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The Power of Smart Regions

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1 The Power of Smart Regions
Robert Linnekamp Chairman Klimaatverbond Nederland, Alderman municipality of Zaanstad

2 Energy Transition 160 member working together From Fossil to Renewable

3 Where are we now?

4 In Everybody’s Backyard!
Where are we going?

5 Financial crisis Ecological crisis Context = Crisis
The Chinese characters for crisis mean two other words: Danger and Opportunities. In every crisis lies the seat of opportunity Ecological crisis

6 The way forward is innovation:
Technical, production & reduction Economic, new financial arrangements Social, new networks and alliances Systems innovation

7 Innovation takes places within regional networks of government, business, civil society and knowledge institutions Climate issues can only be solved with a collaborative approach Smart Regions

8 1. The Power of Smart Governments
Understand trends Understand goals Understand new roles Traditional role = policy making: EU = regulation NL = (financial) support Local = execution (> 80 cities with roadmaps) / NET-COM project New (?) role = lead by example 1. The Power of Smart Governments

9 2. The Power of Smart People
The sun produces enough energy for all our needs. Trend = active society, civilians and business; pro-sumers break open traditional markets Goal = acceleration, brings chaos New role = facilitator Examples: Amsterdam-Zuid Lochem 2. The Power of Smart People

10 3. The Power of Smart Networks
Trend = collaboration Goal = critical mass New role = partner Innovation takes places within regional networks of government, business and knowledge institutions Climate issues can only be solved with a collaborative approach Examples: Electric Cars MRA Green Hub Arnhem / Nijmegen 3. The Power of Smart Networks

11 4. The Power of Smart Cities
Trend = integration of systems / energy logistics / smart grids Goal = systems innovation (production & reduction / technical & social) New role = integral director Cities have capacity (financial and knowledge) to lead within regions Examples: REloadIT / e-harbours – experiments with smart grids The Hague - 4. The Power of Smart Cities

12 Challenge #1 Houses & Offices First reduction, then production
Most profitable, Largest potential, 40% of total energy consumption within our cities Challenge #1

13 Deltaplan 2.0

14 The Power of Smart Regions = + + + 4. Smart Cities 3. Smart Networks
Starting point for Deltaplan 2.0 = Smart Regions = combination of 1-4 2. Smart People + 1. Smart Governments

15 The Power of Smart Regions = + + + + 5. Smart Leaders 4. Smart Cities
3. Smart Networks + + 5 = Smart Leaders that can buikd a wider movement for a sustainable future! 2. Smart People + 1. Smart Governments

16 Example of a leader: "I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth." Geluidsfragment: 1961

17 We all know what happened.

18 In Everybody’s Backyard?

19 Sure We Can! Using the Power of Smart Regions: Sure We Can!
Thank you for your attention.

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