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Linda Brown Dies.

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1 Linda Brown Dies

2 Linda Brown, who as a little girl was at the center of the Brown v
Linda Brown, who as a little girl was at the center of the Brown v. Board of Education case that ended segregation in American schools, has died, a funeral home spokesman said. Brown, 75, died Sunday afternoon in Topeka, Kansas. Brown was 9 years old in 1951 when her father, Oliver Brown, tried to enroll her at Sumner Elementary School, then an all-white school near her Topeka home. When the school blocked her enrollment her father sued the Topeka Board of Education. Four similar cases were combined with Brown's complaint and presented to the Supreme Court as Oliver L. Brown et al v. Board of Education of Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas, et al. The court ruled in May 1954 that "separate educational facilities are inherently unequal," a violation of the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution, which states that no citizen can be denied equal protection under the law. The ruling overturned Plessy v. Ferguson, which established the separate but equal doctrine that formed the legal basis for Jim Crow laws.

3 In Other News The Commerce Department announced Monday that the question of citizenship will again be included in the 2020 Census. The move comes at the request of the Justice Department, first made in the early days of the administration, saying it was needed to better enforce the Voting Rights Act. President Donald Trump's re-election campaign endorsed the idea in an to supporters last week. Census data is used to determine where federal funds are spent and how congressional districts are drawn, among other uses. The Census is intended to count the entire population, not just US citizens. The question raised concerns that a citizenship question would cause undocumented individuals not to complete the questionnaire and leave a large population uncounted, with potential consequences for the next decade and beyond. An official "with deep knowledge of North Korea" said there's a strong possibility that the Kim Jong Un is in Beijing. If he's there, it's the first time he's left NK since he took power in This alleged visit comes just weeks before Kim's planned summit with South Korea's President and a potential meeting with President Trump. The Federal Trade Commission is investigating Facebook's data practices as the fallout from the Cambridge Analytica data-sharing scandal continues. The FTC wants to know how data from Facebook users ended up in the hands of Donald Trump's 2016 campaign consultants. Russia is warning it will retaliate after more than 20 countries said they will kick out more than 100 Russian diplomats. A Kremlin spokesman said Russia would be "guided by the principle of reciprocity" in its actions. The US alone is expelling 60 diplomats and closing a consulate in Seattle, the most forceful action President Trump's ever taken against Vladimir Putin's government. The mass expulsions are being done in solidarity with the UK's recent decision to throw out almost two dozen Russian diplomats after it said the Russians were behind the poisoning of an ex-Russian double agent and his adult daughter. UK Prime Minister Theresa May said the agent and his daughter "may never" fully recover from the poisoning.

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