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Plan Calendar: Colonoscopy Split Preparation

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1 Plan Calendar: Colonoscopy Split Preparation
7 Days Before Procedure 3 Days Before Procedure 2 Days Before Procedure 1 Days Before Procedure Day of Procedure After Procedure Date: Review your prep instructions carefully. If for any reason you need to cancel or reschedule your procedure, please call the office at (717) Stop taking: Iron All vitamins All supplements (fiber and herbal) Fiber supplements (such as Metamucil; Citrucel; Fibercon; BeneFiber) Confirm plans with your driver to take you to and from your procedure appointment. Make sure you have all your prep supplies (Please see Grocery List – Required Items). Review and plan dietary needs for next 3 days. BEGIN: Low fiber diet (Please see Low Fiber Diet Document). STOP EATING: Popcorn Corn Beans Nuts / Seeds Fruits with skin or seeds Tomatoes Okra Celery Salads Potato Skins Raw/Uncooked Vegetables Continue low fiber diet. At midnight, stop eating solid foods until after your procedure. No solid foods allowed. Start clear liquid diet (Please see Clear Liquid Diet Document). Be sure to drink an extra 12 glasses (8-10 ounces each) of clear liquids throughout the day. At 4:00 PM, take 2 Bisacodyl tablets. Mix and chill the prep mixture (Please see Colonoscopy Split Preparation Directions Document). At 6:00 PM, start drinking the prep mixture. Continue to drink one glass every minutes until half the mixture is left. (4 glasses over 1 hour). It is normal to experience bloating, nausea and abdominal discomfort. If this happens, slow down or stop drinking mixture for 30 minutes, and then restart drinking. Continue clear liquids until you go to bed. 6 hours before your procedure time, begin drinking the remaining prep mixture. Continue drinking 1 glass every minutes until the entire mixture is gone (4 glasses over 1 hour). 4 hours before your procedure time, do not have anything by mouth (including water, gum, hard candy, and chewing tobacco). Wear loose comfortable clothes. Only light make-up should be worn; NO perfume or cologne. Leave jewelry and valuables at home. Bring your eyeglass case, contact lens container and denture cup, if you have any of these. Follow Discharge Instructions given to you at time of discharge. Resume a regular diet as tolerated. Plan to rest. Due to the anesthetic being in your system for 24 hours: Do not make any important decisions. Do not drive. Do not use dangerous machinery. Do not drink alcohol.

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