and more dominant.


8 EYE LEVEL SHOT provides the audience with a realistic view and lets them experience it. The eye level shot is neutral


10 Bird’s Eye Shot Similar to high angle but looks straight down on a subject rather than looking down at an angle. It achieves dramatic images


12 Wide/Long shot shows the entire body of a character or multiple characters. establishes the setting of the scene.


14 Mid/Medium shot shows half of a character usually from the waist up.
reminds viewers where the scene is taking place. It shows the link between the character and the setting.


16 Medium Close-up shows the character from the chest up.
It is used to show emotions and expressions while still showing part of the background area.


18 Close-up fills the screen with the actor's face.
Shows emotion and makes the audience focus on that character. used for showing details in objects that may be important.


20 Extreme close-up A shot which is focused in to a small area of the face etc. Highlight the importance of this feature.


22 Note making Setting Plot Characters Techniques

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