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SAGE Lecture Spark [2/3/19] The Publisher of the Social Sciences.

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1 SAGE Lecture Spark [2/3/19] The Publisher of the Social Sciences

2 Vegan Beef with Hyundai over Super Bowl Ad that Made Fun of Vegan Dinner Parties
“An oversize elevator operated by a wisecracking Jason Bateman took passengers up to pleasurable experiences and down to life events everyone wants to avoid.” One floor, showing a vegan dinner party that causes one passenger to retch, has caused an outcry. “...Vegans felt personally attacked. Why should their decision to live a planet-friendly, animal-cruelty-free lifestyle be comparable to a colonoscopy or a root canal?”

3 People Were Not Very Thirsty for the Idea of 'Chunky-Style Milk'
During “a Mint Mobile commercial... in which a family was shown enjoying a carton of “chunky-style milk,” some viewers took to social media to express their distaste.” Speaking about their phone deal: “‘It’s right, alright,’ Mint Mobile’s green fox mascot assures [a man]. ‘Now chunky-style milk? That’s not right.’”

4 Super Bowl Commercials Take on Female Empowerment
“This year’s ads were notable not only for having women in leading roles but for changing the way women are seen in Super Bowl ads...” “Right now we’ve got three women running for president, we’ve got more women graduating college than men, so advertisers have kind of figured out that we better show women in the powerful light that they’re in,” ad executive Donny Deutsch said Monday.

5 The Super Bowl Commercials Were Really Bad This Year, Huh?
“[The ads this year] weren’t ads so much as frantic pop culture mashups, and they rarely felt like commercials for specific products but rather some notion of a capitalist society in general.” “They felt less like the work of corporate marketing executives and more like they’d been blended together by some sentient algorithm that plucked a bunch of trending topics from random common Google searches.”

6 Key Concepts Super Bowl 2019: Commercial Buzz At one of the largest mass media events of the year, different companies try very different approaches to get noticed and to create new customers. While some fail, caught up in memes and tropes, others look to the future.

7 Assessment Writing: Do you think that big media organizations are better at instigating social change than political organizations are? Debate: What was the best Super Bowl ad of this year and why? Poll: What part of the Super Bowl this year left the most lasting impact on you? The game, the halftime show, or the commercials Short Answer: How would you make a Super Bowl ad that is interesting, but also addresses social or other issues of the world today? Current Events Quiz A Hyundai ad this year involved a joke about which group? One ad became particularly notorious for disgusting viewers with ____. Tennis star____ explored empowerment in an ad for ____. Women in current and future Super Bowl ads, according to an advertising executive, ought to be shown in a more ____ light. According to Vox, the Super Bowl ads this year felt like a pop culture ____. Answers Vegans Chunky Milk Serena Williams, Bumble Powerful 5. Mashup

8 Serena Williams in an ad for online dating service, Bumble.

9 Harrison Ford and Forest Whitaker feature in an ad for Amazon.

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