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Chapter 6 ET . Finney Weir Giordano, Thomas’ Calculus, Tenth Edition © 2001. Addison Wesley Longman All rights reserved.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 6 ET . Finney Weir Giordano, Thomas’ Calculus, Tenth Edition © 2001. Addison Wesley Longman All rights reserved."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 6 ET . Finney Weir Giordano, Thomas’ Calculus, Tenth Edition © Addison Wesley Longman All rights reserved.

2 Figure 6.1: The graph of y = ln/x and its relation to the function y = 1/x, x > 0. The graph of the logarithm rises above the x-axis as x moves from 1 to the right, and it falls below the axis as x moves from 1 to the left.

3 Figure 6. 2: The graphs of y = ln x and y = ln–1x
Figure 6.2: The graphs of y = ln x and y = ln–1x. The number e is ln –1 1.

4 Figure 6. 6: The growth of the current in the RL circuit in Example 9
Figure 6.6: The growth of the current in the RL circuit in Example 9. I is the current’s steady-state value. The number t = LIR is the time constant of the circuit. The current gets to within 5% of its steady-state value in 3 time constants. (Exercise 33)

5 Figure 6.9: Three steps in the Euler approximation to the solution of the initial value problem y´ = ƒ(x, y), y (x0) = y0. As we take more steps, the errors involved usually accumulate, but not in the exaggerated way shown here.

6 Figure 6.10: The graph of y = 2e x – 1 superimposed on a scatter plot of the Euler approximation shown in Table 6.4. (Example 3)

7 Figure 6. 11: Notice that the value of the solution P = 4454e0
Figure 6.11: Notice that the value of the solution P = 4454e0.017t is when t = 19. (Example 5)

8 Figure 6.12: Solution curves to the logistic population model dP/dt = r (M – P)P.

9 Figure 6.13: A slope field for the logistic differential equation
dP dt = (100 – P)P. (Example 6)

10 Figure 6. 14: Euler approximations of the solution to dP/dt = 0
Figure 6.14: Euler approximations of the solution to dP/dt = 0.001(100 – P)P, P(0) = 10, step size dt = 1.

11 Figure 6.16: The graphs of the six hyperbolic functions.

12 Continued.

13 Continued.

14 Figure 6.17: The graphs of the inverse hyperbolic sine, cosine, and secant of x. Notice the symmetries about the line y = x.

15 Continued.

16 Figure 6.18: The graphs of the inverse hyperbolic tangent, cotangent, and cosecant of x.

17 Continued.

18 Figure 6.20: One of the analogies between hyperbolic and circular functions is revealed by these two diagrams. (Exercise 86)

19 Figure 6.21: In a coordinate system chosen to match H and w in the manner shown, a hanging cable lies along the hyperbolic cosine y = (H/w) cosh (wx/H).

20 Figure 6.22: As discussed in Exercise 87, T = wy in this coordinate system.

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