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Warm Up Where did the Revolution of 1848 occur? Who led it & why?

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1 Warm Up Where did the Revolution of 1848 occur? Who led it & why?
The Revolutions of 1848 occurred in Europe against traditional monarchies. It began in France led by the middle classes and workers, and spread to most of Europe and parts of Latin America. Over 50 countries were affected, but with no coordination or cooperation among the revolutionaries in different countries. Within a year, however, thousands were killed and the revolutions collapsed, put down by authorities. Warm Up Where did the Revolution of occur? Who led it & why? What was the result? 1) Europe. 2) Middle class workers. 3) The revolutions were put down and monarchies retained power.

2 All images from wikipedia commons.
© Students of History -

3 Loyalty & devotion to the state with an emphasis on a common history and culture.


5 Made up of independent city-states
Many wanted to return Italy to its past glory Unification might end trade barriers & stimulate the economy

6 Sardinia allies with Britain and France in Crimean War against Russia
Camillo Cavour was the Prime Minister of Piedmont-Sardinia in northern Italy in 1852 Sardinia allies with Britain and France in Crimean War against Russia France next assisted Sardinia against Austria to annex more territory After its role in helping defeat Russia in the Crimean War, Cavour negotiated a secret deal with Napoleon III, who promised aid to Sardinia if it went to war with Austria. A year later, Cavour provoked that war and, with French assistance, was able to defeat Austria and annex the principality of Lombardy. Around the same time, several other northern Italian states overthrew Austrian-backed rulers and joined with Sardinia.

7 Giuseppe Garibaldi led the volunteer Red Shirts in uniting Southern Italy
Sardinian troops link up with the Red Shirts in central Italy – the Papal States Garibaldi then hands power of Naples & Sicily over to King Victor Emmanuel In southern Italy, the nationalist fighter Giuseppe Garibaldi had recruited by 1860 a thousand red-shirted volunteers. Cavour provided him with weapons and the aid of ships to conquer Sicily

8 Victor Emmanuel of Sardinia is crowned the new King of Italy
Venice and Rome later join to make unification complete The province of Venetia was added to Italy in 1866 following the Austro-Prussian War, in which it had formed an alliance with the victorious Prussia. And following the Franco-Prussian War, France was forced to withdraw its troops from Rome.

9 Internal turmoil plagues Italy for years
Development is slow and many Italians leave for opportunities in the Unites States Northern Italy had long been a hub of trade and a center of culture, and its relative wealth stood in stark contrast to the poorer south, where illiterate peasants worked exhausted farmland. The Catholic Church, angry about the loss of the Papal States and Rome, urged its followers not to cooperate with the newly unified Italian government. The constitutional monarchy extended the right to vote to only a small percentage of men. Socialists organized strikes and anarchists (people who want to abolish all government) resorted to violent tactics such as bombings.


11 Made up of independent states like Bavaria & Prussia
After Napoleonic wars, people came to view themselves as one nationality Believed that unification would end tariffs and promote working together

12 Otto von Bismarck becomes Prime Minister of Prussia in 1873
Uses nationalism to appeal to German speakers Realpolitik - all means to achieve and hold power are justified aka “Machiavellian”

13 Wars with Denmark and Austria brought neighboring lands into Prussia
The Franco-Prussian War leads to creation of Germany Following victory over France, King William took the title of Kaiser, or emperor, of unified Germany An example of Bismarck’s realpolitik was the trickery he used to play up nationalist feelings and provoke war with France. After a French ambassador met with King William, Bismarck edited a memo of the account to make it seem like the two had insulted one another. When the “Ems dispatch” was released to the press, public opinion was inflamed and Napoleon III declared war on Prussia, as Bismarck had hoped. Prussia easily defeated France and gained new territory in the Alsace and Lorraine regions. The first Reich, or empire was the Holy Roman Empire. A constitution was adopted that included a two-house legislature.

14 Germany becomes an economic and military powerhouse
Government promotes social reforms and laws to protect workers The industrial strength of a unified Germany became magnified in the late 19th century. It became a leader in industrial development, including in the areas of science and engineering, such as the production of artificial chemicals. Its military continued to expand, eventually threatening to tip Europe’s “balance of power,” and its navy came to rival Great Britain’s vaunted navy.

15 Exit Ticket “The great questions of the day will not be decided by speeches and resolutions of majorities… but by blood and iron.” What do you think Bismarck meant by his quote? Do you agree or disagree with this view of change?

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