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What’s Happening in Weed Control 2001

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1 What’s Happening in Weed Control 2001
Dr. Eric P. Prostko Extension Weed Specialist Tifton Certified Crop Advisors Meeting, Dec 15, 2000, Tifton GA

2 Topic for Discussion 2000 Problems peanuts cotton corn soybeans

3 How dry was it??? May Precipitation in Georgia
85-90% of GA peanuts were planted in May

4 Drift Problems in 2000 Staple Plus on Sorghum Roundup on Peanuts

5 Top 10 Tips For Reducing Pesticide Drift Problems
nozzle selection reduce pressure lower boom height increase nozzle size avoid spraying when winds exceed 10 MPH lookout for inversions use additives calibrate sprayer keep records use common sense

6 “The Year of the Pigweed”
dry weather incorporation big weeds Palmer amaranth resistance??

7 Palmer Amaranth Control with Blazer Applied at Different Timings
Mayo et al (KS)

8 Pigweed Control with Blazer and Classic - 28 DAT
Gossett and Toler, 1999 (SC) Applied at V3-V4 stage

9 Pigweed Identification World Wide Web
Iowa State University * waterhemp/default.htm Kansas State University *


11 11% of peanut market in southeast

12 How would you rate the overall performance of Strongarm in your county?
2000 UGA County Agent Survey

13 What were the weeds that most frequently escaped control of Strongarm?
2000 UGA County Agent Survey

14 Strongarm - Does it work in GA? Attapulgus - 7 WAP
Strongarm + Prowl (PPI) Untreated

15 Variety Tolerance to Strongarm (PRE) Tifton, GA 2000
Weed-free test Averaged over 2 varieties (GA Green, C99R) LSD = 561

16 Strongarm How Should It Be Used in GA?
use where starbur, eclipta, and copperleaf are problems tank-mix with DNA irrigate in if possible variable on nutsedge poor sicklepod control

17 Strongarm Label Update 2001
“at cracking” applications Snapbean rotation = 9 months

18 Valor 50WDG Valent introduced in 1989 flumioxazin
N-phenylphthalimide derivative PPO oxidase inhibitor PRE 2-3 ozs/A label in 2001 (I hope!!)

19 Why do we need Valor?? Florida beggarweed rotation restrictions
mode of action reduced costs/A?

20 Although Valor has many strengths, growers/dealers need to be made aware of its weaknesses such as cocklebur nutsedge sicklepod increased crop injury with delayed applications

21 Other Peanut Weed Control Issues
paraquat formulations * Starfire (old) * Gramoxone Max * Boa Ultra Blazer * sodium salt vs. amine formulation * less peanut injury???


23 GMO Cotton Varieties in GA
Source: NASS, June 2000

24 Top 12 Varieties in 2000 GA Crop

25 Roundup Ready Programs

26 Glyphosate formulations (labeled for OT uses on RR cotton)
* not Touchdown 5L

27 Glyphosate is a good herbicide but it does have some weaknesses such as …..
morningglory nutsedge dayflower hemp sesbania prickly sida Florida pusley

28 Say Bye Bye to Bladex (cyanazine)
no sales or distribution after 9/30/02 cannot be used after 12/31/02 Does anyone have some??

29 Cyanazine Replacements
Goal Harvade Valor glyphosate diuron prometryn fluometuron Cobra

30 Cyanazine Replacements Issues
Contact activity (CoA) Residual activity (R) Carryover potential (CaP) Injury potential (I) Cost ($)

31 Cyanazine Replacements Strengths / Weaknesses
diuron -- CoA, R, I, $ / CaP? prometryn -- CoA, R, CaP, I, $ fluometuron -- R, I, $ / CoA, CaP? Cobra -- CoA, CaP, I / R, $ Goal -- CoA, CaP, I / R, $ Harvade -- CoA, CaP, $ (IPOZZ) / R Valor -- CoA, R, CaP / I, $? experimental Glyphosate -- CoA, CaP, $ / R only RR

32 Conventional Programs


34 Weed Control in Corn numerous options
tough to beat atrazine + cultivation ($$$) Prowl and/or Accent for PANTE need something for late-season MG

35 Weed Control in Corn New Stuff
herbicide resistant hybrids * cost/A * hybrid performance * 6% of U.S. crop * GMO Issue new labels

36 Herbicide Resistant Corn Hybrid Technologies Cost/A

37 Herbicide Resistant Corn Hybrids in GA - 2000
hybrids that performed equal to or better than the test averages included the following: * Pioneer 32K63LL (Liberty) * Garst 8222 IT (Clearfield) * Dekalb 626RR (Roundup)

38 Weed Control in Corn New (er) Labels
Accent Gold Action Axiom Axiom AT Aim Balance Celebrity Plus Distinct Degree Extra Epic Northstar Spirit


40 GA Soybean Production 1989-2000
Source: GASS

41 Weed Control in Soybeans Roundup Ready Tank-Mixes
oz/A ($3.14) ozs/A ($3.11) 4 ozs/A ($4.30) improved control of morningglory (5-10%) mixed results across southern US cheaper than split applications of Roundup but not as effective

42 Newer Roundup Premixes Soybeans
BASF Extreme * Roundup (2 lb/gal) + Pursuit (0.17 lb/gal) Backdraft * Roundup (1.25 lb/gal) + Scepter (0.25 lb/gal) knockdown + residual NIS + N required on label

43 Roundup/Boron/Dimilin Tank Mixes??
full-bloom to early pod-fill R2-R3 stage Is this the best time for Roundup? Crop injury? Need more data

44 Soybean Yield Response to Roundup/Boron/Dimilin Tank-Mixes Hartz 7550RR
Bu/A Tifton, GA 2000 P = 0.85 CV = 23

45 Weed Control in Soybeans Other New(er) Stuff
Action Axiom Boundary Detail Domain Expert Pendimax Raptor Resource

46 University of Georgia Extension Weed Science

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