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A presentation to the Portfolio Committee of Parliament of SA

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1 A presentation to the Portfolio Committee of Parliament of SA
Budget linked to the Annual Performance Plan for the financial period : 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015 Vote 8

2 Contents Introduction Legislative Mandate Focus Areas: MTEF to Mandate
Spending History in Context 2014/2015 proposed appropriations Vote 8

3 Introduction Chapter 13 of the Constitution of South Africa provides that ” money may be withdrawn from the National revenue Fund only in terms of an appropriation by an Act of Parliament, or as a direct charge……..” The object of the PFMA is to secure transparency, accountability and sound management of the resources…..Chapter 1 of the Act The Framework for strategic plan and Annual Performance plans of propagates that operational budgets be linked to the institutions strategic objectives Although the Commission operates separate from the Executive arm of government, the budget is appropriated as a division within a Vote for the Ministry/Presidency (formerly with DWCP via the then 2009 proclamation by the President) – Vote 8 Vote 8

4 Legislative Mandate Authority In terms of Section 187 the Commission must promote respect for gender equality and the protection, development and attainment of gender equality The Commission has the power as regulated by national legislation, which includes the power to monitor, investigate, research, educate, lobby, advise and report on issues concerning gender equality To promote, protect, monitor, research, gender equality by exercising powers which includes investigations, the commission of public hearings , etc In terms of section 20 of PEPUDA, the Commission must assist complainants and institute legal proceedings in the Equality Courts section 8 specifically tasked the CGE to litigate on behalf of the public against a range of prohibited grounds of unfair discrimination The Constitution of South Africa, Act 108 of 1996  Commission on Gender Equality Act, Act 139 of 1996 Promotion of Equality and prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act 4 of (PEPUDA) Vote 8

5 Focus areas by the Commission
Programs to enhance Public awareness and education Outreach programs investigation of gender related complaints and provide redress Investigate systemic violation of gender rights in the Public and private sector (PEPUDA) Review and ensure the creation of a legislative framework that promotes the attainment of gender equality Monitor the state adherence to international convention and treaties Vote 8

6 Allocation per economic classification over MTEF period
Programme 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 COMMISSIONERS: GOVERNANCE & SUPPORT CORPORATE SUPPORT SERVICES SERVICE DELIVERY PROGRAM Total on goods & services Total on Cost of Employees Grand total of allocated funds Vote 8

7 Medium term Allocation per program
58% is spent on core program Programme 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 %/prgm COMMISSIONERS: GOVERNANCE & SUPPORT 17% CORPORATE SUPPORT SERVICES 32% SERVICE DELIVERY PROGRAM 51% Grand Total Rate of growth per annum 6.8% 6.6% 5.3% 5.1% Growth mainly due to cost of living adjustments realising higher than inflation – 6.6 % for Vote 8

8 The nature and structure of the CGE baseline budget
Operations are run primarily through 3 main programmes : Governance, Corporate Support and Main Service/Core program The top three spending drivers are: Compensation of Employees 68% ( We are a service driven & human intensive) Professional Services 6% ( Litigations, audit fees, etc) Travel& Accommodation, event management & media – 8% (outreach & visibility are at the core our strategy) Reports production and printing – 3% ( All work published after each research study/investigation Telecommunications, Courier Services – 2% (Offices country-wide) Therefore over 90% of the total spending is made out of unavoidable expenditure in the main of which majority is fixed (COE for e.g.) -Less flexibility This is a historical as well as projected pattern of spending even in the outer years of the medium term plan Vote 8

9 Itemised budget over MTEF period
Cls 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Bank Charges 51 600 54 690 57 971 61 449 64 706 CAPEX - Compensation of Employees Computer Servicing, Internet & Website Courier Services Employee Assistance Program Media Outreach Office Cleaning, Maintenance, Plants & Security Office Consumables 35 700 37 838 40 108 42 514 44 767 Printing & Stationery Professional Services Report writing & Printing Materials Telecommunication Expenses Travel, Accomodation and Related Expenditure Venues, Catering & Event Management Training and development Grand Total Vote 8

10 Actual spending history
2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 Growth 6.2% 7.1% 6.8% Transfers from National Government Sundry Income Total Income Compensation of Employees Goods & Services Depreciation & amortisation Total expenditure Surplus for the year Under-expenditure from COE Budget allocations modest minimally above CPI but driven by Cost of living adjustments which realised above inflation The surplus reported arose mainly from COE under-expenditure The under-expenditure on COE defrayed spending pressures on G&S historically The vacancies are now been filled to ensure optimal functioning of the CGE but to an eminent risk of spending pressures on current operations Vote 8

11 2014/2015 proposed appropriation
National Treasury through the MTEF process approved a baseline adjustment from R63.1 m for the 2013/2014 financial year to R67,2m for 2014/2015 period. An adjustment of 6.6% year on year to cover mainly inflation driven by COE The Spending plan, detailed in the APP is further funded from internal resources i.e. Other than transfers from National Treasury by R1.7m – surpluses retained from prior periods arising from interest income Item of spending Budget Bad debts - Bank Charges 50 000 Compensation of Employees Computer Servicing, Internet & Website Courier Services Depreciation & Amortisation Employee Assistance Program Interest Paid on Bank overdraft Office Cleaning, Maintenance, Plants & Security Office Consumables Printing & Stationery Professional Services Subscriptions 10 000 Telecommunication Expenses Training and Development Vehicle expenses, maint, fuel and other Travel, Accomodation and Related Expenditure Venues, Catering & Event Management Report writing,Printing & Publishing Media Outreach Grand Total Vote 8

