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Dusty decided that the best place to find information about storks was at the library so, the next day he went off to the library to make some notes……

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1 Dusty decided that the best place to find information about storks was at the library so, the next day he went off to the library to make some notes…… SAMPLE SLIDE Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show

2 An adult stork needs to be able to fly very long distances because it migrates.
SAMPLE SLIDE migrate: to travel to a different place, usually when the season changes They fly with their necks stretched forward and their legs stretched out behind them. Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show

3 SAMPLE SLIDE Dusty was happy with his notes.
Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show

4 He knew that it was very important to explain things step by step
He knew that it was very important to explain things step by step. Pod had told him that it was called explaining things in a logical order but Dusty just thought of it as steps. He imagined going on, step by step, until he had finished his explanation and everyone understood. SAMPLE SLIDE Dusty adult chick egg chick adult egg Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show

5 Dusty read his explanation through again to make sure it made sense, then he gave it to Pod to see if Pod thought it was ready to send to his robot friends. I wonder what Pod said…………… Pod SAMPLE SLIDE Dusty Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show

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