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Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

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1 Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
Student Support and Academic Enrichment State Grants (SSAE)

2 Moving North Carolina Forward Through Advocacy

3 Every Student Succeeds Act
Passed with overwhelming bipartisan majorities in the House and the Senate Signed by President Obama in December 2015 Title IV, Part A- Student Support and Academic Enrichment State Grants (SSAE) $1.6 billion Authorized Provided block grants to all states to use as they want Includes spending funds to “support the participation of low- income students in nonprofit competitions related to STEM subjects (such as robotics…competitions)” Districts given flexibility Minimum allocation of $10k per district Moving North Carolina Forward Through Advocacy

4 Appropriations: Student Support and Academic Enrichment State Grants
FY17 Appropriated $400 million of the $1.6 billion Additional flexibility from Congress Different state approaches FY18 (“October 1, 2017”- September 30, 2018) Not passed until March 2018 Result of budget deal increases Parkland impact Appropriated $1.1 million FY19 (begins October 1, 2018) Federal team attempting to maintain funding House bill proposes $1.2 million Moving North Carolina Forward Through Advocacy

5 improving technology in schools
What Is Title IV-A? The new Title IV-A, Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) program: ➢Supports every district with funding for safe and healthy students, well-rounded education, improving technology in schools Moving North Carolina Forward Through Advocacy

6 Title IV-A Basics Block grant by formula to states (based on Title I formula) Block grant by formula from state to every    district (based on Title I formula) A district that receives more than $30,000 must conduct a needs assessment District develops application to submit to state with input from parents, teachers, community stakeholders Application must prioritize high-need schools Districts may collaborate to provide programs     and activities Moving North Carolina Forward Through Advocacy

7 Title IV-A Basics Title IV-A funds must allocate:
➢20% for safe and healthy students ➢20% for well-rounded education ➢60% for other activities, including improving   technology education (15% cap on hardware/software) Moving North Carolina Forward Through Advocacy

8 Safe and Healthy Students
Mental health awareness training, school-based counseling, student safety and violence prevention, professional development for specialized instructional support personnel, nutrition education, physical education, bullying and harassment prevention, and integrated systems of student and family supports. Moving North Carolina Forward Through Advocacy

9 Well-rounded Education
College and career guidance programs, using music and the arts to promote student engagement, STEM and computer science programs, increasing access to accelerated coursework, foreign languages, environmental education, and almost anything else that supports a well-rounded educational experience. Moving North Carolina Forward Through Advocacy

10 Improving Technology in Schools
Educator professional development in the use of technology, building technology infrastructure, using blended learning projects, and providing students in rural communities with resources for digital learning experiences. Moving North Carolina Forward Through Advocacy

11 Any Questions? ]

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