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Facilities, Operations & Maintenance Proposed Budget

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1 Facilities, Operations & Maintenance Proposed Budget 2018-2019
Good evening everyone, I am Anthony Merlini the Director of Facilities, Operations and Maintenance and tonight I will be presenting the Budget for Facilities, Operations and Maintenance along with Enrique Catalan. Joseph Hochreiter - Superintendent of Schools Enrique Catalan - Assistant Superintendent for Business Anthony Merlini, P.E. - Director of School Facilities, Operations, and Maintenance March 12, 2018

2 Budget Cost Drivers Electric (NYPA, Solar, Con Ed) Solar Data
NYPA production costs increased approx. 4% this year. Anticipated overall costs to increase 5.5% in 2018/19. Expended $210,000 to date on Electric costs (NYPA). Utility budget for 2018/19 is approximately $552,200; (Solar-$125,000, NYPA-$367,000, Con Edison $60,000) Since starting power cost reduction initiative (EPC, Cenergistics, Solar, LED retrofits, etc), our power consumption has decreased. Other Districts in the area experiencing a spike in costs Solar Data Five buildings producing solar power. (HS, FGL, BMMS, BV, FW) Solar power accounts for approx. 40% of the District needs. Produced 1,658 MWH since inception (March 2016) Reduced carbon dioxide footprint - Saved approximately $60,000 OLD Utilities are a large part of our maintenance budget. Electricity has already increased slightly as of January 2017 and will continue to increase slightly in cost over the next year. We will need to remind staff to conserve electricity through the Cenergistics program and other cost savings measures that we have implemented over the years (EPC, lighting changes, LED, Solar??, etc.). We have saved approximately 1 million KWH (654,000 KWH as of last yr) to date since we started the cenergistics program in November of 2012 and we dropped15% in KwH used. ************** Electricity – Based on information provided by the NYPA, production cost increased 4.38% in January Transmission and Delivery costs remain the same for now but are expected to increase sometime in 2017 by about 6%. Costs have been rising slightly the past two years. There is also talk of an increase of 8.74% for Final Cost of Service (COS) driven by the increase in operations and maintenance costs and Clean Energy Standard. Solar – kW DC Total Capacity – BMMS – 148.5kW, BV kW, HS kW, FW kW, FGL kW We saved about 21.35% in KwH or 819,016KwH with the EPC when we implemented that program. Total budget – Electric $317,000 next year (NYPA) plus natural gas at $50,000 (ConEd) and $160,000 (SunEdison) – so total is about $527,800 plus $17,200 will come from the transportation budget code for electric. –code

3 Budget Cost Drivers Fuel Oil (State Contract) Propane (State Contract)
Cost per gallon of oil has increased from last winter – last year approximately $1.83/gal this years average $2.25/gal Fuel saving measures implemented; Energy Performance Contract, Cenergistics, weatherization, exterior door replacement, running HS boilers on natural gas. Propane (State Contract) Increase in cost from last year at this time (2/26/18) Budget for propane to remain the same in Natural Gas (ConEdison) Gas usage up from last year with colder winter Gas pricing about the same or slightly lower than last year, expected to increase slightly in 2018/19 Running HS boilers on Natural Gas has saved on fuel oil costs. Cost of fuel oil has increased since last winter. Current pricing is about $2.25 a gallon, the low for the year so far was $1.74with a high of $2.31. When we developed the budget last year we used $2.25/gallon so we are under budget considering our typical fuel usage. The winter started out mild up until the past few weeks and a few weeks mid-winter. With the Energy Education/Cenergistics program we use less fuel to heat the buildings than in prior years. We expect fuel prices to fall slightly and then rise again over the coming year. As always Weather will play a factor in overall savings. Currently running the HS on gas and saved about $30,000 compared to past years. Paying about .XX cents per therm (supply & delivery) as opposed to $X.XX/gallon – costs per million BTU is $XX.XX gas and $XX.XX oil. BTU – British Thermal Unit – amount of heat needed to raise temp of 1 pound of water by 1 degree Fahrenheit. Budget for oil in 2018/2019 is $275,000. which represents a decrease of about $5,000 from last year or a 1.79% decrease in cost. Usage of Oil has gone down with energy saving measures (EPC and Cenergistics) by XX36%XX,. Fuel cost as of 3/9/18 is $2.11/gallon, expect cost to drop and then possibly rise again to around $2.00 a gallon by the end of next winter. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (OLD) With EPC and Siemens our fuel usage dropped by 11%. Since using Cenergistics program our usage has decreased more, it should decrease again and then level off. - EIA projects cost to be around $x.xx/gal next year Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Propane has increased in cost from last year to – Estimate Propane to be $1.75?? next year Natural Gas – cost expected to increase 3% over next year (2018/2019) – budget $60,000 – part of Electricity code. (HS on Gas) Some data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA)