12 Main/Core Service Delivery
Subprogrammes budget Strategic Objective 1 – R8.1m Strategic Objective 2 – R18m Strategic Objective 3 – R14.2m Strategic Objective 4 – R29.6m Approved Budget =R67.2m Final Budget = R69.9m Adjustment budget – not transferred from fiscus – R1.7m Commissioners’ R9.5m Main/Core Service Delivery R40.7m Corporate Services R19.7m Vote 8

13 Allocations per program per economic classification
58% set aside for the main service delivery program COE key driver of expenditure. CGE is a service organisation Program/economic class Compensation of Employees Depreciation & Amortisation Goods & Services Grand Total Relative % COMMISSIONERS: GOVERNANCE & SUPPORT 14% CORPORATE SUPPORT SERVICES 28% SERVICE DELIVERY PROGRAM 58% 68% 3% 29% 100% Vote 8

14 Strategic objective 1 Vote 8 SO SO1 2014/2015 Budget Data SS
Data SS Direct G&S R Salaries Overheads Total 2. To initiate and/or participate in the review of the legislative framework in all spheres of government that impact on gender equality 33 000 9 067 3. To conduct performance assessments of political parties and the public and private sectors on the effective implementation of gender equality legislation policies and practices 50 008 4. To evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of national justice facilities in addressing gender discrimination. 10 000 31 332 2 748 44 079 5. To convene policy dialogues with relevant policy makers at national and provincial level on recommendations to promote gender equality contained in research reports and research activities 96 169 1. To monitor equality and evaluate the promotion of gender equality and relevant policies an dpractices of the public and private sector and report parliament Grand Total Vote 8

15 SO 1 – Key drivers of spending
This SO deals with the creation of an enabling legislative framework The SO consumes 12% of the total budget, driven by travel and accommodation, printing of reports in addition to the allocated overheads Employee Cost accounts for 20% of COE for main program or R6m Vote 8

16 Strategic objective 2 Vote 8 SS Direct G&S Salaries Overheads Total
1. To timeously investigate complaints of violations of gender rights and identify appropriate re­dress 43 139 2. Initiate an investigation into systemic violations of gender rights and identifity remedial action 3. To develop co-ordinated programme to promote gender equality 4. To initiate interventions for the sustainable development and promotion of gender equality by addressing violations in the social cultural political economic security and human rights dimensions 92 872 5. To collaborate with organs of state civil society and other institutions for the effective development protection promotion and attainment of gender equality Grand Total Vote 8

17 SO 2 – Key drivers of spending
The SO focuses on the protection and promotion of gender rights. Therefore Education and awareness activities are planned Travel, Accommodation, venues and related (R3m) will be used to carry-out targets in the APP COE for officers across line functions will account for 70% of cost in the main program For this SO, 26% (R18m) of the budget is set aside Vote 8

18 Strategic objective 3 Vote 8 SS Direct G&S Salaries Overheads Total
1. To conduct annual reviews and audits of state compliance with obligations under the conventions covenants and charters and to report on a regular basis to Parliament and the Office of the Speaker of Parliament 2. To interact with and present reports to national regional and international bodies on state compliance with conventions covenants and charters acceded to or ratified make recommendations for improvements and monitor implementation Grand Total Vote 8

19 SO 3 – Key drivers of spending
This SO is set to monitor the state compliance to international instruments, in which multi-disciplinary teams are used to research, monitor and develop reports for Parliament and multi-lateral institutions Key activities for 2015 reporting are: CEDAW, MDG & AGDI The expenditure of R14.2 m constitutes 35% of the budget for the main program. This is largely made out of by salaries (personnel time) & travel for research and reporting as well as printing/publications Vote 8

20 Strategic objective 4 Vote 8 SS Direct G&S Salaries Overheads Total
1. To maintain optimal governance and oversight structures and policies between Commissioners and the Secretariate - 2. To develop a financial management strategy that promotes effective efficient and economic utilisation of resources as well as accountability. 3. To develop and maintain an IT infrastructure that supports and promotes the organisational objectives of the CGE 4. To develop and implement comprehensive HR policies procedures and practices 5. Implement an effective communications strategy and policy that promotes and enhances a positive public image of the CGE 93 676 Grand Total Vote 8

21 SO 4 – Key drivers of spending
The Governance, administration and management is anchored on this SO: Commissioners, CEO and Support functions carry out activities to ensure accountability, efficiencies, effectiveness of operations R29.7m or 42% is earmarked for spending under this SO Salaries –R19 m G&S – R10 m Vote 8

22 Challenges PEPUDA mandated never funded
The allocation over the MTEF period and historically is COE intensive (70%) Funding constraints : underfunded operations  Historically funded from savings from vacancies – An average R5m sustained CGE – refer to the Annual Reports of prior period 2013 Budget planning\ \Programme listing pdf Vote 8

23 Funding priorities/pressures within baselines /Strict reprioritisation
Focus on core within the allocation Improve costs controls and access savings from efficiency gains Raise funds from other agencies such as UN to enable effective deliver on the mandate e.g. Projects on CEDAW, AGDI Resolve the funding to execute PEPUDA adequately Investigation of systemic unfair discrimination Monitoring equality courts Litigation on key issues of gender equality Vote 8

24 end Thank you

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