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Computer Science Discoveries

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1 Computer Science Discoveries
Kammie Dill This course is designed to introduce computer programming concepts. We will cover topics such as programming, physical computing, and the importance data when solving problems. Students will be inspired as they build their own games, apps, and work with physical computing devices. This course empowers students to engage with computer science as a medium for creativity, communication, problem solving, and fun. Planning 9:00 – 10;00 2nd Period 10:04 – 10:56 3rd Period 11:00 – 11:52 4th Period 12:20 – 1:12 1:16 – 2:08 6th Period 2:12 – 3:04 7th Period 3:08 – 4:00 UNIT 3: Animations and Games UNIT 4: The Design Process UNIT 5: Data and Society UNIT 6: Physical Computing STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO: Follow all school rules Listen and follow directions Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat Respect your classmates, your teacher, and classroom equipment Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself Classwork/Projects: points Assessments: 100 points Cell Phones: Cell phone use will not be allowed. If a student has their phone out at any time between the start and end of class, the student loses their phone for the rest of the class. The student will be asked to put their phone in the cell phone holder at the front of the classroom. They should choose the numbered pocket that matches their workstation number.  Each student is responsible for their cell phone. The school system assumes no responsibility for personal technology devices brought to school. Folder or Binder (can be shared with other classes) Pen or Pencil Earbuds ©TheColorThief_TPT

2 The use of school computers, networks, and the internet, is a privilege, not a right for students.
Students must comply with the requirements listed below: Computers are to be used for school-related purposes only. Students should not intentionally or negligently damage computers. Students should not download software onto any school computer. Students are not allowed to play games on the computer at any point during class time. Failure to adhere to these requirements will result in disciplinary action, including revocation of user privileges. Students who repeatedly misuse the computers will be given an office referral. LATE WORK: Late work will result in reduced credit. An assignment is considered late if it is not turned in by the end of class on the day it is due. After that, assignments may be turned in until the end of the unit for a maximum of 75% credit. After the unit is complete, assignments for that unit will no longer be accepted. ABSENTEE POLICY: If you are absent, you should make arrangements with the teacher regarding a reasonable timeline for completing any missed assignments. It is the student’s responsibility to inquire about, complete, and return missed assignments. TARDY: If you are not in the room when the tardy bell rings, you are considered tardy. If you have a pass, quietly hand it to the teacher. If you do not have a pass, a tardy will be recorded and sent to an administrator who will then determine whether or not to excuse the tardy. FOOD AND DRINKS: Students are only allowed to have water in a sealable container in the classroom. No food is allowed. ENTERING THE CLASSROOM: Enter the room quietly and go directly to your assigned seat. Always read the board to find out what we will be doing each day. Begin working on the daily bell ringer activity. LEAVING THE CLASSROOM: If you leave the classroom for any reason, sign out on the sign out sheet located near the door. Put your name, date, where you are going, and time out. When you return, put the time you returned to class. Only one student at a time is allowed to go to the restroom. At the end of class, make sure to log out of the computer and clean your area before leaving the classroom. TURNING IN WORK: Some assignments will be paper and some will be digital. Paper assignments: ALWAYS put your name on your paper. Place your work in your class bin at the front of the classroom. Digital assignments: Digital assignments will be turned in online through Canvas. ©TheColorThief_TPT We will primarily be using for all of our assignments. Additional assignments will be posted to Canvas. Please see the Harris Road website for information on how to access Canvas.

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