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Quality of Land Administration and Land Governance Systems in Belarus

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1 Quality of Land Administration and Land Governance Systems in Belarus
Shavrov S.А. , International Conference “Mass Registration and Mass appraisal of Immovable Property”, December 2016, Minsk

2 Events in November, 2016 Conducting Land Reform – Challenges and Best Practices / Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership in co-operation with the European Commission, Tartu, Estonia/ The seminar focused on land reform and best practices of the Eastern Partnership countries and European Union. Symposium 2016: Land Consolidation and Readjustment for sustainable development / Apeldoorn, Netherland UNECE WPLA workshop “State and market: Cadasters and Property Rights Registries. The need for smart interaction to better serve citizens and public administrations” // UNECE, Colegio de Registradores de la Propiedad, Mercantiles y de Bienes Muebles de España, Madrid, Spain

3 Events in November, 2016 15 International Conference “Development of Informatization and State system for science-technical information / Minsk, State Committee for Science, National Academy of Science, Minsk Belarus Forum “Digital Construction: Investor-construction project management : from BIM to ERP / BSU, Autodesk, Softline, Trace Air, Minsk

4 What have happened: Digital Transformation and Digital Economy
New Land Reform Model Land Administration: not only right defense but + support of high quality LG Land Governance Monitoring

5 FAO Land Reform Conception
Quality Land Distribution Land Consolidation Land Readjustment GLTN / PILaR Land Reform Land Administration WB / DoingBussiness Land Governance WB / LGAF REM WPLA / Principles

6 Now LG=F(New Tools and Technologies) Digital Transformation, Digital Economy
E-Government and e-services Geomonitoring based on multilevel Remote Sensing / The administrative inspection on the basis of Earth remote sensing data Multilevel Administrative Electronic Reglaments based on cloud NSDI and Corporative Municipal GIS (Geospatial platforms) Cloud computing M- Government BIM and ERP system Participatory Business Processes and Social Accountabiliry Social media and networks Crowdsoursing Big data Technologies are available and can speed up the implementation

7 2016 Новая Зеландия Литва Грузия Руанда Беларусь 6. Эстония
7. Словакия 8. Киргизстан 9. РФ 10. Швеция 2016


9 David Egiashvili Ph.D. Senior Consultant

10 Directions LG Development - ?
LG in Belarus: {i1, i2, i3, …} LGAF – ??? {∆i1, ∆i2, ∆ i3, …} LGAF – ??? I (LG Social Accountably& LG Participatory) – ??? I (LG transparency) – ??? I (LG digital transformation) – ??? LG monitoring – no Directions LG Development - ?

11 The project purpose: An estimation of land governance quality in Belarus Working out on this basis recommendations directed on processes for territories administration improvement. Proposal development for enhancement of LGAG and DoingBussiness methodology with follow-up of digital transformation of economy

12 Project Activities Evaluation {i1, i2, i3, …} LGAF in Belarus
Case study Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine, Croatia , Moldova, {i1, i2, i3, …} LGAF Belarus LG development focus determination Development of recommendation for LGAF and DoingBussiness {I1, i2, i3, …} improvement Proposals to WB, FIG (Commission 7), FAO, WPLA to discuss LGAF and DoingBussiness {I1, i2, i3, …} improvements Startup project for LG quality monitoring system in Belarus

13 Output: The project will promote: Project Sustainable:
To gross national product growth To market economy reforms To local government development To protection and support of public interests To public dialogue concerning perfection of use of the basic resource of the state. Project Sustainable: Results of the project have long-term influence on national economy development.

14 Partners Land Reform Association, Belarus experts and Belarus Universities International Organizations: WB, WPLA UNECE, FIG, FAO Partners from countries that fulfilled LGAF evaluation Partners from European NLS organizations Papuna Ugrehelidze, NAPR, Georgia

15 Budget USD Duration 1 year

16 Спасибо за внимание

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