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Characteristics of Living Things

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1 Characteristics of Living Things
chapter 3

2 The Cell Theory 1. All living things are made of cells
2. Cells are the basic unit of structure and function 3. All cells come from pre-existing cells

3 Life Processes 1. Nutrition - molecules used during respiration to create energy 2. Transportation - movement around a cell 3. Synthesis - smaller molecules are put together to create a larger molecule 4. Respiration - producing energy for cell processes 5. Excretion - removal of waste 6. Regulation - control of all cell processes 7. Reproduction - creation of new organisms

4 Types of Organisms Multicellular Unicellular (Single Celled)

5 Parts of a Cell Nucleus - controls the cell functions
Cell Membrane - controls what goes into and out of the cell Chloroplast - center for photosynthesis in plants Cell Wall - Protects plant cells only Cytoplasm - liquid of the cell, allows movement of molecules Vacuole - stores water and nutrients


7 Organization of Life cell —> tissue —> organ —> system —> organism Species —> Genus —> Kingdom

8 Metamorphosis Complete Metamorphosis Incomplete Metamorphosis

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