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Public Service Delivery in RA V
RA V-17-Doc 3.2(4) and INF 3.2(4) Public Service Delivery in RA V Impact based Forecast and Warning Services – key points for consideration Dr. Xu Tang, D/WDS Monday 15th October 2018
Contributions of RA V and the SSD / PWS Programme to Goal 1 of the Draft WMO SP 2020-2023
Impact-Based Forecasting and Risk-Based Warning Draft Decision 3.2(4)/1 (RA V-17) Standard Interfaces for Accessing Data and Services for Public Service Delivery (relevant for common platform for GDPFS and GMAS) Draft Decision 3.2(4)/2 (RA V-17) Integrated health and urban services: Need for weather, climate and hydrological services tailored to the health sector and to (mega)cities Draft Decision 3.2(4)/3 (RA V-17) Enhancing International Exchange of Weather Forecasts and Warnings (CAP Implementation, prerequisite for GMAS) Draft Decision 3.2(4)/4 (RA V-17) Energy: Efficient operation of utility sectors, as well as for the generation of renewable energies such as hydro-, wind and solar power Land Transportation: fit-for-purpose services for road and rail This slide summarizes key contributions of the WMO Strategy for Service Delivery, facilitated by the PWS Programme, to Goal 1 of the Draft WMO Strategic Plan It also points to the relevant draft decisions for RA V-17 to be discussed at the Session next week, such as IBF, SI, Health/Urban services, prerequisite for GMAS, Energy, Land transport.
One of the components of the WMO Service Delivery Strategy is the enhancement of the international exchange of weather forecasts and warnings, using standardized formats such as the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) to ensure all stakeholders are reached with the best information in a timely and unambiguous manner. This map shows the implementation of CAP around the world (status ca. 2016). You can find that some of areas are lack of implementing this common standard approach.
Draft Decision 3.2(4)/1 (RA V-17) IMPACT-BASED FORECAST AND WARNING SERVICES Background/Key Points
RA V (South-West Pacific) may decide: (1) To task the Working Group on Weather Services (WG-WXS) with the function of enhancing capacities of Members to provide impact-based forecast and warning services (IBFWS), following the WMO Guidelines on Multi-hazard Impact-based Forecast and Warning Services (WMO-No. 1150), in order to enable impact-based decision support services to the disaster community and to relevant social and economic sectors; (2) To support the organization of the Region V WMO IBFWS Workshop (Solomon Islands, February 2019, tentatively), with the aim of providing training and tools to RA V Members on how to implement IBFWS, share best practices and establish a pilot project in one country in the Region; (follow up to Decision 4, EC-69)
Draft Decision 3.2(4)/1 (RA V-17) IMPACT-BASED FORECAST AND WARNING SERVICES Background/Key Points
(3) To participate at the planned WMO Global Symposium on IBFWS in 2019 (venue to be decided), and to actively share IBFWS implementation practices of RA V; (follow-up to Decision 12, EC-70) (4) To collect and collate requirements for impact-based services for polar regions and high mountain areas; (as requested by EC-PHORS-8) (5) To initiate efforts towards building capacities of the NMHSs to assess and demonstrate their socio-economic benefits (SEBs), following the guidance provided in the WMO publication Valuing Weather and Climate: Economic assessment of Meteorological and Hydrological Services (WMO-No. 1153) while applying the principles of the WMO Strategy for Service Delivery and its Implementation Plan (WMO-No. 1129).
Planned WMO Global Symposium on IBFWS in late 2019
To collect, exchange and leverag Members’ experiences who have developed or are in the process of developing IBFWS, together with the experiences/perspectives of their users. Examples of best practices to be published as an adjunct to the WMO Guidelines on Multi-hazard Impact-based Forecast and Warning Services (WMO No. 1150). Inputs based on: RA II Regional Workshop on Impact-based forecasts (Seoul, Republic of Korea 7-9 Nov., 2017) RA III Capacity Building Workshop on IBFWS and CAP (Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sept. 2018). Second RA II Regional Workshop on Impact-based forecasts (Republic of Korea, TBD-2018) In response to Decision 4 (EC-69); and as requested by the CBS Management Group (CBS-MG 2018).
Draft Decision 3.2(4)/2 (RA V-17) STANDARD INTERFACES FOR ACCESSING DATA AND SERVICES FOR PUBLIC SERVICE DELIVERY (Background) EC-70 requested through Decision 11 the establishment of standard interfaces (SI) (e.g. protocols or Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)) for accessing data and services for public service delivery, as expressed in the Common Interface for Service Delivery (CISD) concept paper, and gathering of the related user requirements be progressed by CBS as part of the seamless GDPFS implementation. The purpose of the SI is to: To fulfil users needs to access aggregated “best possible” weather and climate information in a seamless manner across geographical boundaries with attribution of NMHSs as providers. To provides an insight on a technical framework/approach aimed at gathering and aggregating weather information from a wide variety of sources at different levels of technical sophistication including from Private Sectors. It does follow the Decision 40 (EC-69) and as requested by CBS Management Group (CBS-MG 2018).
