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Joe Rizo EDCI 6304 Summer II UTB

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1 Joe Rizo EDCI 6304 Summer II UTB
Hermann Ebbinghaus Joe Rizo EDCI 6304 Summer II UTB

2 Hermann Ebbinghaus Born 1995 Little known about youth Raised Lutheran
Studied at the University of Bonn Doctorate at age 23 Philosophy

3 Ebbinghaus Dynamic Humor Not afraid to publish diverse opinions
Offered a job at Cornell

4 Accomplishments Started a psychological Labrotory X2
Started a psychological journal Memory: A contribution to experimental psychology Grundzüge der Psychologie. Psychology an elementary textbook

5 Contributions Systematic process Memory Learning curve
Forgetting curve Overlearning Serial position curve

6 Works cited Works Cited
Ebbinghaus, Hermann. (1968). Retrieved August 7, 2012, from International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences: Gale (Ed.). (1998). Hermann Ebbinghaus. Retrieved August 7, 2012, from Encyclopedia of World Biography: Human Memory Herman Ebbinghaus. (n.d.). Retrieved aug 6, 2012, from Plucker, J. A. (2003). Human intelligence: Historical influences, current controversies, teaching resources. Retrieved qugust 6, 2012, from Sarris, V. (2010, april). Relational psychophysics: Messages from Ebbinghaus' and Wertheimer's work. Philosophical Psychology. doi: / Sweet Briar College. (2009, September 16). The Life and Contributions of Hermann Ebbinghaus. Retrieved aug 5, 2012, from

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