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Daily Goals Content Literacy Social.

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Presentation on theme: "Daily Goals Content Literacy Social."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daily Goals Content Literacy Social

2 Constitutional Principles (p.15)
Popular Sovereignty – a government where people rule by voting. The people decided what government rules them.

3 Constitutional Principles (p.15)
Separation of Powers– the separation of government into three branches. Legislative Judicial Executive

4 Constitutional Principles (p.15)
Checks and Balances– the system where each branch of government prevents or checks the other branches from becoming too powerful. 3 branches limit each other’s power (checks) 3 branches share powers (balances)

5 Constitutional Principles (p.15)
Federalism– the division of power between Federal (national) and State governments. The federal and the state government share and compete for power, just like the branches of the federal government.

6 Why do we need federalism?
Sharing power between the federal and state governments allows each to function efficiently without too much responsibility.

7 Why do we need federalism?
Gives both states and federal government a “check” on one another to stop each from overstepping boundaries.

8 Why do we need federalism?
Let’s each group know what they are allowed to do (and what they aren’t!)

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