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Cask of Amontillado Vocabulary

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1 Cask of Amontillado Vocabulary
You will complete work each morning and turn this into my basket on Friday. Do NOT lose your work.

2 Aperture- noun An opening- hole, gap, slit
Name three things that have apertures. Use the word in a simple sentence.

3 Circumscribe- verb To encircle (draw a circle around) To restrict
To determine or define limits What in your life is circumscribed? Use the word in a complex sentence.

4 Connoisseur- noun A person with expert knowledge or training (typically fine arts) A person with expertly informed taste (for wine, fashion, art, etc.) If you could be a connoisseur, what would you be a connoisseur of? Use the word in a compound sentence.

5 Crypt- noun An underground chamber, typically used as a burial place under churches What words would you use to describe a crypt? Use the word in a complex sentence.

6 Distill- verb To separate the essential elements of (breaking something down to a smaller piece/ the heart of) To increase in concentration or purify by distillation Complete this sentence: Distilled to your essence, you are …. Use the word in a compound sentence.

7 Gesticulate- verb To make gestures while speaking (to emphasize); to express by gestures Behind her mothers back, Heidy frantically gesticulated for her brother to stop telling the story. Who do you know that speaks with their hands? Use the word in a simple sentence.

8 Ignoramus- noun An ignorant person (ignorant means lacking knowledge or awareness; uneducated) When James implied that she should like to cook because she is a woman, Amy called him an ignoramus. In what subject or area of life would you be considered an ignoramus? Use the word in a compound sentence.

9 Implore- verb To beg or plead urgently
In desperation, Mandy implored her little brother to loan her the money to go see the movie with her friends. Complete the sentence: Your teachers implore you to… Use the word in a complex sentence.

10 Impunity- noun Exemption or excused from punishment, penalty or harm
After cheating on the exam, Tim thought having impunity would make him happy, but instead he was wracked with guilt. Have you ever received impunity for something you did? If yes, explain. If no, describe a time when someone had impunity, despite their crime. Use the word in a complex sentence.

11 Insufferable- adj Difficult or impossible to endure; intolerable
Insufferably- adv Emmy found the noise of nails on the chalkboard insufferable. What is insufferable to you? Use the word in a simple sentence.

12 Motley- adj Having elements of great variety or incongruity- many colors Noun- the many colored costume of a court jester Marissa wore a motley dress to the prom, so her date wore a multicolored tie to match. What about your life is motely? Use the word in a compound sentence.

13 Perceive- verb To become aware of directly through the senses (especially sight or hearing) To achieve understanding She perceived his presence by the sound of his footsteps. This word comes from two Latin words, ‘ceive’ which means to take, and ‘per’ which means through. When you perceive something, you take it through your senses and into your mind. What is something you currently perceive? Use this verb in a complex sentence, with the dependent clause beginning with “Even though.”

14 Preclude- verb To make impossible by action taken in advance; to exclude or prevent someone from an activity or condition Aaron sought to preclude Ronny from asking Veronica to the dance by telling her what an awful guy he is. What would you like to preclude? Use the word in a compound sentence using a semi-colon (;).

15 Recess- noun A temporary break of activity A remote or secret place
VERB: to place in recess; to create a recess In the dark recesses of Maggie’s mind, a deep fear of failing pulsed and grew. Based on this definition explain why they call it “Recess” in elementary school? Use the word in a simple sentence.

16 Redress- verb To set right; remedy or rectify To make amends
NOUN: satisfaction for wrong or injury Jeremy split his milk all over the classroom, then made redress by cleaning up the mess he made. Is there anything you need to redress in your life? Use the word in a complex sentence.

17 Repose- noun The act of resting or being in a state of rest
Freedom from worry or peace of mind Calmness VERB: to lay oneself down; to lie dead As she walked by the coffin, she saw her grandfather lying in repose and felt dreadfully sad. It comes from the Latin re- (again) + Late Latin pausare (to stop). Explain how we got this word from these roots. Use this word in a compound sentence.

18 Termination- noun The act of terminating (ending)
The end of something in time (conclusion) The end of something in space (the edge or limit) A result or outcome At the termination of his career, the famous athlete was sure he would be inducted to the Hall of Fame. What has been terminated in your life? Use the word in a complex sentence.

19 Vault- noun A room or space (cellar/storeroom) with arched walls and ceiling, typically underground A room or compartment used for the safekeeping of valuables A burial chamber underground Monica hoped that the vault was the safest place to keep her grandmother’s jewels. What would you keep in a vault? Use the word in a simple sentence.

20 Vintage- adj Characterized by excellence, maturity, and enduring appeal; classic Old or outmoded Of the best or most distinctive Susan was thrilled to find a vintage record of the band Nirvana; it must be at least 35 years old! If you could find a vintage item, what would you want it to be and why? Use the word in a compound sentence.

21 Virtuoso- noun A musician with masterly ability, technique, or style
A person with masterly skill or technique in the arts A person with a strong interest in the fine arts, especially antiquities The child was a virtuoso, for he could already play Beethoven’s 5th symphony at the age of 6! If you could be a virtuoso, what would you want to be considered a virtuoso of? Use the word in a complex sentence using the subordinator “That”.

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