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Chapter 10 Science Test Notes

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1 Chapter 10 Science Test Notes

2 Successful reproduction is not a cause of a species to go extinct.
Separation is movements of Earth’s plates which can split a population into groups. Scientist draw a branching diagram to show how whales are related to other species.

3 Adaptation helps organisms survive in their environment
Knowledge of genetics did not help Darwin develop his theory. Comparing the structures and DNA of two species sometimes show that species have common ancestors.

4 Speciation can create a new species.
When all the members of a species have died out, the species is extinct. Darwin did not understand the role of genetics in the process of evolution.

5 Scientists’ knowledge of genetic changes was not a source for Darwin’s ideas about evolution.
In Natural Selection, the process of organisms being better adapted to their environment can survive and reproduce more successfully than less well-adapted organisms. Evolution by natural selection is affected by genetic variation and environmental factors.

6 The process by which populations slowly change over time is called evolution.
Separation is what occurs when a population is divided into groups as a result of movements of Earth’s continental plates

7 If an environment changes and the adaptations of a species don’t help it survive, it may become extinct. Scientists compare organisms’ anatomy and DNA to support the theory that species share common ancestors.

8 A spider may produce hundreds of eggs, only a few of which may survive
A spider may produce hundreds of eggs, only a few of which may survive. This is an example of overproduction. Populations with low genetic variation may have trouble becoming adapted to their environment.

9 Take a Two Minute Break

10 Whales possibly inherited hip bones from a four-legged ancestor.
Adaptation can help an organism survive. The fact that an organism’s offspring are not identical to each other is due to inherited variation.

11 A timeline of life indicated by traces or remains of organisms found in Earth’s crust is called the fossil record.

12 Have a Nice Day

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