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US History-Age of Jackson

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1 US History-Age of Jackson
US History Unit 6

2 Election of 1824 (“Corrupt Bargin”)
Andrew Jackson vs. John Quincy Adams Jackson won 51% of the popular votes but not a majority of the electoral college. The vote went to the House of representatives. Henry clay was in 4th place and gave his vote to Adams. Adams appointed Clay as secretary of state. Jackson believed he lost his job due to a corrupt Bargen between Clay and Adams.

3 Why Andrew Jackson won the election.
The election of Andrew Jackson is often seen as a turning point in the political history of the United States. The expansion of suffrage to all white males and the view of Jackson as the candidate of the common man marked a departure from some of the more elitist views of the earlier founding fathers. The expansion of suffrage will be a common theme throughout this course and in high school as various other groups including women and African-Americans work to gain the right to vote.

4 Beginning of the Modern Democratic Party
Jackson is first president elected after expansion of voting rights allowed people to vote who didn’t own property Introduced spoils system- Jackson rewarded his supporters with political jobs (even if they were unqualified) Vetoed the National Bank Jacksonian Democracy – majority rules; rise of the common people; increased power of the president Modern Democratic Party – Jackson was the leader of the Democratic Party

5 National Bank A large portion of national currency was placed into the National bank. Jackson believed the bank was unconstitutional & favored the wealthy, not a majority of the American populous. When the bank charter came up for a vote, it was passed by congress but vetoed by Jackson.

6 Jackson Native American Policies
Jackson defied Marshall Supreme Court’s decision to stop Georgia’s removal of the Cherokee Indians from land in Georgia (Worchester v. Georgia). Trail of Tears – forced removal of Cherokee Indians from native lands to Indian Territory west of the Mississippi

7 Nullification Crisis In 1828 Tariff of Abominations is passed. In response to South’s anger, Congress passed a lower but still protective tariff. Outraged South Carolinians, led by Senator John C. Calhoun, declared the federal tariff null and void within its borders. Delegates to a special convention urged the state legislature to take military action and to secede from the union if the federal government demanded the customs duties. Jackson passes Force Bill and threatens to use military force on South Carolina.

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