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Carefirst Warning Markers Flowchart & Benefits

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1 Carefirst Warning Markers Flowchart & Benefits
1. Adult Poses a Risk to a Child Child Protection Risk of Disclosure 4. Violent Warning Marker 5. Adult Poses a Risk to a Vulnerable Adult rd Party Poses a Risk 1. Practitioner alerted to a risk that falls within the categories in the guidance or receives a notification from another agency. 2. Consideration should be given to a warning marker being added. Is a risk assessment required or do you have sufficient information to add a marker? 3. Practitioner adds a new warning marker and the review date to Carefirst * 6. Office managers run monthly infoview reports. Operations managers identify markers due for review and the Practice manager allocates. 5. Operations Manager makes final decision to add marker to the system and agrees the retention and review period. ** 4. Practitioner discusses this with Practice Manager and gets their agreement. * If the reason for a marker is factual (such as a notification from probation, conviction or incident of violence against staff) then the details can be included in the notes field. If the reason is an unfounded allegation or concern then the notes field should direct the reader to the risk assessment or further detail. ** The Operations Manager will need to consider whether the individual should be informed that a marker has been placed on their record. See guidance for further advice. NB There are key triggers / thresholds for Adult Poses a Risk to a Child or Vulnerable Adult. These are listed in the guidance. The other markers; Risk of Disclosure, Violent Warning Marker and 3rd Party Poses a Risk are more discretionary in nature and will most likely require a risk assessment or notes detailing the evidence/reason for adding a marker. NB Child Protection marker is automatically triggered in line with CP procedures.

2 Why will a Warning Marker help me?
1. It will help protect you and keep you safe. If an incident of violence has happened previously then a marker should be added to the system and you will see that on the front page of Carefirst, so there’s no danger of missing it. (Violent Warning Marker) 2. The review process means that markers should stay up to date, accurate and relevant. This is in line with our data protection responsibilities. 3. Highlights on the front page where addresses should not be disclosed this protects client safety and placements. For instance if parents are not told of a placement address or if a parent has fled to a refuge. (Risk of Disclosure Marker) 4. Clear assessment and trigger process ensures our markers are consistent, fair and legal. 5. Reminds you not to disclose certain information, for instance if mum has asked you not to share her personal details with dad. (Risk of Disclosure Marker) 6. It will alert you of any third party risks, such as a violent family member, which would not have been visible on that record before. 7. Quick and easy access to key concerns. Anyone who accesses Carefirst will be able to view the marker on the front page. 8. The reasoning and information behind the marker will be accessible and purposeful.

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