Draft Decision 3.2(4)/2 (RA V-17) STANDARD INTERFACES FOR ACCESSING DATA AND SERVICES FOR PUBLIC SERVICE DELIVERY RA V (South-West Pacific) may decide: (1) To task the Working Group on Weather Services (WG-WXS) to consider service delivery needs of RA V with a view to develop standard interfaces (e.g. protocols or Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)) to facilitate easy access of data and services for public service delivery; (2) To provide expertise and to share knowledge and requirements in the area of developing standard interfaces and to be open to provide experts to serve in any mechanism that Commission for Basic Systems (CBS) may form for this purpose; (3) To share best practices on the development and implementation of web-service interfaces for accessing weather and climate information;
RA V-17/INF. 3.2(4) provides more information on the outline for the “Guidelines for the Development of an integrated Operational Platform to Meet Urban Service Delivery Needs” as approved by EC-70. Decision 7 (EC-70) “Integrated Urban services”: in which EC endorsed the methodology for building integrated urban services developed as Part I of the draft “Guide for Integrated Urban Weather, Environment and Climate Services” and the outline for the “Guidelines for the Development of an Integrated Operational Platform to Meet Urban Service Delivery Needs” being developed as per Decision 41 (EC-69) under the leadership of the Commission of Atmospheric Sciences (CAS) and CBS by an inter-programme working group;
RA V may decide: (1) To task the Working Group on Weather Services (WG-WXS) to focus on developing urban integrated hydrometeorological, climate and environment services for hazards such as heavy rain, strong winds and extreme heat and their cascading impacts including flooding, storm surges, landslides and heat waves for improved decision making by Disaster Management and Civil Protection Authorities (DMCPAs) and other sectors including energy and health sectors; (follow-up to Decision 7 (EC-70) “Integrated Urban services”) (2) To support the development of the “Guide for Integrated Urban Weather, Environment and Climate Services” and especially Part II of the Guide, namely “Guidelines for the Development of an integrated Operational Platform to Meet Urban Service Delivery Needs” by contributing examples of good practices from RA V, and by providing feedback on the draft of the Guide; (follow-up to Decision 7 (EC-70) “Integrated Urban services”)
EC-70 through its Resolution 3 “Integrated Health services” requested:
to focus on strengthening capacities of NMHSs to engage with the health community to collect and share health related data and serve the health sector through impact-based forecast health services, and to provide guidance materials for use by NMHSs in improving service delivery in the area of health. EC also requested such an approach to link to the implementation of the WMO Strategy for Service Delivery, to be advised by CCl, CBS, and other relevant technical commissions (or their future equivalent mechanism).
(3) EC also requested to focus on strengthening capacities for NMHSs to engage with the health community in providing impact-based forecast health services, and to particularly develop services to combat diseases that are weather and climate related and of concern to RA V, such as dengue fever in improving service delivery in the area of health. (Resolution 3 (EC-70) “Integrated Health services” )
Decisions of Cg International exchange of public forecasts and warnings. See decisions extracts below: urged all Members to support the further development of WWIS; encouraged further improvement SWIC website; Requested members to keep the “International Register of Alerting Authorities”, updated; encouraged Members to take advantage of the WMO CAP Jump-Start Offer for training and assistance in implementing the CAP standard These initiatives underpin the WMO GMAS, which is currently under development.
RA V may request Members to enhance their participation in the mechanisms and standards approved by Congress for international exchange of weather forecasts and warnings and specifically to: (1) Adopt and operationalize the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) standard for coding alerts, including provision of warning feeds to the Filtered Alert Hub (prototype for the WMO Alert Hub) , the WMO Widget for Live Feed of Alerts/Warnings issued by WMO Members, and the Severe Weather Information Centre (SWIC) Website ; (2) Nominate national editors to edit, and keep updated, the WMO Register of Alerting Authorities of their national register pages; (3) Join the World Weather Information Service (WWIS) initiative, provide city forecasts for at least 5 days and increase the number of cities for which they provide climate and forecast information thus increasing the utility of WWIS.
Severe Weather Information Centre (SWIC) and World Weather Information System (WWIS) being revamped to form the initial core component of GMAS
In cooperation with other components of the proposed GMAS such as MeteoAlarm system in Europe, MeteoAlert system in Russian Federation, GMAS Asia (GMAS-A), etc
Work in the pipeline Tropical Cyclone
Thank you Malo
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