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Helpful Hint From Mrs. Johnson:

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1 Helpful Hint From Mrs. Johnson:
5th Grade class news 8/25-9/1 Helpful Hint From Mrs. Johnson: Math: I can... *Explain patterns in the placement of the decimal point when a decimal is multiplied/divided by a power of ten *Compare decimals to thousandths (Using symbols for less than, greater than, and equal to) *Round decimals to the nearest hundredth, tenth, or whole number using understanding of place value *Also, on Monday, we will check and discuss Friday's practice assessment. Science (5B for 2-week rotation) "The Universe“ Social Studies: (5A for 2-week rotation) “Pre-civil War“ Antebellum Period North vs. South Abolitionist Movement Slavery Student work is text dependent and supports the E.L.A. standards. Please encourage your child to use their BEST handwriting when completing their work. I have had a hard time reading students’ writing. I want to make sure I can give them credit for the amazing work they are doing. E.L.A: E.L.A Homework: “Wonder” Part One: August Vocabulary: Word Maps Spelling: Alphabetical Order This is the same list as last week. “Wonder” Journals I can… Write a narrative piece of text. Identify fragments and write with complete sentences. (Subject and Predicate) Write compound sentences. Close read for comprehension. Decode vocabulary words. Summarize text. Determine the main idea and support it with details. Identify cause and effect relationships and state how if affects the plot. Determine theme. Part One Assessment Friday, August 1st Thank You, Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Chaparro

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