4 Proposed Operations & Maintenance Budget 2018-19
Category Actual Projected Budget $ Change % Change Operation of Plant Non-Instructional Salaries (Custodians/Maint./Office Staff) $2,514,977 $2,570,903 $55,926 2.22% Equipment $108,000 $80,000 ($28,000) -25.93% Contractual Services $120,000 $125,000 $5,000 4.17% Insurance $112,984 $115,469 $2,485 2.20% Maintenance Contracts $85,000 $0 0% Professional Services $70,000 Material & Supplies $270,000 $275,000 1.85% The proposed budget for Operations and Maintenance is presented on the next two slides. The cost of salaries is increased by $55,926 Staff – 43 or FTE, 22 Custodian / Drivers ( FTE), 6 Head Custodians, 3 Senior Custodians, 8 Custodians, 2 Maintenance Mechanics, 1 Director of Facilities (.75FTE), 1 Secretary. Cost of Equipment – goes down – always looking to enhance our operation with the purchase of new equipment. - EQUIPMENT – snowthrowers, scrubber, bobcat attachments, mower attachments, carpet machine, aerator, gator, burnishers, vacuums, utility vehicles, etc. Cost of Maintenance Contracts remains the same, and contractual services (repair work performed by outside contractors) Professional services remains the same Material & Supplies increase of $5,000 or 1.85% – Contractual Services O & M - (Work performed by outside contractors – floors-boiler) – Maintenance Contracts (inspections, maintenance and repair of equipment) – Professional Services (Arch. & Eng. Services & annual inspections) Budget Continued on Next Slide

5 Proposed Operations & Maintenance Budget 2018-19 (continued)
Category Actual Projected Budget $ Change % Change Operation of Plant (cont’d) Oil $280,000 $275,000 ($5,000) -1.79% Electric and Gas (natural) $527,800 $552,209 $24,409 4.62% Municipal/Water $59,000 $0 0% Telephone $58,000 Gas (propane) $20,000 Maintenance of Plant Maintenance Projects $100,000 $105,000 $5,000 5.00% TOTAL $4,325,761 $4,390,581 $64,820 1.50% Most utility costs have decreased with the decrease in oil prices and usage. Overall decrease in budget is $153,228 or -3.54%. Primarily due to decrease in equipment, and oil costs. HS on Gas – oil budget dropped since HS oil moved out. Electric/Gas will increase since HS gas is now in that line item. Decrease in budget for oil about $5,000. Usage of Oil has gone down with energy saving measures (EPC and Cenergistics) by about 30%, fuel costs fluctuate from beginning of winter to end. Fuel cost as of 3/9/18 is $2.11/gallon, expect cost to drop and then possibly rise again to around $2.00 a gallon by the end of next winter. OLD Saw a drop in electrical costs from EPC measures of about 21.35% or 819,000 Kwh. Since the start of the program with Cenergistics we have seen an additional drop in usage of about 654,000 KwH or about $97,000 in cost avoidance, which is a reduction of 15% in our electric usage from November 2012 to February ELECTRIC 2016/ $527,800, we are on track to spend approx. $327,000 (plus ConEd Gas) Production is projected to increase 4% and delivery is expected to increase by about 6% - project electric to be approx. $320,000 next year (NYPA) plus natural gas at $50,000 (ConEd) and $160,000 for solar (sun Edison) for a total of $527,800 – with $17,200 coming from the transportation budget code for electric. – TELEPHONE – additional cell phones and services (i.e. data usage, text, , internet, etc.) PROPANE – project cost to decrease slightly next year – usage stays about the same from year to year MAINTENANCE PROJECT – decrease slightly – Flooring repairs (Carpet / Tile), Security (doors, locks, keys, cameras, shades/blinds, window film/tint, etc.), Painting – wall surfacing, Roof Maintenance/Repairs, Mechanical Repairs (Boilers / Air Conditioning / Refrigeration), Sports Fields, paving, sidewalks, lighting, etc. for a Total of $105,000

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