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Learning Map for Year 5 : Autumn 2017

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1 Learning Map for Year 5 : Autumn 2017
Please encourage your child to read each day Learning Map for Year 5 : Autumn 2017 Poetry work based on poetry anthology ‘Cosmic Disco’. Character study and newspaper reports linked to topic based book. Creating play scripts for class assembly. Non-chronological reports and story writing based on ‘How to Train Your Dragon’. Autumn 1 Creating a web page – linked to Tudor Topic. Place Value, including decimal numbers. Formal written methods for +, -, x and ÷. Simplifying fractions and finding equivalent fractions. Measuring and identifying angles. Converting between 12 and 24 hour clock. Autumn 2 3D modelling linked to DT work. Maths Literacy ICT Terrible Tudors & Vicious Vikings Dance – linked to Tudor Theme. Games - ball games: attacking and defending skills, including tag rugby. Swimming (Autumn 2) PE Theme Autumn 1 The Tudors – Local History Study. Tudor Royals; Life in Tudor Times; Tudor Homes. PSHE Autumn 2 The Vikings – Who were the Vikings? Mythology. What are they known for? RE SEAL – New Beginnings. Creating a class charter. How to cope with challenging situations. Identifying what makes a positive environment. Pilgrimage. Jesus – Miracles. Which people do we remember at Christmas?. Art & DT Science Portraits – linked to Tudor Topic: sketching, colour mixing, combining different materials. Autumn 1 - Earth & Beyond. Autumn 2 - Properties of materials. French DT – Viking boats. Greetings and describing ourselves. Talking about school.

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